Combatting distortions to economic growth/climate change.. Urban Renewal.

Combatting distortions to economic growth/climate change.. Urban Renewal.


Adequate investment in urban infrastructure is integral to improving the value of sustainable urbanization and development that is enduring (economic growth, social values, inclusivity, and new thinking through situations) as these times require. As often said, extensive sustainable production which mostly happens in cities, and adjoining suburban areas, and the dissemination of adequate data [disaggregated] for overall monitoring and impact evaluation that is key to the growth of any/everything as regards development; especially all aspects of city management and improvement take a cue from here.

Therefore, mechanisms, key factor considerations, gap analysis, and PERT analysis are to be brought up and forward just as the attached files suggest. Well-planned cities/urban extensions can curb excessive land/energy (resources) consumption... Sustainable urbanization generates inclusive prosperity - Urban areas are accelerators of economic growth. Sustainability = Productivity, best practices include leveraging technologies for environmental best practices and actions (climate action if you may).

Pinpoints: - Create strong multilevel governance frameworks to foster vertical as well as horizontal cooperation between different levels of governance and between states & local governments. These are done by making meaningful metropolitan governance a key component of new urban governance, especially in Nigeria(Africa); - Innovation and technology have always played a multidimensional role in urban areas and that is expected to continue over several more years; - Truly smart cities are people-oriented, so cities should adopt governance systems that can regulate and improve policy capacities across the board to address these shortcomings; - Fostering collaborative network to drive research and development; building capacity to effectively manage, deploy & regulate the use of technology helpfully.

Cities should have ethical frameworks and institutional arrangements for data collection and sharing; these data have to be accurate and extensive. Galvanizing the much-needed incentives from the few developmental best practices with sustainability prunes and cons from here and there. Blended finance can bring about the needed credibility into urban renewal initiatives in the #EMDEs "The leader is a teacher who succeeds without taking credit. And, because credit is not taken, credit is received." - Lao Tzu

It is my view that ESG, sustainability, and climate change require the most effective risk communication skill sets now, seeing how this pandemic has underscored the relationship between the economy and the environment, much more has to be done and with faster approaches employed. Kindly have a view, and we can be of use in areas of common interest. Suggestion from us has helped the federal capital territory of Nigeria to add the needed developmental impetus to better the cities' narratives as regards sustainable development; reducing the failings to the barest . . . . . . - Designing resilient transportation systems; - Resilient communication systems on the needs and requirement of energy efficiency on the subject matter in question; - Meeting city energy demands - Community measures as well as strategic planning to address the most pertinent issues on the issue of energy efficiency and transitioning for sustainable ecosystems across the board.

The above states clearly why Prigem Concepts Limited and partnerships wherever possible might be the most immediate solution to our (the planet) quest for these answers. If some of the provisional advice to the governments of the nations were false, the watchers would have signified so, since that is not the case we would be at best providing more durable situational analysis to better outlooks across the continent of Africa and that is what we have been about for a long time now.

Risk communication is largely misconstrued in the best ways possible. we have championed supreme cases only by pointing the nations of Africa in the direction they should look for 7 years now. However, a few of the closest authorities think that it is an affront until the effects (consequences of inactions) started dropping (cataclysmic) in my view. Having inspired a number of developmental concepts of repute in Africa's most populous nation (stolen intellectual properties). Disasters and risk communication will be the ways to achieve results; more of these skills amongst others will be much easier to learn during the research and fellowship by our staffers at the bank and other interested Development Finance Institutions; these and many others are the metrics to measure development from now. Coherent and very effective plans of action in the related dimensions and decimals.

Energy transitioning should/must be approached more drastically, commendable levels attained but much more can be achieved; we are championing that. Improving the global policy perspective that, in and of itself a goal, and like every reasonable member of the international energy consumption community, we have presented ourselves to further champion a course for a better world/earth post-covid and beyond 2030. Dislocation and a sharp decline in income are some of the most prolific effects of climate change as it may have become increasingly obvious, lives and livelihoods are lost which triggers a lot of challenges (multidimensional poverty, insecurity, inflation, terrorism, etc.,) some of the issues stem from the above stated global misfortunes.

Fiscal deficit and monetary losses are resultant effects of climate change but we would do much more to achieve key result area successes if we are to proceed to become better nations, continents, and the world at peace. Principles in practice, actionable frameworks, and pragmatism by employing practicable solution deployment systems since energy contributes over 60% to GHGs emissions. Energy transitioning to low-carbon and zero-carbon sources are the best practices at present. The time for carbon neutrality and NetZero has not been more appropriate than now. The missing link has almost always been a lack of adequate key performance indicators (KPIs) or KPI- driven total quality management approach to problem-solving on the global front.

Judging from the years gone by where the passion and drive with ample knowledge have consistently improved the developmental discourse on the broad areas of interest both by Africans and other continent nationals; these times have to return and the quicker things get done better with sustainability being the watchword the better the nations will become economically. Fight against poverty has over the years been won and/or lost by adequate planning and preparation for the most unfortunate disasters and incidences. Risk and disaster preparedness make up 60% of what the few prosperous nations left in Europe have thrived upon. Fiscal and monetary responsibility has its yields but the world is a few disasters away from losing the fight against poverty permanently.

Fellowship programs if/when It happens, to be on there will brighten continental chances of doing and being the same or much better than their counterparts from other nations - seeing how much impetus we have added since 2014. Leadership is a trait that must be learned and the quality of impact is very objective it is most needed in the times we live in, against the subjective views attached to it/them nowadays; deliberate measures of global best practices domesticated appropriately. Improved skills most in-demand might be my most immediate goal to bring about development in Africa as well. However, as many reports have pointed out we(Africa) will be the most beneficiary of the adverse effects of climate change; the already poor, excluded Africans will only be made to go through hell. Acute hazards and the vulnerability scale tip favorable towards Africa. More has to be done to better this outlook of disaster in waiting.

The results are already here in conflicts; fiercer conflicts, flooding, desertification, energy, and food insecurity which leads to insecurity due in part to deprivation, inequality, and starvation. Improved failure analysis and force field analysis skills will best be learned from the best institutions in the world in this regard. Resolutions to periodic problems within my area of specialization will be championed alongside the need for the decarbonization of energy resources. Emissions from transportation areas are worse (TRAP), and energy is the lifeblood of travel, freight, and logistic transportation in general,.. we need to go faster than we are moving. Climate change and sustainability ESG are a growing phenomenon and that is the turf we have becomes champions in and there we will be for many more years, fellowship placement at the institution/Bank will only be an important enabler for the achievement of better results/attainment of global parity when some of us are better equipped; more than the more 40 policy development cum deployment across mining, education, WASH, energy, health, and transportation we have made come alive in Nigeria, we have been able to recommend to the current government; not impressed with what has happened to the policy papers. They do not know any better; good.

Size of the opportunity as measured by the global goods trade; The relative growth of export is impacted by the fast-changing climate obviously. Capital productivity - [economies of scale, better talent, resources, and higher capital] all these will be impacted by more adverse effects of the phenomenon; exposure is clear that poverty will be made worse on the continent if/when we fail on planning and effective preparedness to frontally combat climate change. The relationship between effectiveness and efficiency in leadership has always been and will continue to be measured by resource efficiency in general. Resource (human, capital, and fiscal) efficiency can be bettered by better education and that is what chance this prestigious institution offers some of us; an African who prides himself as undoubtedly the best at what he does and has done over the last 10 years... Blazing the trail, and charting new courses in the most difficult terrains of development.

Owa Olumayowa Raymond.

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