Combined Arms Part 3
Human Expertise of Combined Arms
                  and the 
Philosophy of Cyber War

Combined Arms Part 3 Human Expertise of Combined Arms and the Philosophy of Cyber War

In Part 2, (,  we identified the four primary components of Combined Arms relative to an organization’s cyber defense plan. In Part 3, we will explore the element of Human Expertise and its role in the philosophy of cyber war.

The philosophy of cyber war is a branch of philosophy that examines the ethical, political, and conceptual issues surrounding warfare conducted in the cyberspace domain. It seeks to understand the nature of cyber warfare, its implications, and the ethical considerations associated with its use. Cyber war refers to the use of computer networks and digital technologies to conduct acts of aggression or coercion against other nations, organizations, or individuals. Humans play a crucial role in the philosophy of cyber war, both as actors and subjects of analysis.

Human expertise, as part of a Combined Arms defense tactic, brings critical thinking, contextual understanding, and the ability to adapt to dynamic situations, allows for the interpretation of complex threat landscapes, decision-making in uncertain scenarios, and the development of strategies that go beyond technical measures. Strategy takes place only in the world of human competition which places a significant emphasis on the knowledge and skills of the human security layer of Combined Arms.

The importance of creating a strategy that attacks the strategy of your opponent has proven to provide the greatest success in any form of competition. In the environment of cybersecurity, the strategy of “build the weapon to fit the fight” is seen as the best strategy to use if the organization is to be proactive in their cyber defense. The Human Expertise component of Combined arms must be weaponized as part of the overall defense strategy. A training program framework to support this strategy is the subject of this education session,

This weaponized human security layer involves two elements crucial to the continued evolution of a holistic cybersecurity program in support of the cyber war philosophy. They are:

1.      Cybersecurity Consciousness which is a collective awareness and understanding of cybersecurity principles and practices, developed through learning-based training, across the organization. It is the level of knowledge and mindfulness about cybersecurity among all employees, regardless of their roles or positions, developed using learning-based training that causes the individual to emotionally engage with the importance of their role in the organization’s cybersecurity plan.

2.      Cybersecurity Mindset goes beyond mere awareness and understanding. It is a way of thinking and approaching security in a proactive and ingrained manner that results in rational engagement of the cybersecurity-related challenges and responsibilities in the daily execution of their role. This mindset is developed through the continuous affirmation of existing knowledge, the increased knowledge of the learning-based training, and the practice and testing of that knowledge using skills-based training making security a fundamental part of the individual’s behavior.

Such an integrated training program creates a virtuous cycle of constant improvement, where employees' cybersecurity consciousness reinforces their cybersecurity mindset, and vice versa, resulting in a well-prepared and resilient layer of human expertise across the organization.

The inclusion of Human Expertise with existing technology and Generative AI adds value by enhancing the overall effectiveness and resilience of the cybersecurity defense plan. Here is how it complements and synergizes with existing technology and Generative AI:

1.      Human Creativity and Adaptability: A Weaponized Human Security Layer empowers human personnel to leverage their creativity, intuition, and adaptability to recognize and respond to emerging threats that automated systems might miss.

2.      Contextual Understanding: Humans, based on their level of expertise, possess contextual understanding and domain knowledge that machines may lack. They can interpret complex situations, identify anomalies, and apply critical thinking to assess the severity and impact of potential security incidents. This human factor complements the data-driven approach of existing technology and AI.

3.      Social Engineering Defense: Social engineering attacks often exploit human vulnerabilities, such as trust and curiosity. A Weaponized Human Security Layer focuses on training employees to recognize and resist social engineering attempts, effectively mitigating a significant vector of attack that may not be effectively addressed by technology alone.

4.      Incident Response and Decision Making: Human decision-making abilities play a crucial role in incident response. Employees trained as part of the Weaponized Human Security Layer can quickly react to unfolding situations, make informed decisions, and take immediate action to contain threats, reducing response times and minimizing potential damages.

5.      Continuous Learning: Contrary to the fixed mindset that so often exists regarding cyber defense, humans can continuously learn and adapt their security practices based on real-time experiences and insights. They can collaborate, share knowledge, and adapt to evolving threats more effectively than rigid automated systems. This learning dynamic has been witnessed in the principle of human nature that causes people to mimic others. Such an environment can create a positive learning experience causing a greater degree of emotional engagement and rational engagement that is so frequently absent in today’s compliance driven training.

