As the first Intelligent Gift Documentation Management Platform, the Givzey team is constantly fielding questions from gift administrators about how they should enter gifts, record pledge fulfillment, or handle specific complex scenarios. We absolutely love that Givzey has come to be known as a top resource for all gift documentation questions.
We recognized that while Givzey delivers the world's most innovative gift documentation software, sometimes members of the nonprofit community need more than tech – sometimes they just need answers that they don't have to go searching for.
In the true nature of being a great partner for the nonprofit sector, we launched Givzey Guidance as a central library that anyone can learn from or ask questions of and expect a fast and direct response for free. We expect to use Givzey Guidance to inform the community we serve so organizations can book gifts with confidence that they align with auditing and financial standards.
Today, we are excited to announce Givzey Guidance - a free, centralized library to help nonprofit professionals with proper gift documentation – no login or signup required. Come ask your gift documentation to Givzey Guidance today!
#nptech #fundraising #philanthropy #nonprofit #nonprofits #giftdocumentation #intelligentgiftdocumentationmanagement
Founder, IMPACT Philanthropic Partners
6moPowerful words! Listen is the key to donor centric fundraising !