Curious about how PIT tags assist in fish identification? Here's a breakdown of the components and process. From the antenna's electromagnetic field to the unique ID codes stored in each tag, learn how this technology helps in tracking and research. For more details, visit our website. #WildlifeResearch #FishTracking #PITTags #pittag #fisheries #research
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💡Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization. It`s about creating something new and improving on what already exists, often to solve problems or meet the customers needs. 💯 Furuno’s fish finder has been recognized as an IEEE Milestone by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for its pioneering role in commercializing fish finders and modernizing the fisheries industry. 🐟In 1949, Furuno introduced the world’s first fish finder (picture), using advanced technology to detect fish and improve catches. This innovation was crucial for the population, spesially after the World War II. Fish finders and sonars and are still important for the fishing industry! 👏Today, fish finders are equipped on almost every fishing vessel in the world! #innovation #technology #Fishfinder
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he plural of "fish" is usually "fish", but "fishes" is also an acceptable plural form. "Fish" is the more common plural and can be used regardless of how many species are present. "Fishes" is often used when referring to more than one species of fish, especially in a scientific context. #englishteacher #englishlearning
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In my #fitforpurpose series, I've lost count, but I think I am on #5. Hot off the press from #NAJFM, Fletcher and colleagues publish a dynamite comparison between survey-grade side-scan equipment and software vs #Lowrance consumer side-scan sonar for Fisheries habitat analysis. Despite higher resolution images with the survey-grade equipment, broad classifications of bottom composition and structure counts (which are most critical for Fisheries habitat work) were almost identical between the devices. Thus, the ROI for the survey-grade equipment didn't measure up in the minds of the researchers. Another win for repurposed consumer sonar and software platforms like #BioBaseMaps to generate useful datasets for Fisheries Research and Management. #Fisheries #Habitat #Software #Sidescan #ConsumerSonar #AFS #Conservation #BottomComposition
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Riparian areas are ecosystems! Austin Davis explains steps to restore ecosystem health through reintroduction of mussels by San Antonio River Authority.
💪 All about MUSSELS! 🌟 Mussels are ecosystem superheroes! The successful reintroduction of these Filter Feeders to The Mission Reach speaks volumes to the work that has been done to restore the San Antonio River and naturalize the urban portion of this extensive waterway! 🎥 Watch as aquatic biologist Austin Davis explains PIT tagging—a method that helps us track which mussels were reintroduced and which ones were born right here in the river! 🔗 Learn more about this incredible success story in our latest write-up: #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioRiver #SanAntonioRiverAuthority #EcosystemRestoration #Wildlife #Nature #Science #EnvironmentalEducation #EnvironmentalScience #OurRiverWay #SafeCleanEnjoyable
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Early detection is crucial in effectively dealing with bull ants, as their colonies multiply and can quickly overrun an area if left unchecked. Proper species identification is also essential, as various bull ants require different control methods. Call Us for Inspection Today! #antcontrol #effectivepestcontrol #pestmanagement #ocgpestcontrolcampbelltown #bullants
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💪 All about MUSSELS! 🌟 Mussels are ecosystem superheroes! The successful reintroduction of these Filter Feeders to The Mission Reach speaks volumes to the work that has been done to restore the San Antonio River and naturalize the urban portion of this extensive waterway! 🎥 Watch as aquatic biologist Austin Davis explains PIT tagging—a method that helps us track which mussels were reintroduced and which ones were born right here in the river! 🔗 Learn more about this incredible success story in our latest write-up: #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioRiver #SanAntonioRiverAuthority #EcosystemRestoration #Wildlife #Nature #Science #EnvironmentalEducation #EnvironmentalScience #OurRiverWay #SafeCleanEnjoyable
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📊 New research led by Global Fishing Watch shows that the integration of remote sensing data—such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR), may help overcome gaps in areas where public automatic identification system (AIS) data is not available. 🌍 This could improve fisheries management in the Mediterranean, where only a portion of the fishing fleet is publicly tracked. ⛴️ The study, published recently in the ICES Journal of Marine Science, used SAR vessel detections and AIS data to predict trawl fishing intensity and distribution of fishing activity to reveal the distribution and intensity of trawl fishing activity not previously publicly tracked. Unlock the full research paper and findings here:
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The first of a series of collaborations with Tommaso Russo Reco lab, Global Fishing Watch, and other Mediterranean experts that we hope will help improve the understanding of Mediterranean fisheries 🐟🎣
📊 New research led by Global Fishing Watch shows that the integration of remote sensing data—such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR), may help overcome gaps in areas where public automatic identification system (AIS) data is not available. 🌍 This could improve fisheries management in the Mediterranean, where only a portion of the fishing fleet is publicly tracked. ⛴️ The study, published recently in the ICES Journal of Marine Science, used SAR vessel detections and AIS data to predict trawl fishing intensity and distribution of fishing activity to reveal the distribution and intensity of trawl fishing activity not previously publicly tracked. Unlock the full research paper and findings here:
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Exciting research from Global Fishing Watch shows how synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can fill gaps where public AIS data is unavailable, like in the Mediterranean. By combining SAR with AIS, the study reveals hidden trawl fishing activity, paving the way for better fisheries management.
📊 New research led by Global Fishing Watch shows that the integration of remote sensing data—such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR), may help overcome gaps in areas where public automatic identification system (AIS) data is not available. 🌍 This could improve fisheries management in the Mediterranean, where only a portion of the fishing fleet is publicly tracked. ⛴️ The study, published recently in the ICES Journal of Marine Science, used SAR vessel detections and AIS data to predict trawl fishing intensity and distribution of fishing activity to reveal the distribution and intensity of trawl fishing activity not previously publicly tracked. Unlock the full research paper and findings here:
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