6.      Human Element in AI Validation: Generative AI systems, like other technologies, are not infallible and may produce false positives or false negatives. A Weaponized Human Security Layer can help validate the AI-generated results, ensuring that only accurate and relevant alerts are acted upon, reducing the risk of unnecessary alarms, or missed threats.

7.      Ethical and Legal Considerations: Humans can provide ethical judgment and decision-making in complex situations where legal and compliance factors need to be considered. This helps organizations ensure that their security practices align with legal requirements and industry standards.

8.      Insider Threat Detection: While AI can detect anomalies in user behavior, a Weaponized Human Security Layer adds a layer of observation and intuition that is essential for identifying potential insider threats, such as disgruntled employees or compromised accounts.

By integrating a weaponized Human Expertise Security Layer with existing technology and Generative AI, organizations can achieve a more comprehensive and balanced cybersecurity defense strategy. This combined arms tactic leverages the strengths of both human personnel and machines, creating a synergistic effect that addresses a broader range of threats, adapts to new challenges, and reduces the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

A Weaponized Human Expertise Layer is more than a Combined Arms Element

Every organization has the objective of developing a mature cyber security model within their enterprise culture. Such a model is founded on Humans Expertise within the organization’s culture and encourages each workforce member to continuously increase their knowledge, develop cyber skills to improve their performance in decision-making in their role, and understand the affect and the consequences of their behavior relative to the organization’s enterprise digital security strategy. In most organizations, this requires a culture change. 

Culture change requires behavior change. Behavior is a learned skill and the desired behavior is a result of intentional training, found in the development of the Human Expertise of the Combined Arms component, to include preparation, practice, testing, and review on a continuous journey to performance improvement.

Overall, the human expertise component of the Combined Arms approach contributes to developing a cyber culture that values security, awareness, collaboration, and ongoing learning. This culture becomes woven into the fabric of the organization, influencing behaviors, attitudes, and decisions across all levels and departments.

In strengthening the human expertise component of the Combined Arms tactic, here are some ways in which that effort contributes to the development of cyber culture:

1. Role Modeling:

It is human nature to mimic the behavior of others. As the effort to increase human expertise progresses, individual’s will be identified, by the group, as an example of what is expected. These role models, due to their responsible online behavior, security practices, and  their knowledge and adherence to best practices, set an example for other employees and encourages them to adopt similar behaviors. A predictable outcome is team building and strengthening of the collective security behavior.

2. Education and Training:

The training targeting improved human expertise fosters a culture of awareness and preparedness.

3. Empowerment:

Building increased human expertise empowers employees by educating them about potential risks and how to mitigate them. When employees feel informed and capable of recognizing threats, they become more active participants in the organization's cyber defense efforts.

4. Incident Response Guidance:

During cyber incidents, human expertise guides the organization's response efforts. They are better prepared to make informed decisions to contain, analyze, and recover from attacks. This hands-on experience during incidents contributes to a culture that values preparedness and resilience.

5. Communication and Feedback:

Human expertise facilitates clear communication channels for reporting potential incidents or suspicious activities. Employees are encouraged and comfortable in providing feedback, sharing concerns, suggesting improvements, and fostering an open dialogue about cybersecurity.

6. Encouraging a Security-First Mindset:

The continuous effort to improve human expertise helps emphasize that security is everyone's responsibility, not just that of the IT department. This mindset shift encourages employees to prioritize security considerations in their daily tasks, interactions, and decisions.

7. Risk Management Awareness:

Through their insights, cybersecurity experts help employees understand the broader implications of their actions on the organization's security posture. This awareness leads to more thoughtful decision-making, especially in situations involving potential risks.

8. Collaborative Approach:

Cybersecurity experts collaborate with different teams and departments to embed security practices into various processes. This collaborative effort nurtures a culture where all employees see cybersecurity as an integral part of their roles.

9. Crisis Management and Teamwork:

During major security incidents, the guidance of cybersecurity experts helps in effective crisis management. This experience highlights the importance of teamwork and cross-functional collaboration, which then extends to everyday operations.


So, taking the first step in structuring a Combined Arms principle of the organization’s cyber security strategy leads to an improved cybersecurity strategy while addressing what has been identified as the cause of 92% of breaches; human error!

Understanding human motivations, responsibilities, and vulnerabilities is essential in addressing the ethical, legal, and strategic challenges posed by cyber warfare.

In Part 4, we will explore how Existing Technology complements the four elements of this Combined Arms model.

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