Calling all CMO's. Want to understand the beneficial business applications of behavioural science? Our be-sci guru Dan Bennett debuts his new monthly column in Marketing Week, sharing three steps for thinking like a behavioural scientist. Full article in the link below. “Heart surgeons need to know about the heart. Mechanics need to know about cars. Marketers need to know about humanity, or at least they should, because those marketing departments that have a professional understanding about how humans really work can be more influential and more impactful.” Dan Bennett, Partner & UK Lead, Behavioural Science, Ogilvy Consulting #behaviouralscience #borderlesscreativity
Brilliant Dan Bennett - Strong agree on needing to re-frame and re-think. E.g.: Better loyalty beats a price cut. Doing what actually works beats simply doing what a customer (says they) want. Two great lessons I can get behind: Stop defaulting to discounting; don’t immediately do as the customer asks. Great article
Read the full article here: