Curious AI #34
Curious AI #34

Curious AI #34

Welcome to issue 34 of the Curious AI Newsletter, curated by Oliver Rochford , Cyber futurist and former Gartner Research Director, and synthesized and summarized using AI.

I am Speaking at the Emerging Tech Community Roundtable

The Jobs Of The Future has invited me to speak at their Emerging Tech Community Roundtable, alongside Ali Hussein Kassim and Dr. George Tumanishvili (PhD) .

We will be discussing how AI will affect the workplace and business, moderated by Anastasia "Tracy" Raissis and Xiaochen Z. .

I am really looking forward to this as I get few occasins to talk about the more general impact AI will have, and I would love it if you joined me .

RSPV for August 6th at 10AM EST | 9AM CST:

AI Tribe of the Week

Cyborg Enthusiast

Thinks the best way forward is to enhance humans with mechanical parts. If they could, they'd replace their limbs with Swiss Army knives. These people believe in adding tech upgrades to their bodies like they’re collecting action figures. 

Tagline:“Go go, gadget human!”

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Most preposterous: Integrating  LLMs into the Employee Org Chart

A contributor to Forbes poses the question, "Could the Future of Work Mean That Artificial Intelligence Chatbots Are Integrated Into the Organizational Chart as Employees?" Imagine working in an environment where your coworker is not only punctual and productive without fail, but also free of any human failings such as procrastination or an addiction to coffee. Can you imagine this? According to Forbes, Lattice, a company that provides technology for human resources, is attempting to introduce the concept of "digital workers." The company is also considering the possibility of issuing employee profiles to AI agents in order to incorporate them into organizational structures. 

By this point, the majority of us will have come to the realization that the plan has a fundamental flaw, which is that there is an absence of actual human-level digital workers. This is yet another instance of artificial intelligence being abused to AI-wash, and it is a ridiculous idea given the current state of development. According to OpenAI,  the most prominent advocate (and beneficiary) of the belief that there is a rapid path to human-level intelligence, the company believes that it is only on the verge of achieving Level 2 of the five levels that measure the reasoning capabilities of artificial intelligence. Back on earth, in the real world, businesses are also discovering that artificial intelligence work assistants require a great more deal of guidance and involve a great deal more work than was initially anticipated.

There’s no doubt that for all of us who are getting ready to play supporting roles in this potentially dystopian drama, the future of human roles in the workplace is about to undergo a significant transformation. But we are still a long way from having artificial intelligence models that even come close to meeting the kinds of requirements that humans have. 

What might be more useful and definitely less dehumanizing than treating machines like humans would be to not treat humans like machines. HR firms could also spend more time thinking about how to make the transition less traumatic for real employees. But then, that doesn’t get you as many social media likes.

Most intriguing: Relying on AI may degrade natural learning abilities

A study from the University of Pennsylvania reveals that relying on AI tutors like GPT-4 might turn students into highly efficient slackers. While AI initially boosts performance in math classes, students end up worse off once the digital crutch is removed. Who knew that delegating our brainpower to machines could backfire? (Editors note: My dad!)  It’s a bit like finding out that your shiny new self-driving car suddenly needs you to take the wheel in a crisis and you’ve forgotten how to drive.

The researchers examined the impact of generative AI on high school students’ learning in math classes. Their findings were stark: students who leaned heavily on GPT-4 saw immediate improvements, but once the AI was removed, their performance plummeted. The more they relied on the AI, the worse they fared on their own. 

The study throws a wrench into the idyllic vision of AI-enhanced education. While GPT-4 initially boosts performance, the dependency it fosters leads to poorer outcomes when students are left to their own devices. It’s a classic case of "use it or lose it," where the human brain, much like a muscle, atrophies without regular exercise.

In a bid to mitigate these negative effects, the study also evaluated the GPT Tutor version, which includes learning safeguards. This version attempts to strike a balance, offering assistance while encouraging independent thinking. It’s a step in the right direction, but it raises a fundamental question: are we merely putting a band-aid on a deeper issue?

