Many merchants have difficulty managing more granular shipping charge markups. What’s the best way to solve this problem? Our own Dave Mallett answers this question in the video below, describing how shippers can adjust actual shipping costs based on customer status, shipment value, destination zone, and other factors. Sendflex Technology can make these calculations during the digital storefront quotation process, or during fulfillment. Check out the video to learn more, and get in touch with us to discuss how Sendflex’s Parcel TMS helps you solve today’s most pressing parcel shipping challenges: #shipping #parcelshipping #parcel #ecomm #ecommerce #supplychain #logistics
Customer-specific instructions (including tiered rate markdowns or "free" for loyal customers) is a great way to establish a more one-to-one marketing relationship with clientele.
Nice one Dave Mallett good to see you on vid.
good advice, young man! impressed with how Sendflex keeps expanding, overcoming the REAL challenges in parcel