I have delayed the idea of writing about one of my favourite subjects long enough. The latest events have definitely pushed forward the urgency for me to reflect on the topic.

I’m appalled to see how increasingly men have turned against each other lately. So it seems to be and why would that be? Is it a direct wish by individuals to hate each other or an indirect movement pushed as a social engineered trend organized by the elite on the people via technology and other means? Are we going to be able to raise these questions freely without being able to be labeled as whistle blower or as conspirationist?

These labels prove to be trendy these days and used as soon as someone is simply unfolding an angle of perception that unveils some obvious or hidden facts or trends worth to look and share with a wider audience. Let me put this aside immediately and give you an answer to the above.

We will all agree that we all are aware and concerned about overpopulation, lack of resources, worried about economic strength, environmental issues, water supply, access to health etc. I always like to mention the French sociologist Jean Baudrillard who refers to society as potentially obscene. If Adam and Eve remain a bucolic edulcorated vision of our origins but billions of these two makes it indeed somehow obscene and somehow we have to agree that our world is shrinking fast and that we need to redefine our values and perception of what the world should be and how and may be more interestingly by whom it should be managed. Well if these only few questions could be openly addressed without some sense of censorship they would not be subject to the discussion in this article.

In the early Seventies the club of Rome addressed the question of what would happen if we no longer had enough petrol for the planet? The question is not new and many people have raised the question and many more are doing research of how to find solutions. So the issue can’t be to find solutions but mostly how and who will manage the results. It is obvious that even if we already have or had the solution it would not solve the problem of water, food, clean air, traffic issues, production, etc.  If we can already use water for moving our cars it does not solve the congestion in our cities. Why is it that some have imposed on us the idea that we are unable to understand the problems and unwilling to tackle them by making us believe that we need a 16 years old to make us ‘aware’. The level of hypocrisy in this is only here to feel self reassured in the process.

In 1990 when I was in the department of Social Systems Sciences at Wharton University of Pennsylvania I made my research on: Factors of control in a globalizing world: The silent war. Factors of control meaning which are the factors or elements that can be identified used to foresee the future and plan accordingly. Let me summarize what I came up with. My research focused back then on South Africa because I identified that part of the world as the most diversified population on earth.

Professor Hasan Ozbekhan my chairman and mentor had identified the PEST/S as the standard accepted western value system. It indeed can’t be contested. PEST/S meaning: Political- Economics- Social & techno-scientific. I very quickly came to the evidence that the value system of that part of the world had not only these elements in their communities and ethnic groups. We are dealing here with jet lagged societies or people that are living at different speeds with very different perceptions of their environment. Environment has forged and created the diversity through centuries to become what it was or still is. We cannot deny that either. This is why I came to the realization that perceiving the world and more specifically that part of the world with only the PEST/S as only western value system was not going to bring light to my objectives that were to understand better who belongs to what and in what measure.

If the PEST/S are the official value of the western value system I rapidly stated that the unofficial system of the PEST/S were the MIGS : Media – Ideology- Geostrategy –Sanctions. The correlation between Pests and MIGS can be read vertically as well. This already leads our understanding of what motivates our western civilization in its essence. When it comes to Africa and more specifically the southern part of South Africa the value system is very different. I defined their value system as RICE for the official value system ( Religion – Informal sector- Culture – education ) the informal value system being the PBSG ( Propaganda- Boycott-strife & Guerilla). To keep my research short I will not demonstrate here in detail how you can manipulate data and stats as tools of containment by local group and communities by asking who has control of what and in what percentage through time but it does give you a very good visual mapping of the forces in presence and trends with easy understandable projections. The important part here is not to show, that even if I was deeply interested in system thinking and organizational change since Institut Solvay was associated to this research with Ilya Prigogine; Nobel prize of chemistry, but to demonstrate you that back in 1990 I was focusing on value systems that could be used and interpreted freely for a better understanding of societies , cultures , and values. It is then up to you to manipulate the data according to your objectives to get the expected results. After all that is what a system is designed for isn’t it? What you do with a system is what you wish it to do and no one there will prevent you to define all the different potentialities of what the results can offer. At the contrary we want to see how well the system performs and how far it can go. That is the objective of the exercise.

 So there you are sitting behind your desk in your little cubical somewhere in a university playing with value systems and people ‘s worlds like a chess game. It is only theoretical after all isn’t it ?   Was I a complotist back then because I had joined a university? Similarly are you blaming a soldier for having the right to kill people because he is joining the army or defend his country. Well frankly speaking I was more of a complotist back then then now as I’m showing you by a concrete example what the real situation is more likely to be.