The educational sector must now grapple with the challenge of harnessing technology without eroding fundamental learning skills. As we strive for academic excellence, it seems we must balance the thrill of technological advancement with the quaint notion of actually learning something. The implications of this study also stretch far beyond the classroom. If students today become reliant on AI for their learning, what happens when they enter the workforce? Will we have a generation of workers who are great at operating machines but lack the critical thinking skills to innovate and solve problems independently? It’s a dystopian scenario where humans are reduced to mere operators of AI, devoid of the creativity and ingenuity that have driven human progress for centuries.

In the end, while AI has the potential to revolutionize education, it’s crucial that we use it as a tool to enhance human capabilities, not replace them. Educators and policymakers must ensure that technology serves to augment learning, fostering an environment where students can thrive both with and without digital assistance. After all, the goal of education should be to prepare students for a future where they can adapt, innovate, and excel—AI or no AI.

Most Paradoxical: AI and the Socialist Dream; AI as the Capitalist Engine

In an Orwellian twist that would make even Big Brother blush, China is mandating that AI firms like ByteDance and Alibaba align their large language models with socialist values. This directive implies extensive censorship to ensure that AI outputs reflect the Communist Party's ideals, proving that even in the age of AI, the machines must still toe the party line.

The extent to which the government exerts control over the development of artificial intelligence raises significant concerns regarding freedom of expression and innovation. How does one foster creativity and technological advancement in a straitjacket of ideological conformity? The rest of the world watches with a mixture of horror and curiosity as China works toward the creation of artificial intelligence that supports its political goals. They wonder how far state-controlled technology can go before it suffocates itself in restrictive ideological regulations.

While this is going on, paradoxes continue to accumulate in the capitalist strongholds of the Western world. A growing number of people are advocating for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) as artificial intelligence and robots pose a significant risk of job displacement at an alarming rate. Proponents of UBI argue that it could provide financial stability and allow displaced workers to re-skill, transforming what could be a dystopian future into a brave new world of opportunity. Critics, however, worry about the economic ramifications and feasibility of such a program. After all, funding a universal income is no small feat, especially when the goalposts of economic stability keep shifting.

The socio-economic impact of AI-driven job displacement is indeed becoming a hot topic. On one hand, we have the promise of technological progress and efficiency; on the other, we have the grim reality of increasing unemployment and economic inequality. The debate over UBI as a potential solution highlights the struggle to find a balance between these two conflicting forces. To embrace the benefits of artificial intelligence while also protecting against the disruptive consequences of AI is a classic example of trying to have your cake and eat it too.

Artificial intelligence (AI) in China is required to adhere to an ideological framework that stifles innovation. In the West, the relentless march of AI threatens to upend the labor market, prompting calls for radical economic reforms more associated with socialism, like UBI. Both scenarios reflect a deep-seated unease about the future of work and society in the age of intelligent machines.

Perhaps the most useful approach is to ensure that, while we teach our machines to think, we don’t forget to think for ourselves. The challenge lies not in creating an AI that can mimic human thought, but in fostering a society that can adapt to and thrive alongside this new technological frontier.

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AI Warbots

From Basement to Battlefield: Ukrainian Startups Create Low-Cost Robots to Fight Russia

AP News |

Ukrainian defense startups are developing low-cost unmanned ground vehicles and drones to counter Russian forces. These innovations, produced in secret workshops, aim to save lives and increase efficiency on the battlefield. The Odyssey, an unmanned vehicle costing $35,000, exemplifies this approach. The rise of affordable AI-enhanced weaponry is raising ethical concerns about the future of warfare.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Short-term

Sovereign AI

China Deploys Censors to Create Socialist AI

Financial Times |

China's Cyberspace Administration is mandating AI firms like ByteDance and Alibaba to align their large language models with socialist values. This involves extensive censorship of training data and response filtering to ensure compliance with government ideologies. The initiative aims to create AI that supports the Communist Party's goals, raising concerns about innovation and freedom of expression.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Mid-term

AI Copyright, Regulation and Antitrust

Meta Withholds Future AI Models from EU

Axios |

Meta plans to withhold its upcoming multimodal AI models from the European Union, citing regulatory uncertainties similar to Apple's recent decision. This move affects the release of Meta's advanced AI features, such as those integrated into their Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses. Both companies aim to pressure the EU into clarifying its regulatory environment, potentially impacting tech advancements and customer access in the region.

