Work-Life Integration Enthusiast | Inclusive Employee Developer | Tech Nerd | Systems Creator | HR Director
Showing up for your employees can look a thousand different ways, and today I’m proud to share a story about one of our own. Our HR Coordinator, Aleesa Bush, came to me a few weeks ago with an idea regarding back-to-school season. She typically buys back-to-school supplies for employees’ kiddos on her own, but with our company growing, she knew she had to think bigger. I asked her to create a #pitchdeck, and she came back with something truly inspiring. Aleesa proposed allowing our employees to submit their children's needs #anonymously, followed by a company-wide drive where other employees could donate if they wished. She thought she was only presenting to me, but I knew this had the potential for a much larger impact. So, our entire executive leadership team, including the CEO, sat in on her presentation—and they were thrilled. Now, our employees with children are about to receive their care packages, each one beautifully wrapped up with yet another generous employee donation: backpacks for every single student on the list. The employees who donated are overjoyed to give back to their coworkers, even though they don’t know exactly who they’re helping. This initiative has fostered incredible #organizationalcommitment, #employeeengagement, and #satisfaction for both those who gave and those who received, sparking a true sense of #community within our company. And the best part? Every single item in this photo was donated by employees and managers who loved Aleesa’s pitch and wanted to help, meaning it cost the company exactly... $0. You don’t need a massive budget to show up and provide for your employees. Thank you, Aleesa, for using your voice and position to create something that not only supports our employees as individuals but strengthens the fabric of our entire organization. You’ve shown how powerful it can be to turn an idea into action, benefiting both the people and the company as a whole. Brava. You’ve made a real difference. #ThisIsWhyWeDoIt #HR #TotalValueRewards #CommunityAtWork #BackToSchool
This is amazing! Way to think outside the box on a great idea.
This is great!!! You should have told me about it!!!
Congratulations on a great idea and great execution!
Business development for female and non binary entrepreneurs. We provide support, resources, and opportunities for connection in an inclusive space where you are seen, respected, and accepted.
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