OSMR - The Romanian Medicines Serialisation Organisation

OSMR - The Romanian Medicines Serialisation Organisation

Fabricația de produse farmaceutice

Bucharest, Romania 579 adepți

Ensuring patient's safety through medicines' safety

Despre noi

The Romanian Medicines Serialisation Organisation (OSMR) is a non-governmental, autonomous, independent, apolitical and non-profit organization, established for the implementation of the European Directive no. 2011/62/EU of June 8th on falsified medicines and the Delegated Regulation 2016/161. The founding members of OSMR are: The Romanian Association of International Medicines Manufacturers, The Association of Generic Medicines Manufacturers, The Association of Pharmaceuticals Distributors and Retailers in Romania, The Association of European Medicines Distributors and The Pharmacists’ College in Romania. The vision of OSMR is to ensure patient safety through medicines safety. Consequently, OSMR is responsible for implementing and managing the National Medicines Verification System (NMVS), a verification platform where all stakeholders, from producer to distributor, pharmacy or hospital, can check the authenticity of medicines by verifying the unique identifier of each product.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Fabricația de produse farmaceutice
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Bucharest, Romania


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