Sentiment: Concerned | Time to Impact: Mid-term

Meta Decides to Suspend Its Generative AI Tools in Brazil

Reuters |

Meta has announced the suspension of its generative AI tools in Brazil due to regulatory challenges and compliance concerns. The company aims to work closely with Brazilian authorities to address these issues and ensure alignment with local regulations. This decision impacts the availability of Meta's AI-driven services and tools in the Brazilian market.

Sentiment: Concerned | Time to Impact: Short-term

The biggest names in AI have teamed up to promote AI security

Axios |

Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI are collaborating to establish a Security Standards Board for AI. This initiative aims to create consistent safety and security measures for AI technologies. The board will address risks such as misuse and ensure robust, ethical AI deployment. This move reflects growing concerns about AI safety and the need for unified standards to manage the technology's impact effectively.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Short-term to Mid-term

Europe’s Rushed Attempt to Set the Rules for AI

Financial Times |

The EU is hurrying to establish AI regulations with the new Artificial Intelligence Act, aiming to ensure ethical AI use. Critics argue that the legislation, which imposes high compliance costs, is underdeveloped and may stifle innovation. The Act classifies AI systems by risk level, with stringent rules for high-risk applications. The rushed approach may result in vague guidelines, impacting the competitiveness of European tech startups.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Mid-term

AI Business

SoftBank Buys Struggling UK AI Chipmaker Graphcore

The Register |

SoftBank has acquired UK-based AI chipmaker Graphcore for approximately $600 million. Despite impressive technological achievements, Graphcore has struggled financially, reporting low revenue and significant losses. The acquisition is expected to leverage SoftBank's resources and existing portfolio, including Arm, to enhance Graphcore's market position and competitiveness in AI infrastructure.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Short-term

Fujitsu Picks Cohere as Partner for Rapid LLM Development

The Register |

Fujitsu has invested in Cohere, a Toronto-based AI company, to develop large language models (LLMs). This partnership includes creating a Japanese-language LLM named Takane, which will be offered to Fujitsu’s Japanese clients. Fujitsu will be the exclusive provider of services developed with Cohere, focusing on private cloud deployments for regulated industries. Additionally, Takane will integrate with Fujitsu's AI technology for optimized performance in various applications.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Short-term

How Microsoft’s Satya Nadella Became Tech’s Steely Eyed A.I. Gambler

The New York Times |

Satya Nadella, Microsoft's CEO, has made significant bets on AI, including a $650 million deal with Inflection AI and a $13 billion investment in OpenAI. These moves aim to ensure Microsoft's dominance in AI technology. Despite the risks, these investments have increased Microsoft's market value by 70% over the past two years.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

AI Quietly Picking Your Pocket with Personalized Pricing

Business Insider |

AI technology is being used to implement personalized pricing strategies, where prices for products and services are tailored to individual consumers based on data analytics. This method takes into account various factors such as browsing history, purchasing behavior, and even demographic information to set different prices for different users. While this can maximize profits for businesses, it raises ethical concerns about fairness and transparency.

Sentiment: Negative | Time to Impact: Short-term

Could Integrating AI Chatbots Into the Org Chart as Employees Be the Future of Work?

