Part 4
The Value of the Synergy of Combined Arms In
Cyber Defense

Part 4 The Value of the Synergy of Combined Arms In Cyber Defense

In Part 2, (,  we introduced the four elements of the Combined Arms model and how they align well aligns well with the cybersecurity strategy of "build the weapon that fits the fight" enabling an adaptive defense, the ability to tailor the organization’s strengths to the threats they are most likely to encounter, promotes collaborative efforts between human analysts, technology tools, and AI models while building on the continuous increase in knowledge, improves the versatility and flexibility by incorporating  human intuition, technology automation, and AI's pattern recognition abilities providing the versatility to quickly adapt and proactively respond to new attack techniques that ensure your defense remains relevant in the rapidly changing threat landscape and effectively optimize resource allocation to address specific threats and challenges which is key to an organization’s rapid response and resilience.

In Part 3,, and focused on the Human expertise element of the Combined Arms model. This element brings critical thinking, contextual understanding, and the ability to adapt to dynamic situations. It provides the capability for the interpretation of complex threat landscapes, decision-making in uncertain scenarios, and the development of strategies that go beyond technical measures. We emphasized the point that strategy takes place only in the world of human competition which places a significant emphasis on the knowledge and skills of the human security layer of Combined Arms.

In Part 4, because the Combined Arms model relies on the synergy between the human expertise element and the remaining elements of existing technology, AI, and continuous learning, we will explore how these four elements can create a holistic and effective cybersecurity strategy.

The synergy of Combined Arms both strengthens the organization’s cyber defense and aids in mitigating human error relative to desired security behavior. Each element complements the others to create a robust and adaptable cybersecurity defense. Human experts make informed decisions, manage technology, oversee AI, and continually learn. Existing technology automates tasks, AI adds predictive capabilities, and continuous learning keeps all components up to date. This collaborative approach strengthens an organization's security posture and adaptability in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Strengthening the Cyber Defense Posture

In the effort to strengthen the cyber defense of an organization, this synergy helps to improve the defense posture by creating a unified and adaptive cybersecurity strategy. It leverages the strengths of people, technology, AI, and continuous learning to create a multi-layered, proactive, and efficient defense that adapts to evolving threats. This comprehensive approach enhances the organization's ability to protect its digital assets and data, reduce vulnerabilities, and respond effectively to cyberattacks, ultimately strengthening its cyber defense posture.

Each component in the Combined Arms model plays a distinct role in cybersecurity. Human expertise brings critical thinking and adaptability, technology provides automation and infrastructure, AI augments threat detection and response, and continuous learning keeps the entire workforce updated. This comprehensive approach ensures that no aspect of defense is overlooked.

This enables the organization to adapt to evolving threats. Human experts can respond to new and novel attacks, AI can adapt its algorithms, and continuous learning ensures that the workforce is informed about the latest threats and defense strategies.

By combining these elements, the organization creates a redundancy in defense. If one layer fails to detect or mitigate a threat, other layers can compensate, minimizing the risk of a single point of failure. This redundancy enhances the organization's resilience to cyberattacks.

Efficiency is increased using Existing Technology and AI to automate routine tasks and sift through vast datasets more efficiently than humans alone. This efficiency allows human experts to focus on high-level decision-making and complex threat analysis thus diminishing the chaos and uncertainty so prevalent in cyber defense.

Because AI can predict potential threats based on historical data and patterns, the organization is better able to proactively address threats before they escalate. This proactive approach reduces the potential impact of cyberattacks.

By including human oversight, Combined Arms ensures ethical decision-making in AI. Human experts can validate AI-generated insights and ensure that actions align with the organization's values and ethical standards.

Collaboration is often absent, to the degree necessary, in a cyber defense program. Combined Arms fosters collective problem-solving between human experts, technology teams, and AI developers, ensuring that insights, findings, and responses are shared effectively resulting in more timely threat resolution.

Continuous learning ensures that the organization's workforce is always improving. It fosters a culture of learning and adaptability, making the organization better equipped to respond to evolving threats.

The synergy in Combined Arms allows for the rapid adaptation of security measures. The organization can adjust configurations, update response protocols, and stay updated with the latest threat intelligence.

By involving all employees in continuous learning, the organization fosters greater engagement and ownership in cybersecurity. It's not just the responsibility of IT; it's a collective effort.

