Tessa Roseboom’s Post

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Professor of Early Development and Health - Future Generations Commissioner

Humanity stands on the shoulders of its ancestors. Our world, our societies, democracies, cities, bodies and minds have been formed by the generations before us. Just like the generations before us have shaped the world we live in; we are shaping the world future generations will live in. Therefore, it makes sense to consider how our actions today affect the health and wellbeing of future generations. I am honored to start as first Future Generations Commissioner at AmsterdamUMC and stimulate thinking about the long term. Advocate for the interest of future generations, and translating scientific insights into policies and practice that contribute to the health of current and future generations across Amsterdam UMC and beyond. My new role will be about making connections: connecting our past to our future. Connecting science to society. Connecting policy to practice. Connecting disciplines. But most importantly, connecting people. It will be a learning experience for me, and I look forward to making new connections, and learning from people's experiences. Together we are laying the foundations for the world in which future generations will live.

Tessa Roseboom appointed as Future Generations Commissioner at UMC

Tessa Roseboom appointed as Future Generations Commissioner at UMC


Mariëtte Hoogsteder

senior onderzoeker Jeugd en Gezondheid


Wat een bijzondere nieuwe rol! Gefeliciteerd hiermee Tessa!! Ben heel benieuwd wat je gaat doen en denk en doe graag mee

Jasper Enklaar

Journalist, tekstschrijver, adviseur


Wat interessant, Tessa! Ik zou daar graag een keer wat verder met je over willen doorpraten.

Odette Bovenberg

Structure and wisely using energy. That is what I offer healthcare professionals. Surprising, simpel ways, from very old sources, that support groups to thrive.


Interessant:) ben liefhebber en student van culturen die zeven generaties terug kijken en zeven vooruit bij elk besluit dat wordt genomen. En hoe ze dat deden. Het werk van Paula Underwood is een grote bron van inzichten. Vertel graag wat dat biedt. Interessant? Www.7thgenerationlabs.com

Jeroen Hiemstra

photographer, www.jeroenhiemstra.com


Tessa Roseboom congratulations! I suggest you begin in this new function by looking at what your collegues in the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam are doing in 2024: A ‘big data’ project euphemistically called ‘kansrijke start’, following children and their parents from birth. An abhorrent ‘Big Brother is watching you’ program more suited to dictatorships like China and Russia or the former Soviet Union. All of which is supported by two incompetents in our government: @ss kissing minister Franc Weerwind and Maarten van Ooijen, who do nothing to curtail the almost unlimited powers of the childcare institutions. These institutions have based their business models on keeping many ‘deplorable’ Dutch citizens in check. Instead of truly representing and assisting fragile families, thousands of these families have had their children taken away and put into foster homes instead of being given the support they needed! Fyi: I am not talking about my own family but have seen and felt the unbridled power of the Dutch child’care’ system from the sideline, and me and my sons got out relatively unscathed.

Yvonne Koning

Specialist Ouderengeneeskunde , KADERarts eerstelijn np


Reminds me of the song “ to those who came before me”

Piet van Loon

Orthopedic expertise in non-surgical setting at Proktovar ; Inventor TLI bracing and Zami active sitting


Congratulations. Hope that return of forgotten knowledge to raise children properly towards healthy postures and resilient bodies and minds as was widely teached and implemented also in Netherlands (as Gezondheidsleer) until the "sixties', is part of the mission!


Congratulattions. A well deserved role and wonderful oportunity to create the needed relevant impact. A tough task and wish you and those that accompany you on this journey a great learning experience.

Inge Marit Wielinga-Pols

Auteur “ruziemaken, een hele kunst”, Mediator, Lobbyist kinderrechten en natuur, Kindercoach, voormalig advocaat Nauta Dutilh, rouwbegeleider Eve Foundation, trainer emotionele vaardigheden bij de Belastingdienst.


Wat een geweldig nieuws! Van harte Tessa, deze rol is op jouw lijf geschreven. Precies wat er nu nodig is. Met jouw expertise vanaf de preconceptie, de eerste 1000 Dagen tot aan de lange termijn visie: de volgende generaties. Dat belooft veel goeds.

Marjolein Baghuis

Sustainability strategy & engagement for positive change | Change agent | Board member


What a great role to create and take on!

Ton Baan

MeYouWeDo - voor mensgerichte transities



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