Emma Primary Preventive Health and Well-being Petition for the US Senate

I am a nurse who worked for several years in acute care settings and had very young, young, adult and elder adults patients with a wide range of chronic illness, maintaining , suffering or dying . As Congress and the President try to pass a new healthcare law,I’m reflecting that all the patients with these conditions could not have gotten sick or less sick, recovered easier , have lived better quality lives and longer lives, if the current health education and health care would have offered largely well-being services and initiated programs, practices for healthy living , to prevent illness and their complications.

 Health care costs would be more affordable and Americans’ and their families sufferance would decrease exponentially if sustainable healthy practices of living, would be known and used. Some politicians do not relate to the benefits that prevention and healthy living practices would bring in the health outcomes of most Americans and impact on the future generations of Americans. That because they do live with healthy living practices and services that not most Americans are knowledgeable.

 Like millions of people who are panicking about possible changes to their healthcare and health situation, I’m concerned that the people elected to represent us won’t decide what it’s best for us and will leave us without a sustainable wholistic paradigm of healthy living and we will continue to live with the consequences of an abrupt and aggressive health system, acute care oriented, that is not protective of us and our health , nor nourishing with appropriate science-based knowledge.

 I want lawmakers to commit to leave a legacy, based on wholistic well-being science , healthy practices and resources.

 A lot of Members of Congress promote acute care system as a way of healing , not thinking that preventing illness by promoting healthy practices, resources, grants and programs would be easier and with less spendings.

 If acute care is good for the American citizen , it should bring positive outcomes, less sufferance and less acute recurrences but the reality shows that it does not.

 If Congress is willing to seriously take care of the medical acute care

System , are they willing to apply the same rules to the preventive care ?

We need wholistic healthy living practices to be promoted through community , schools, universities  and mass media.

We need healthy living and well-being practices  to be taught in schools 1-12 k with research based textbooks and experiential activities by professionals formed in such kind of programs

We need grants and funds for new academic programs that form these professionals to teach research based healthy living in schools ,nonprofits, county/ community  settings, mass media.

Not lastly the future landscaping of our cities and regions  should  promote an active lifestyle, protected from pollution

We need protection of customers against bad practices and unhealthy products sold on the market that have impact on our bodies and health , psychology and emotions , possibly through renewed education , shared ideas  and pressure on the businesses to upgrade and issue healthy oriented products and services

Afterall the whole community has to largely contribute to an increasingly better Culture of practices of healthy living,





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