10 Days to 40 - Food Prep

10 Days to 40 - Food Prep

Last night I had a last minute thought, as I was listening to a 90's rap playlist that was obviously inspirational, that I wanted to document the next 10 days leading up to when I turn 40.

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I find myself entering 40 with a great deal of peace. As you've probably surmised from the title of this post, this will not be a serious diatribe about all kinds of fancy things I've learned as I head into the next decade, it will be about the harmony I feel with just a skoch more life experience.

First up in this 10 day blog series: FOOD PREP. This post is inspired by a post on Facebook about someone in my peer group wanting to meal prep better, shaming herself for not being disciplined in doing so. In her post, a photo of a woman beaming ear to ear in front of her stacks of food prepped for what looked like 6 months.

In the event you're not interested in reading any further, here is my super quick take on food prep, "..food prep sucks, Ray."

I'm obviously trying to keep this light, but what I really mean is food prep is not for me. And that's okay.

When I first had kids, and for the 10 years that followed, I beat myself up about food prep. I bought bento boxes and press and seal and quinoa in bulk. I literally cried at least twice over food prep. I just knew that everyone else was food prepping like mad and here I was a food prep failure. Yes, I cried over bento boxes and poorly cooked quinoa.

I never got good at food prep. And what I've come to terms with in the last five years; I don't like to food prep, I don't like to eat food that I've prepped a week in advance. I love to cook only when I want, what I want and when I have ample time to do it start to finish. I've learned that my husband loves to cook really great food for our family every day. So why kill myself trying to fit a role that I think I'm supposed to fulfill?!

I've come to realize, my kind of food prep is having a protein shake in the cabinet and giving myself enough time to stop at Dunkin' on the way to work to grab an espresso shot in a large iced coffee cup filled with ice. If I accomplish these things, I have slayed the day. Boom.

Now that you're all terribly enlightened by my food prep prowess or lack thereof, I'll leave you with the real point of this post. Do you like to food prep? Cool, then do that. Are you into food prep because some IG influencer posts copious amounts of videos highlighting his or her food prep genius? Then, don't freaking food prep. Don't do things that don't bring you joy or make you a better person. You don't need to buy $40 bento boxes and prep meals a week in advance for you and your children to be a successful human.

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As I wind down on 39, I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to do things that make my life easier or bring me and my family joy. I'm also comfortable enough to skip the things that don't, and I don't give a rip what anyone thinks about it.

Dan Dunlop

Co-Owner/Principal at Jennings


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