Another Successful Interview With Chef Eldar Kabiri

Another Successful Interview With Chef Eldar Kabiri

1.    Hi Chef, could you tell me about yourself? (Background, education, previous work, what you are doing now for your work and craft, how long you have been cooking for, what some hobbies are, etc)

Very often people ask me what lead me to the gastronomy. My connection to cooking was a matter of survival. I was sleeping in the kitchen since I was 12 years old. It was the end of the soviet times. The situation was very hard. We barely had food variety, and my mother didn’t know how to cook… After she passed away, I had to take care of myself. I was only 14.

Arriving to Israel I had to take care of my meals as well. Most of the kids arrived on time to school, I was always late 10-15min, because my breakfast was a breakslow: it was important for me to eat good, so I prepared my fresh baked pancakes, cut the fruits, made a fresh orange juice. And during my work, after my graduation, I took the longest breaks: I didn’t eat in front of the computers like others do, but I was dedicating my time to eat healthy.

Moving to Paris was a matter to put 1 plus 1 together: I was in the heart of the gastronomy and I understood where I should invest my passion and talent: cooking became my life.

2.    What got you interested in food or pastries? How and when did you know this is what you were going to do now?

I arrived to Paris when I was 21 years old, the most beautiful city in the world (in my opinion) and my culinary journey started there. After my computer engineering studies, I wanted to make a Master, but from the beginning, I saw beautiful colorful macaroons and I got fascinated (and yet I didn't know the right name for it!).

Being in Paris I discovered a whole new world of tastes and ingredients it was such a big difference between food and techniques that we use in central Asia or in the Middle East. The engineering life became to be less interesting, so I subscribed to the famous culinary school Le Cordon Bleu Paris.

3.    If you went to school for culinary arts, do you think it was worth it? If you didn’t go to school, do you think you should have? How did you learn how to cook or bake?

I graduated from two culinary schools in Paris. At Le Cordon Bleu I studied pastry: I wanted to know how to make fresh baked croissants, the famous macaroons, baguettes etc. Studying pastry I got a deep understanding about the precision in kitchen. I believe a good chef has to know all the kitchen skills before choosing to specialize in one.

I did an internship then for 3 months at the restaurant Miniatures in Paris and directly afterwards I started another famous culinary school Ferrandi, to learn French cuisine. This has changed completely all my perception and knowledge about the kitchen. After successfully graduating the school I became a completely different person. I went to do my internship at Porte 12 restaurant, in Paris and stayed there for 6 months. This restaurant was using Asian ideas in French cuisine, which was a good learning about fusion kitchen.

I decided to spend the summer in Brazil and I worked for 3 months with Chef Alex Atala and his restaurant D.O.M., which has 2 Michelin stars. There I discovered the Brazilian ingredients, different ways of cooking, of working in the kitchen. It was such a good experience to be working in this famous restaurant, discovering the Amazonian secrets (açaí, tonka, different peppers, guarana, local fishes, farofa, tucupi (incredible, mystical juice that goes good with fish), manioc...). Now I have a diploma in Brazilian kitchen as well.

Regarding if it worth it or not, I have a series of videos on my YouTube channel where I share my point of view with a colleague from Ferrandi.

To summarize: The Investment was definitely worth it, I learned a lot of new skills, Famous French recipes, how to manage the kitchen, what is the day-by-day life in the restaurant, what is to be the part of the team. I also did some travels with my school to discover local ingredients, visited wine and cheese producers etc. It was very short though very intensive. I had fun and at the same time it was stressful because we had to do service at the school restaurant as well. Everything was completely new to me: the food, the language, the culture etc.

4.    Could you describe what your everyday schedule look like? (From the moment you wake up, until you go to bed; do you do anything routine? Go to the gym, read, meditate, write?)

Now that I am not working in a restaurant, but on my own projects and as a private chef, I have a diversified routine. Every morning I try to go to gym to exercise my abdominal and back, because I have to stand up all day long. I prepare the meals in the house where I work and at the same time I start the “mis en place” to create new recipes. In the afternoon, in my “free time”, I do short tutorials and photos for my social medias. I research about new culinary trends and read cooking books from famous chefs.

5.    How would you describe your food? What do you specialize in? Could you explain how you became attached to this specific style?

I am specialized in French cuisine, but I am influenced by every experience I lived: from restaurants to travels. I like gastronomic food. I describe my food as simple and sophisticated at the same time. I apply the French techniques and molecularly techniques to fresh and local ingredients. One of my passions, which I developed before going to the culinary schools, is the Art of Plating. For me, eating begins with the eyes. I have an Instagram: and Facebook page: where I share my creations. My other passion is traveling: from knowing other countries and other cultures I get my inspiration. I love to buy local products, taste local dishes, learn with people their way of cooking, their techniques. To cook is to exchange experience and knowledge. To work in a restaurant is to work in a team. Food is something that connects people. Connects cultures. When I cook I want to share with people what for me is a pleasure, I want to give them good and new sensations, challenge their palate, make them breath deeply, bring the smile on the face. And, when it is possible, bring back memories, emotions. 

