Tesla Panels’ Post

TESLA PANELS fabrika, smeštena nadomak evropskih koridora E70 i E75 i autoputa A1, predstavlja pravo logističko čvorište. Bilo da je reč o preuzimanju ili isporuci građevinskih panela, lokacija i saobraćajna infrastruktura su od izuzetne važnosti. Efikasna povezanost omogućava nam da se naši proizvodi brzo i pouzdano izvoze u EU i isporučuju širom Srbije i regiona, uz smanjenje troškova transporta i osiguranje pravovremenosti svake isporuke. Bez obzira na to gde se nalazi vaš projekat, Tesla Paneli stižu na vreme – svaki put. ... TESLA PANELS factory, located near European corridors E70 and E75 and the A1 highway, is a key logistical hub. Whether it's picking up or delivering construction panels, location and transport infrastructure are crucial. Our efficient connectivity allows us to quickly and reliably export our products to the EU and deliver them across Serbia and the region, reducing transport costs and ensuring on-time delivery for every project. No matter where your project is, Tesla Panels delivers – on time, every time. #teslapanels #logositics #arhitektura #gradjevinastvo #architecture #investments #business 

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Sang Cho Park

Dongkuk CM, Europe Office


Great location to serve Serbia and neighboring countries as well.


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