Businesses around the world are seeking ways to leverage #AI and gain a competitive edge. The European Parliament is taking steps to regulate this process, with the first approach set to be published in May. This is aimed at managing the impact and potential risks of AI.
The EU is one step closer to formally adopting its Artificial Intelligence Act, the first comprehensive rulebook on AI in the world. Following a special procedure, the final revised text has been deemed approved by the European Parliament. The law is expected to be officially published in May. AI is top of mind for regulators, companies and consumers alike. At FTI Consulting, we know that AI is poised to drive the next wave of value creation. Check out our experts’ insights to effectively transform and grow your organisation while protecting against risks and responding to rapid changes: Reach out to our Brussels experts to learn more about AI policy and its impact on your business Emmanouil Patavos Giulio Vittorio Cervi Andrea Gubitosi #ArtificialIntelligenceAct #AI #AIAct