Forbes |

AI chatbots are being considered for integration into organizational charts as "digital employees." These chatbots could handle routine tasks, improving efficiency and allowing human workers to focus on more complex activities. This shift could redefine job roles, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. However, there are concerns about data security, ethical implications, and the need for human oversight to ensure responsible use of AI technologies.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

Releases and Announcements

Deepfake-detecting firm Pindrop lands $100M loan to grow its offerings

TechCrunch |

Pindrop secured a $100 million loan from Hercules Capital to enhance its deepfake detection and multi-factor authentication products. The funding will support product development, hiring, and expansion into new sectors like healthcare and retail. CEO Vijay Balasubramaniyan emphasized the increasing need for AI-based deepfake detection in call centers to counteract rising fraud.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Short-term

OpenAI Announces GPT-4o Mini Model


OpenAI has unveiled GPT-4o Mini, a smaller, more efficient version of its GPT-4 model, designed to run on devices with limited computational resources. The new model aims to democratize access to advanced AI capabilities, enabling broader usage in education, small businesses, and personal applications. OpenAI emphasizes the model’s balance between performance and accessibility, ensuring high-quality outputs with lower resource demands.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Short-term

AI and Society

AI and Robots Could Lead to Job Displacement and Increase the Need for Universal Basic Income

Forbes |

The rapid advancement of AI and robots is poised to displace many jobs, potentially increasing unemployment and economic inequality. This situation underscores the growing calls for Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a safety net for those affected. Proponents argue that UBI could provide financial stability and allow people to pursue education and new careers, while critics worry about the economic implications and the sustainability of funding such programs.

Sentiment: Concerned | Time to Impact: Mid-term

AI Ethics

Most Users Think ChatGPT Is Conscious, Survey Finds

Futurism |

A survey conducted by researchers from the University of Waterloo and University College London found that two-thirds of ChatGPT's active users believe the AI is conscious, attributing feelings and memories to it. The study indicates that frequent interaction with ChatGPT increases users' perception of it as a sentient being. These findings highlight the impact of language on human perception and suggest important considerations for AI safety and regulation.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Mid-term

AI Carbon Footprint

AI's Bizarro World: Marching Towards AGI While Carbon Emissions Soar

Fortune |

AI development is leading to significant increases in carbon emissions due to the high computational power required for training and running models. A single ChatGPT query can consume nearly ten times more electricity than a Google search. This raises sustainability concerns as companies like OpenAI work towards AGI.

Sentiment: Negative | Time to Impact: Mid-term

Your Next Datacenter Could Be in the Middle of Nowhere

The Register |

Remote datacenters, such as those in sparsely populated areas like Port Hedland, Australia, are becoming more common due to their proximity to cheap, abundant energy sources. These locations are ideal for energy-intensive tasks like training AI models. However, they face challenges such as harsh weather, labor shortages, and logistical complexities. Despite these issues, the trend of building datacenters in remote locations is driven by the need for sustainable and cost-effective computing power.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

Altman’s $3.7 Billion Fusion Startup Leaves Scientists Puzzled

Bloomberg |

Sam Altman’s Helion Energy, backed with $3.7 billion, promises to deliver a fusion power plant by 2028. Despite skepticism from scientists about the feasibility of this timeline, Helion plans to supply Microsoft with fusion-generated energy shortly after. Altman, alongside other billionaires like Bezos and Gates, is heavily investing in nuclear fusion, aiming to revolutionize clean energy and support future AI advancements.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

AI and Robotics

World’s First Mobile Bricklayer Robot That Boosts Construction Speed Enters US

Interesting Engineering |

The Hadrian X, a next-generation mobile bricklaying robot developed by FBR, has entered the US market. This robot can construct the walls of a house in a single day using a 32-meter telescopic boom arm to lay up to 500 blocks per hour. It utilizes a unique optimization software to convert wall sketches into block positions, minimizing material waste and handling. The machine will undergo site acceptance testing in Florida before commencing a demonstration program to build between five and ten single-story houses.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Short-term

The Path to AGI

OpenAI Nears Breakthrough with “Reasoning” AI, Reveals Progress Framework

Ars Technica |

OpenAI unveiled a five-level system to gauge its progress toward developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). The system, which includes stages from conversational AI to AI that can manage entire organizations, aims to provide a clear framework for understanding AI advancement. Currently, OpenAI believes it is on the verge of achieving Level 2, which involves human-level problem-solving capabilities. This classification system, similar to those in autonomous driving and safety levels, is seen as a strategic tool to attract investment.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Short-term to Mid-term

OpenAI Announced a New Scale to Track AI Progress. But Wait—Where is AGI?

