Congratulations and pob lwc to our collaborator Michael Sheen on launching Welsh National Theatre. Llongyfarchiadau a phob lwc i'n cydweithiwr Michael Sheen ar lansio Welsh National Theatre.
We can't wait to see what new projects are developed with Welsh artists and talent.
Allwn ni ddim aros i weld pa brosiectau newydd sy'n cael eu datblygu gydag artistiaid a thalent Cymreig.
Such positive news! Wonderful for audiences and the arts industry in Wales and beyond. Such hope created through the company's ambition for thrilling storytelling and the opportunities for Welsh artists and practitioners to take centre stage. The possibility of creative collaborations with other organisations ahead too. So exciting.... Huge congratulations to Michael and all involved. Pob lwc!
Here’s the link to sign up for our #ActGreen 3 webinar. The biggest and most comprehensive view yet of audience views on sustainability in cultural organisations.
My review of ‘Theatre in a Post-Truth World: Text, Politics, and Performance’ is now available in the latest edition of Contemporary Theatre Review:
Business Trainer & Public Speaking Coach | Elevating Soft Skills Through Applied Improvisation 🚀 Let's Empower Your Team's Communication, Confidence, and Creativity
One of the many things I've learned from doing improv is tolerance of ambiguity.
If you commit to something, stay interested and curious, and respond as you go. Solve problems, find solutions, connect with people, and create together.
It wasn’t easy to organize all these events, but by using the rules of improvisation such as "Yes, and...", engage, and commit, we will have a pretty interesting July, for which I am grateful. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
Improv is a great tool for everyone, and the skills acquired through Applied Improvisation training will help you develop your team, reach a higher level of cooperation, bond the team, and develop many soft skills. The benefits are countless.
Do you need to strengthen your team in your organization?
I will be happy to help.
🔴 When you live on two different continents, separated by an ocean, it is very demanding to coordinate everything to be able to do something together.
As improvisers, we often pursue our passion rather than money. Sometimes we need to contribute our own funds, and sometimes we are fortunate to receive support from the universe, favorable circumstances, and, above all, people!
Our July with the WePolak project looks great and wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Stavian Cann, Jennifer Estlin (Annoyance Theatre & Bar), Kelly Leonard (The Second City), Joe Bill, Tony Rielage (Theatre Momentum), Piotr Pawłowski (JO! - International Improv Festival), and many others who support us in this demanding but beautiful and creative journey!
Thank you very much for all your support! 🌷
We are very, very grateful! 🙏 See you soon! ⭐
Monika & Jeff#WePolak#WePolakShow#JeffMichalski#MonikaOzdarskaImpro#Impro#Chicago#Warsaw#jofestival#annoyancetheater#secondcitychicago
The award-winning story examines the dynamics of power in the theatre industry, and is one of only two works written by Davids not set specifically in Cape Town, her place of birth.
In our latest video, we debunk some common myths about the iconic National Theatre, Lagos!
Did you know it wasn't actually built by the British? Or that it's the BIGGEST of its kind in Africa?
Like, and follow us for more
🌍🎭 "Europe as a Beautiful Mess" – An Interview with Heidi Wiley 🎭🌍
For 15 years, Heidi Wiley has led the European Theatre Convention, the largest network of publicly funded theatres in Europe.
In this thorough conversation, she discusses the role of theatre in today’s polycrisis world, the fight for artistic freedom, and why collaboration across borders is more important than ever.
📰 Read more about the challenges and future of European theatre here:
Learn more about Serendipity Out and About which takes contemporary theatre away from the formal stage into intimate heritage spaces:
A Guide to Captioning for the Arts, Cultural and Performance Sector in Scotland
Created by Louisa McDaid, an Edinburgh based Theatre Captioner, Live Captioner and Lipspeaker, this comprehensive guide will walk you through every aspect of captioning for the Arts, Cultural and Performance Sector in Scotland.
National Arts Theatre, the DEN of creative performances in the heart of Lagos. I went there with family as a child. I have seen Olu Jacobs, Joke Silva, RMD, Oga Bello, Aluwe, Baba Sala and many actors on stage. There were musical and cultural performances as well, King Sunny Ade, Lijadu sisters and others representing different genre of music and tribes in Nigeria 🇳🇬.
Performer's Rights are hardly discussed in Nigeria 🇳🇬. Most discussion focus on Copyright with little or nothing on related or neighbouring rights. Expressions of Folklore and Performances are regarded as related or neighbouring rights.
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) defines:
'Related rights, also referred to as neighboring rights, protect the legal interests of certain persons and legal entities that contribute to making works available to the public or that produce subject matter which, while not qualifying as works under the copyright systems of all countries, contains sufficient creativity or technical and organizational skill to justify recognition of a copyright-like property right. The law of related rights deems that the productions that result from the activities of such persons and entities merit legal protection as they are related to the protection of works of authorship under copyright. Some laws make clear, however, that the exercise of related rights should leave intact, and in no way affect, the protection of copyright.'
So related rights is an extention of copyright but not copyright. It is a place for performers to seek protection.
The Copyright Act of Nigeria 🇳🇬 2022 has provisions on performance. LIVE PERFORMANCE.
The next assignment will be on performance and it is dedicated to a friend that recently passed on. A huge loss to academia.
Penny James Freelance Communications, Media and PR Consultancy
1moSuch positive news! Wonderful for audiences and the arts industry in Wales and beyond. Such hope created through the company's ambition for thrilling storytelling and the opportunities for Welsh artists and practitioners to take centre stage. The possibility of creative collaborations with other organisations ahead too. So exciting.... Huge congratulations to Michael and all involved. Pob lwc!