Building Valid Career Ontologies

Building Valid Career Ontologies

We will be presenting this work at the Third International Workshop on Formal Methods in Artificial Intelligence (FMAI'2020 : and the Third International Conference on Smart Applications and Data Analysis for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SADASC’20 :


From straightforward knowledge management to sophisticated AI models, ontologies have proved great potential in capturing expertise while being particularly apposite to today’s data abundance and digital transformation. AI and data are reshaping a wide range of sectors, in particular, human resources management and talent development, which tend to involve more automation and growing quantities of data. Because they bring implications on workforce and career planning, jobs transparency and equal opportunities, overseeing what fuels AI and analytical models, their quality standards, integrity and correctness becomes an imperative for HR departments aspiring to such systems. Based on the combination of formal methods, namely, the B-method and Colored Petri Nets (CPNs), we present in this work an approach to constructing and validating career ontology graphs with what we will define as B-CPNs.


Ensuring AI applications in HR are used responsibly is an essential prerequisite for their widespread deployment. Seeking to improve human capital management with unreliable technologies would contradict the core mission and could also spark a backlash, given the potentially critical impact on people involved. For technologies that could affect people’s life and well-being, it will be important to have safety mechanisms in place, including compliance with existing specifications and processes. Current HR landscape is characterized by high heterogeneity of models and actors, in an era where careers are constantly reshaped by technological progress. And that is often true even within a same given organization. This highlights the need for systems able to reconcile the heterogeneous HR expertise and processes, all in tracking and making sense of data on employees, candidates, training, etc., including records on skills, capabilities, performance, experiences and payroll. Those are typical issues that HR ontology development looks forward to solving. Indeed, ontology-based ICT systems can serve facilitating optimal candidate/job matching, career guidance and staffing decisions, bringing a better internal and external view on resources and opportunities, while improving wider coordination and exchange of information between HR departments.

Adjusting career plans to the changing nature of work requires indeed a rethinking of the related processes. HR departments need new ways to help people’s careers grow, making them learn and ultimately stay,all regardless of their level, salary or current qualifications. Yet most organizations still rely on pre-set processes and expertise, built on past experience, or based on expert recommendations and advisors’ reports. However, the pace of digital transformation, increasing talent competition and high turnover challenges will push managers to rely more on algorithms and AI models to reveal data-driven career evolution alternatives and guide HR decisions, with cost cutting results and efficacy.

HR management has its own language: jobs are related to skills, education, qualifications, experience, training, responsibilities, compensation, performance, etc., while employees acquire skills, occupy jobs and develop their careers. This language is not only critical to being able to understand organization’s career pathways, but it also influences how computer programs identify those things that data systems track and analyse. How things relate to one another makes its way into programs, into data designs, influences AI training, and ultimately dictates whether the data that HR collects is actually of value to the organization. Ontologies can be used here to model career evolution processes, and in the meantime, facilitate the capturing and exchanging of HR data, such as skills, qualifications, hierarchy level and years of experience required to reach a specific occupation. An ontology is generally intended to act as a standard – sort of common language – forming a set of controlled vocabularies and concepts. Overall, these ontologies bring opportunity to HR teams have control on algorithms and data they use,paving the way to create resilient career planning models, increase productivity, and deliver effective guidance to employees and candidates. HR can thus confidently embrace the digital transformation, expanding the boundaries and reshaping traditional patterns.

Overall, these ontologies bring opportunity to HR teams have control on algorithms and data they use, paving the way to create resilient career planning models, increase productivity, and deliver effective guidance to employees and candidates. HR can thus confidently embrace the digital transformation, expanding the boundaries and reshaping traditional patterns.

What is challenging though with AI applications in HR - in building valid ontologies - is to develop at the same time bias-free, fully consistent and performing predictions models.With the available technological potential, how can AI engineers and data scientists decide on the best development strategy, the one that wipes out the unavoidable AI bias and errors, costs less, takes acceptable time to implement, and delivers the objectives?

Example process of building a career ontology

One approach is to use mathematical formal design and verification. With the recent advance in technology, mostly over the past decades, came actually the first use of mathematical tools to produce safe-by-design automation. But in fact, technology is only one of many reasons that brought mathematics in scope. More broadly, the landscape has changed from the regulation perspective, towards a more demanding safety and quality requirements - including need for certification and accreditation – which puts formal analysis in the core of system and software development for many industries. There are also some basics: using mathematical models means that more of software design and control can be automated, leading to reduced costs. One early interesting example of formal methods’ application was the development of tools able to generate comprehensive test cases from specifications. Another case, more recent, is theorem proving of systems meeting their specification, which proved cost saving and effective in the verification and validation process. In short, formal methods came to apply software based mathematical modeling on systems in order to help demonstrate they meet their specifications, quality and safety properties. Of course, other cases can involve formal methods in many ways, to build a sound understanding of systems’ dynamics and interactions, validate data, generate test cases or reduce the overall development costs.

In short, formal methods came to apply software based mathematical modeling on systems in order to help demonstrate they meet their specifications, quality and safety properties

Our research explores how the combination of Colored Petri Nets and the B-method, particularly for use during the building and validation of a career planning ontology, can contribute to creating automated ontology development frameworks, providing purpose-built solutions to reliably handle algorithms and AI in new HR processes. This paper’s contribution is introducing a sub-class of Petri Nets we called B-CPNs. This new class of CPNs aims to enhance their features with the B-language annotations and B-method verification tools. In considering all these, we discuss in this paper, through a use case addressing the design of a career planning ontology that meets a set of HR rules, how such a sub-class of CPNs integrating Event-B notations, allows the construction and validation of ontology.

Further, deploying and sustaining AI models will require a by-design control with regards to some aspects, in a way that can maintain or improve the models and extract meaningful outputs from them. For this reason, we develop a reinforcement deep learning approach based on the formal validation of ontology derived invariants, using the opportunities offered by interfacing Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) and the B-method. This research aims to consolidate our AI to fit company specifications, making sure there isn’t any bias built in and increasing people’s confidence in AI driven HR management.


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