Xcel Speaking and Consulting, Maxwell Certified Speaker & Coach, Leadership & Organizational Strategist
Mindset matters! While traveling home from the International Maxwell Leadership Conference last weekend, we encountered significant flight delays and problems. Accordingly, we missed our flight and had to deal with the frustration of finding an alternate way home and getting a hotel for another night. However, during this experience I was reminded of a speech given by Deion Sanders the previous day. He spoke on the importance of mindset and not letting a situation ruin your day. He said it's okay to have bad moments but don't let those moments turn into bad days. Prior to making the commitment to grow in my personal development by joining Maxwell Leadership and starting a leadership and professional development company, I likely would not have had the proper mindset to see the travel delay for what it was...a moment. It is important to surround ourselves with like-minded people who share our values and who make us want to be better just by being associated with them. Mindset matters!