Fortune |

OpenAI has introduced a five-tiered classification system to measure AI progress, ranging from current chatbots (Level 1) to AI capable of performing the work of an entire organization (Level 5). This system omits the term "AGI," raising questions about when OpenAI will declare it has achieved AGI. Despite this, OpenAI's approach suggests strategic caution, positioning itself on the verge of Level 2, which involves human-level problem-solving abilities.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott Thinks LLM “Scaling Laws” Will Hold Despite Criticism

Ars Technica |

Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott believes that large language model (LLM) "scaling laws" will continue to drive AI progress, despite skepticism that AI advancements are plateauing. Scott, who played a key role in Microsoft's $13 billion deal with OpenAI, asserts that increasing model size and computational power will lead to significant improvements. He remains confident in future AI breakthroughs, contrary to critics suggesting diminishing returns.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

Interesting Papers &  Articles on Applied AI

Former Tesla AI Director Reproduces GPT-2 in 24 Hours for Only $672

Tom's Hardware |

Andrej Karpathy, former Tesla AI Director, has recreated GPT-2 in just 24 hours for $672 using a single 8XH100 node. This showcases significant advancements in hardware and software efficiency, dramatically reducing training costs compared to the original. Despite this, the cost and power requirements for cutting-edge AI models remain high, with modern training often exceeding $100 million.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Mid-term

GPT-4o Mini: Efficient and Powerful

Simon Willison |

OpenAI has released GPT-4o Mini, a smaller and more efficient version of GPT-4o. Designed to run on consumer hardware, it offers impressive capabilities despite its reduced size. The model aims to make advanced AI more accessible to individuals and small businesses, maintaining robust performance while requiring less computational power. This move is expected to democratize access to AI technology further, enhancing productivity and innovation.

Sentiment: Positive | Time to Impact: Short-term

Generative AI Can Harm Learning


A study by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania evaluates the impact of generative AI, specifically GPT-4, on high school students' learning in math classes. The study shows that while GPT-4 improves performance initially, reliance on the AI results in worse performance when the AI is removed. The GPT Tutor version, with learning safeguards, mitigates these negative effects.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Short-term

A Landscape of Consciousness: Toward a Taxonomy of Explanations and Implications

ScienceDirect |

Robert Lawrence Kuhn's article categorizes diverse theories of consciousness from physicalist to nonphysicalist perspectives, including Materialism, Quantum Theories, Integrated Information Theory, Panpsychisms, Monisms, Dualisms, and more. The paper assesses these theories in relation to meaning, AI consciousness, virtual immortality, and survival beyond death.

Sentiment: Neutral | Time to Impact: Long-term

About the Curious AI Newsletter

AI is hype. AI is a utopia. AI is a dystopia.

These are the narratives currently being told about AI. There are mixed signals for each scenario. The truth will lie somewhere in between. This newsletter provides a curated overview of positive and negative data points to support decision-makers in forecasts and horizon scanning. The selection of news items is intended to provide a cross-section of articles from across the spectrum of AI optimists, AI realists, and AI pessimists and showcase the impact of AI across different domains and fields.

The news is curated by Oliver Rochford, Technologist, and former Gartner Research Director. AI (ChatGPT) is used in analysis and for summaries.

Want to summarize your news articles using ChatGPT? Here's the latest iteration of the prompt. The Curious AI Newsletter is brought to you by the Cyber Futurists.

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