During the all-hands call on January 15, Spanish Army Chief Warrant Officer Raúl Á. Villanueva was announced as NATO Joint Warfare Centre's (JWC) Military Member of the Year (MMOY) 2024. Chief Warrant Officer Villanueva received the prestigious award from Major General Ruprecht von Butler, Commander JWC. Major General von Butler thanked Chief Warrant Officer Villanueva for his dedication and outstanding work for the JWC, serving as a member of the Real Life Support Branch under the Support Directorate. “Receiving this recognition is not only a great source of pride for me, but it is also an acknowledgment for Spain. This award pushes me to improve every day to be worthy of the excellent group of professionals that make up the JWC,” said Chief Warrant Officer Villanueva. He added: “I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the continuous support that the entire Real Life Support team provides. This distinction would not have been possible without them. Together, we make NATO better.” #WeAreNATO Spanish Army