Carbon Wrap Newsletter - February 2024

Carbon Wrap Newsletter - February 2024

Climate Active Consultation 

With Australia’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water seeking input on the future direction of the Climate Active Program including the concepts of  “carbon neutrality” and “net-zero”, we welcomed the opportunity to make a submission.

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Mandatory climate reporting 

Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures will come into effect for Australia’s largest companies in June this year. These disclosures are designed to mitigate climate risk, and with decarbonising markets, present new opportunities for the business community. 

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Mapping emissions 

Looking to tackle your organisation’s emissions? Pangolin Associates, a Viridios Group company, can work with you on your net zero goals, Science Based Targets (SBT), Embodied Carbon Emissions, carbon offsetting requirements and Climate Active certification. 

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Chile to allow Verra-certified projects 

Chile has joined Colombia and South Africa in allowing Verra-certified projects to participate in their domestic carbon markets. According to Verra, nature-based solutions projects have the greatest potential to satisfy the demand associated with the Chilean carbon market.  

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Australian Carbon Market Report 

Following significant reforms last year to Australia's carbon market, the generic ACCU price has remained strong. Stay across the latest developments in Australia’s carbon market with VAI’s monthly Australian Carbon Market Report.

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Ecosystem restoration

As the world seeks to achieve its climate targets, access to native seed will be critical for restoring wetlands, grasslands and forests at scale. Viridios designs, builds and operates modular seed banks which operate 100% off grid to support ecosystem restoration projects around the world. 

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Offset hard to abate emissions

From mangrove restoration and forest protection to human induced regeneration and seaweed sargassum harvesting, Viridios Capital can provide you with access to a unique range of projects to offset hard to abate emissions.  

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