Dosage of calcium forate-acidifier reducing the acidity of feedm

Dosage of calcium forate-acidifier reducing the acidity of feedm

Feed acidifier, also known as acidity regulator, can increase the acidity of feed and improve palatability. It can also lower the pH value of gastric juice when entering the animal body, promote the activation of pepsin, regulate the speed of gastric emptying, and provide antiseptic and anti-mildew. And other functions. In addition, the acidifier is green, environmentally friendly, hasno resistance and no residue, and is in line with the current healthy development trend of animal husbandry. Therefore, it has been more and more widely used in livestock and poultry breeding.

 Inthe context of African swine fever, pig-raising related industries have carried out a full range of biosafety prevention and control measures, and the role of acidifiers has been further understood and applied.

Low pH environment

"Swine Diseases" (10th edition) pointed out: "ASFV is relatively stable in a solution with a pH value of 4.0-10, but it will be inactivated immediately in amedium with a pH of <4.0 or pH>11.5 and without serum (EFSA, 2010)

Africanswine fever can evade the immune system and cause immunosuppression. The key virus protein 248 plays a key role in the escape of the phagosome. In addition, experimental studies have shown that the purified African swine fever virus issensitive to pH and is destroyed within 15 minutes.

This shows that if we add a certain amount of acidifier to the feed to make the gastrointestinal environment of pigs reach pH<4.0, then we can reduce therisk of African swine fever virus entering the mouth and greatly reduce the infectivity of the virus. It is also an effective way to prevent and control African swine fever.

What is a certain amount

Accordingto reports, research in the United States believes that 2-3% is good, whileEurope believes that 1.5-2% is good.

There commended dosage of acidulants in China is generally very low, but in fact,it can be said that there is basically no effect. The purpose of our use of acidulants is to reduce the acidity of the feed, which should be considered from the following two points: First, adjust the acidity of the feed ingredients; secondly, add sufficient acidulants. In the case of the firstarticle unchanged, just add 1-3kg of acidulant, which is "drizzle",and the effect is not great!

Take noodles as an analogy:

How to understand the added amount of acidulant, Mr. Sun Chenglong uses noodles to explain in a simple way:

If the feed acidifier is added at 3 kilograms per ton of feed, that is to say,each kilogram of feed contains 3 grams of acidifier, and each pig is calculated according to the intake of 2 kilograms of dry materials per day, which isequivalent to the daily intake of each pig With 6 grams of acidifier, anaverage of 3 meals means that the feed intake per meal is 600 grams of dry feedand 2 grams of acidifier. Generally speaking, each bowl of noodle flour is 100 grams. When converted, the intake of acidulant per meal of each pig is equivalent to the level of 6 bowls of noodles plus 2 grams of acidulant.

Remarks: The pH value of 1% aqueous solution of boswellic acid (feed acidifier) is1.8; vinegar on the market generally contains 3% to 5% of acetic acid, that is,the acid content of general primary vinegar is 5.0%, secondary vinegar With anacid content of 3.5%, the pH of our country's vinegar is generally 2.8 to 3.8.

So, the question is, how much vinegar do you like to add to noodles?

Aspoon of vinegar is about 10-15 grams, you can imagine it, or recall it to seeif it feels.

The above calculation is only based on the dry material intake of 2 kg/day. If itis a suckling sow, the daily intake is 5-6 kg. If it is above 7 kg, the difference will be even greater.

Theuse of feed acidifiers is less, almost useless. Therefore, for the acidulant, we think that we don't need it, or we need to use enough.

Feed acidifier-calcium formate

The feed acidifier-calcium formate, has been in-depth in the front line of breeding, and its use effect has been verified many times, and it has been approved andused by pig farms.

Test Conclusions

Adding calcium formate to the feed will release trace amounts of formic acid in the animal's body, reducing the PH value of the gastrointestinal tract, and has abuffering effect, which is conducive to the stability of the PH value in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby inhibiting the reproduction of harmful bacteriaand promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms. For example, the growthof Lactobacillus can cover the intestinal mucosa from the invasion of toxins,so as to control and reduce the occurrence of bacteria-related diarrhea,diarrhea and other phenomena. The addition amount is generally 0.6 to 1.5%. Compared with citric acid, calcium formate is used as an acidulant. Comparedwith citric acid, it will not deliquesce in the feed production process, hasgood fluidity, and has a neutral pH. It will not cause equipment corrosion. Itcan be directly added to the feed to prevent nutrients such as vitamins andamino acids from being depleted. Destruction is an ideal feed acidifier, whichcan completely replace citric acid and fumaric acid.

Feed-gradecalcium formate significantly reduces the pH of feed and stomach contents.Coupled with the dynamic secretion of gastric acid from pigs, the pH of gastricjuice can be reduced to below 3.9 as quickly as possible within half an hour ofeating.


Addingnon-antibiotic products to feed-feed grade calcium formate can improve the animal's internal environment, improve the body's immune function, and reduce the incidence of piglet diarrhea.

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