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Helping Digital & Creative Agencies Measure and Improve Profitability Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker & CEO
How do you agencies scale past the $1M mark? The challenge often isn't just about working harder, it's often about measuring what's happening so you can focus on the "right" things at the right time. In my chat with ⑇ Charles Cormier on the CEO Wisdom Podcast, I shared why we tend to work with agencies who are crossing over the $1M mark, up to those scaling past $20M in revenue. There are several layers of management that get built from $1M to $20M and each requires more sophisticated data and reporting than the last. At the $1M mark, we typically see the founder no longer be able to subsidize mistakes in the business with their time anymore. They need to start being more deliberate about their focus, and creating more accountability with their team around performance. We've focused on publishing content that helps agencies tackle these problems head-on. If you want to hear more about the strategies we use to guide agencies through this growth phase, check out the full episode. I'll leave the link in comments. #AgencyGrowth #ScalingAgencies #BusinessStrategy #Profitability #CEOWisdom #Entrepreneurship #AgencyLife
Such an insightful chat as always. Loved this one.
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Helping Digital & Creative Agencies Measure and Improve Profitability Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker & CEO
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