6.    How do you come up with new dishes, what does your creative process look like? Do you have a notebook? Do you just try different things?

The creativity comes from many different aspects: photos of different plates by famous chefs or cooks, visiting and buying fresh ingredients early morning in the market, imagining something that I would like to eat, availability of the product on the market I must say that for me to eat local is to eat good. Eating or working in the restaurants. Sometimes its just arrives to my mind. Like Picasso or Van Gogh can’t explain the paintings they painted, I can’t explain how it is born, I see the dish in my mind and I simply create it on the plate. I have a notebook where I write my recipes and ideas, but I don’t sketch or draw often the food that I imagine – I directly plate on the plate by doing the attempts and I choose the best one. In this notebook there are products that I like from all over the world, especially wines and olive oils.

7.    How did you end up at your current work? Why did you decide to go there instead of anywhere else?

A few weeks ago I finished my internship in Mugaritz (Andoni Luis Aduriz) and I decided to take some break from the restaurant’s life, and to invest a little in my own projects and myself. Knowing that I have really good skills and techniques to cook. I am willing to share my passion for food with the world, yet I don’t have enough capital to invest in my own restaurant for now. So this summer I decided to feature my YouTube channel where I can share with people some techniques and recipes to do good and tasty food at home. On my social medias I have a lot of feedback – people really enjoy what I am doing.

8.    How would you describe yourself in the kitchen?

I am passionate for what I am doing, therefore I never search for short cuts or easy way. I am very précised and organized. I am a hard working person. Working with me is a challenge. I like to be always on time and go, go, go! The dishes I create should be absolutely perfect otherwise they don’t go out from the kitchen. I rarely rest; I am always on action if not cooking then learning something about cooking or creating the recipe, writing the ideas etc.

9.    What are the emotions you feel when working on food? Would you consider yourself an organized chef? Are you extremely focused?

I am very happy doing what I am doing, though extremely focused and fully concentrated in my kitchen the mistakes are not allowed it cost very expensive to correct them. It is a big challenge to me each time I am in the kitchen. The food I share with people is the one I would do for myself. I have a big passion for food, though it is very stressful. I feel very motivated, happy and proud of myself. I have got a talent to cook and its my need and obligation to share it with the world.

10. What were your biggest challenges in your life? How did you overcome them? Are there problems in the kitchen? With the restaurant?

In life there are a lot of challenges, everyday standing on the kitchen and serving your food to people it’s a new challenge. For me, my biggest challenges were when my mother passed away I had to learn to take care of myself at the age 14 as my father had serious problems with alcohol, when I moved to Israel at age 15 I had to learn new language and new culture, then moving to France again restart all from the begging new language new culture, abandoning my life as an engineer to start new career, moving to live in Brazil and doing all over again I suppose this is part of my life, I think we simply getting used to any situation we face in life and this how we overcome our problems.

11. What would you tell people about to go into the food industry? Would you recommend it?

I think firstly I would say you have to be passionate about it, to do really good food only hard work isn’t enough in my opinion. You really have to live it day by day. Of course it is very hard and takes a lot of time and energy, there for I would suggest be patient, strongly believe in your capacities, don’t give up and always be on time its important. To cook good you have firstly to love to eat good, in my opinion one can not be a good cook if he doesn’t love to eat good.

12. Do you have any role models? Who are they and why?

As most of the population, I do have people that inspires me as well, and its all the big chefs like: Daniel Humm, Massimo Bouttura, André Chiang, Andoni Luis Aduriz etc.

Because they do more or less the same style of food that I do and I know that being by their sides I can enrich my knowledge and discover many interesting new techniques.

13. What are your signature dishes? What are they called and how did you come up with them?

I don’t really have a signature dishes, to be honest I don’t really understand this new trend, for me every dish and every creation that I do its important and equal it might be different one from another, but the dish certainly must look and taste good otherwise as I mentioned earlier it wont go out of my kitchen. 

14. Do you have any guilty pleasure foods you like to eat? (This can be like a burger at mcdonalds, chocolate, chips, anything that’s really not that healthy, but tastes amazing to you)

Not really, but Of course like most of the population I like to eat hamburgers, French fries, or chocolate, though knowing the fact that in the industry of fast food the quality isn’t always the best. Therefor when I have a strong will to eat, I just prepare it myself.

15. What are your goals for the future?

My goal for the future is to open my own place where I can truly share my passion for food with the entire world. I also wish to connect the cultures by serving different kind of people my food. Once a few years ago I was asked the same question. And I must mention (even though the answer might be a little bit silly). I dreamed to create the dish that would be so “good” that can cause an orgasm.

16. What dishes do you recommend people to try from you?

I think my strong side is the vegetables I love to work with beautiful, fresh, seasonal vegetables. Therefor I would propose some of my vegetarian dishes. This way it is available to most of the people (carnivores and vegetarians).

And of course my plated desserts they are so different with a lot of different flavors and textures.

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