Lastly, the synergy of Combined Arms supports effective risk management by providing a comprehensive view of the threat landscape and allowing for informed risk assessments and mitigation strategies.

Mitigating Human Error

The synergy of Combined Arms brings together these components to create a defense strategy that is well-rounded and adaptable. It leverages the strengths of each component to reduce the likelihood of human errors in security behavior, ultimately enhancing an organization's cybersecurity posture and reducing vulnerabilities.

Combined Arms plays a significant role in mitigating human error in security behavior through the following mechanisms:

Human Expertise and Training:

Through a continuous learning and training program designed for the specific purpose of moving the organization and each employee from their security comfort zone to a learning zone focused on the identification of talent and skills in each individual and the subsequent development in performance of those talents and skills in the growth zone, employees become well informed regarding best practices, expected security behavior, and increased understanding of the both their role in the cyber security program and the potential consequences to the organization as a result of their actions.

This “weaponized human security layer” becomes emotionally engaged which involves the extent to which an employee derives pride, enjoyment, inspiration, or purpose from the action taken and the rational engagement that causes the employee to feel that the action taken, (their contribution to the effort) provides financial, developmental, or professional results that are in their and/or organization’s best interests.

 Technology and Automation:

Technology solutions can enforce security policies and automate certain security measures, reducing the reliance on individual employees to make the right security decisions.

AI can assist in automating security tasks, reducing the likelihood of manual errors. For example, AI can automatically apply security patches and updates.

Ethical AI and Bias Mitigation:

Generative AI is programmed to adhere to ethical guidelines and avoid biases. This ensures that AI-driven actions align with the organization's values and ethics, reducing the risk of AI-generated errors.

Decision-making in cybersecurity is often influenced by the cognitive biases of the decision maker. In the effort to mitigate these cognitive biases, organizations can establish ethical guidelines and policies that explicitly address cognitive biases. These guidelines can include recommendations on how to identify and mitigate biases in decision-making.

Decision-makers can use decision support tools that are designed to help recognize and counteract cognitive biases. These tools may provide checklists, structured decision-making processes, or algorithms that prompt individuals to consider a broader range of information.

Encouraging diversity within decision-making teams, as encouraged in the decision stage of the OODA Loop, can help mitigate biases. Different perspectives and backgrounds can lead to more balanced and objective decision-making.

Decision-makers, through these established guidelines in Generative AI, can be encouraged to be transparent about their decision-making processes. This includes disclosing the factors they considered and how they arrived at a particular decision. Transparency allows for external review and accountability.

Feedback and Accountability, as a function of the collaboration mentioned previously, will cultivate continuous improvement as organizations can establish feedback mechanisms to assess the decision-making processes. As part of the continuous training element, decision-makers should develop an openness to receiving feedback and actively seek opportunities for self-improvement in their decision-making skills which furthers their rational engagement.

AI can provide recommendations to human decision-makers, pointing out potential biases or errors in their decision processes and offering alternative viewpoints or data.

Much has been recently discussed regarding alert fatigue and it impact on enterprise cyber security. AI and existing technology can assist in reducing false positives and alert fatigue by accurately prioritizing security alerts. This helps security teams focus on meaningful alerts and reduces the chance of errors caused by information overload.

Existing technology and AI, as tools to be used by the human expertise layer, can enforce standardized security processes resulting in a reduction in errors thorough the enforcement of clear guidelines for employees to follow.

In the current threat environment where threats change rapidly, AI and existing technology can adapt security measures based on the observation and orientation towards the evolving threat landscape. This adaptability reduces the risk of errors caused by outdated security configurations.

The continuous learning provided in the learning and growth zones fosters greater engagement and ownership in cybersecurity. It is that ownership that strengthens both positional and situational awareness relative to the individual’s role that causes employee to experience Maslow’s self-actualization and a feeling of being aligned with the company’s cyber security mission.


Overall, Combined Arms creates a synergy that strengthens an organization's cyber defense program, making it more resilient, adaptable, and effective while mitigating the risks associated with human error. This integrated approach ensures that cybersecurity is not just the responsibility of a single component but a collective and coordinated effort across the organization.

While the impact of each component is significant, human expertise and continuous learning often form the foundation of an effective cybersecurity strategy. Technology and AI support and enhance these human-driven efforts, and ethical considerations are essential to maintain trust and fairness in security practices. The exact balance and emphasis on these components may vary depending on an organization's specific circumstances and priorities.




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