Francisco Velasquez’s Post

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Senior Director, 🌍 Regional Sales Director 📈 specialization 🔬 in Customer Centricity. I am driving service providers’ modernization journey in the 5G era

This article delves into the diverse retirement experiences of Irene and Lawrence, underscoring the significance of self-awareness and adaptability during this life phase. Irene discovered fulfillment post-retirement by harmonizing her life structure with her inner self, immersing herself in art classes, and relishing beach walks. On the contrary, Lawrence grappled with idleness, leading to challenges like excessive drinking and rehabilitation. The authors outline pivotal behaviors crucial for a gratifying retirement, emphasizing self-life alignment, self-awareness, embracing change, and flexibility in the face of the unexpected. Practical exercises are provided to assess life structure, pinpoint core self elements, and envision an optimal future. These insights transcend retirement, equipping individuals with essential tools to navigate diverse life transitions, ultimately enriching their journey and overall satisfaction. #Retire #Retirement

Retire Without Regrets

Retire Without Regrets

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