French elections

The day following each French election, specialists are there to try to analyze the « why » of absenteeism...It is clear that the latter is constantly increasing. If we approach the subject between ordinary citizens (outside micro-sidewalks, political spheres or media, or even polling institutes) it appears that a large part of them – whether they are in per-urban areas or not- no longer have confidence in politicians. The negative expressions of power such as “politicality, politico, politician”, ar even expressed by a large number of people who will vote. Abstention is an obvious expression of disinterest in public affairs. It also expresses distant relations with politicians. If the negative expression of power is thus affirmed, the question is “why” ? I do not claim to replace policy experts. I think, as far as I am concerned, that we must stop taking the French for ignoramuses who do not want to vote, or who do not know how to vote…

A few centuries ago Montesquieu, in “L’Esprit des Lois”, wrote “when virtue stops, ambition enters hearts which can receive it and avarice between everyone”.

Universal suffrage allows all French citizens of voting age to do so. Thereby, politicians have au duty to all citizens. Namely an obligation of results and being exemplary during their mandate. Not hiding their incompetence with big speeches intended to make us “think the moon is made of green cheese” (in french language : “faire prendre des vessies pour des lanternes”)

Political activity, which becomes a job or even a career, generates disgust among many of our fellow citizens, the latter considering that the projects for the city presented during the campaign or that the actions carried out during the mandates leave room for the personal concern to preserve an electoral mandate. Moreover, this frenzy of wanting to keep one’s mandate no longer allows the renewal of the political class. Finally those who cling to their elected chair lose ground realities…

The personal desire to remain in place or to advance in one’s party makes on lose the real sens of democratic value.

Laws are created as well as contrary laws. What makes it difficult, if not impossible, to work people in the field. As for the image of each woman or politician, it is now in the hands of communication experts. This would imply that the sharing of convictions has become more than superficial because it is about presenting yourself in a better way than your opponent.

Election campaigns have become spectacles, candidates have become full-time actors with a presentation of their projects which do not necessarily prevail the long-term consequences of their election promises. Immediacy, partiality and image partiality are also factors of absenteeism : citizens, permanently overrun with electoral programs, skip presentations or abstain from voting. Politicians are therefore not solely responsible. The citizens, including myself, have also their share of responsibility. Having become consumers, we want everything form the state and a number of us want our rights recognized, but sometimes we are less in a hurry to perform our duties.

Our policies also lack a long-term vision, be it national or European or global. Covid has revealed this permanent anomaly. And it seems that post-pandemic has not stopped the deficiency of ideals, the deficiency of principles and values of democracy. However, this deficiency leads to a relaxation of social this and solidarity.

Absenteeism and the blank vote are not only important messages sent to political figures, but also the choices of French voters.

Finally, let’s not forget that our democracy has been built over the years. It is good that it must be protected. Its complexity is such that it is necessary to have both through media and politics “citizenship”, that is to say, a plurality of approaches and images that do not mistreat it. It is a precious and fragile social construction erected over several decades. Our elders fought for the right to vote. Participating in political life by voting is a freedom that does not exist in all countries…


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