📚 Talking to Future Pharmacists 📚 Following last year’s good practice, that of engaging with students from the Pharmacy and Chemistry Faculties, #OSMR welcomed, with gratitude, #ANMDMR’s invitation to offer this year’s internship students, including undergraduates from the Medical Engineering Faculty, an overview of the National Medicines Verification System (#NMVS). We were delighted to continue our collaboration with the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (ANMDMR) by sharing our insights with a new group of aspiring pharmacists, further strengthening our partnership and expressing our commitment to offering our support in educating the next generation of healthcare professionals. OSMR would like to thank ANMDMR for this opportunity, and to the students for their enthusiasm and engagement. We look forward to continuing this valuable exchange of knowledge and fostering a deeper understanding of the medicines verification system. #PharmacyEducation #ANMDMR #OSMR #PatientSafety #PharmaceuticalSafety #FuturePharmacists
Great news 👏
Terapia - a SUN Pharma Company
2moFelicitări ANMDMR și OSMR pentru inițiativă, dar și studenților farmaciști și chimiști pentru curiozitatea de a se afla fata în fata cu reprezentanți importanți ai sistemului de sănătate! Cu siguranță studenții au aflat lucruri care nu se predau la cursuri, dar care le pot trezi un interes real pentru o viitoare cariera, măcar pentru unii dintre ei. Bravo!