Today it seems we all have become part of the chess game but I’m not sure there are many white pawns left in the game. White meaning here: the good ones. Let’s not introduce racism here that is another concept invented to divide people and fuel hatred. In today’s world words have strangely become values as concepts to be used against each other to divide society to such an extent that we no longer have values. The values now are the manipulators and the manipulated. The direct manipulators and the submissive manipulators, the submissive manipulated and the surviving manipulated. This model could be refined by adding the indirect manipulators and the indirect manipulated. This segmentation will automatically direct you towards where you feel you belong. If for example I made a survey on 1000 people the biggest amount will feel on the manipulated side obviously.

This is not a political question just a sense of perception of how you feel towards the system. Unless you are deprived of any common sense and unable to reflect to the past you will agree with that statement and you do not need more to address the issue. No need to count votes here! Your perception is a very reliable perceptive tool. We all do feel the stringent constant economic pressure, more and more so called terrorism threats, safety issues, education deterioration, the censorship, the one mind track perspective, less and less freedom of speech and movement, sexual education for your children, our history is no longer what it was. We have become trees without our branches suffocating and dying. If suicide in Japan has killed more than Covid in one year it is not a unforeseen occurrence it is a direct consequence on human kind. All this did not arrive in one day and is not an accidental succession of occurrences.

For me it all started when you were asking something specific to someone beyond the counter and could not help you out and quoted: I’m sorry Sir I’m only doing my job and doing what I’m asked to do. I collect fines please sign here. Everything starts here when people are being used against each other. I would say it started 30 -40 years ago. Before people would communicate explain and help you out to find a solution. Now there is no one anymore only a list on your screen that will definitely not offer you the opportunity to define your particular case in the multiple choice options. Is this example also an accidental occurrence? Someone must design that website and provide the limitations of the system right?   

What makes me sad actually is not the blaming of the few apprentice sorcerer’s behind the scene running the show. It’s the wide community of deeply corrupted and insane idiots supporting the trend at all levels.

The ones who happily walk in their own sweat of corruption and fear year after year and gladly push it forward without any questioning. Ready to kill family and children for the purpose. The puppets representing the system are who they are and what they are. If conscious they must be deeply unhappy, if conscious deeply frustrated. If they impose what they impose on you it is because they have lost their freedom, sold their souls and want you to belong to the same decadent movement whatever the latest trend. They want everything we have that is a free soul and that has to disappear! The zombie society we have created is total madness without any vision despite a dark objective of containing the world and put it to its knees. 3Th world war is not only a social engineering bacteriological bomb. We have worked on so many issues to contain our progression by defining tools of containment for decades. A superb coordinated team working on a time bomb that started you don’t know when and for how long. You will fall a sleep and never wake up. The biggest mass murder and containment plan ever designed. If you have a sense of history it all stick together like the links of a chain .

That you may like it or not , accept or refute it, it doesn’t make a difference the process started years a go we are only now discovering the monster in its full capacity.

In 2001 we had to accept the idea of permanent terrorism and all airports of the world followed the trend.

Has it reverse its regulations since then? NO. They are still out there you know behind every single corner. You should be worried and scared, live in fear. That reminds me a funny story. When I arrived in the US, I used to go running after work in the neighbourhood ( west Philadelphia) and people around me told me that after 6 I should better stay home and lock my door. We are talking about 1987. In 1998 , 1999 I was jogging in South Africa in Soweto, Khayelitsha, crossroads at 2 o clock in the morning without having to worry about my safety or any life threatening issue. These are facts.

 Our biggest issue is that we no longer look at the facts, they are hidden from us in manipulated images feeding our brains with deviated reality and ideological objectives. What I learned in technical systems in Wharton about organizational change is that If you want to implement change in an organization and be adopted by the rest of the staff and the community you need to target the most represented , strategic knot within the structure and apply the necessary changes for further implementation within the structure. You need a strong psychological effect enabling you to reproduce the simulation further. Do you know how to create unrest and guerrilla warfare in a country. You choose a real nasty vicious imbecile full of hope and ambition ( today we are much more refined in how to operate, the only most important fact is that he belongs to the right community for the purpose ) and convince him to drop a bomb at the gas station on the main crossection down town and reproduce the effect on the other targeted points, ( the domino effect ). We also no longer work with bombs these days we have plenty other toys to play with and believe me the nasty little boys have received plenty of toys for Christmas.

Nothing changed in 30 years in the USA. When I arrived as European in the USA I found the country dirty, unsafe, unfair, shallow, and lacking cohesiveness. What most chocked me was the attitude of the leftist elite who mostly despised Americans. I never shared this with anyone until know. This perception just popped back in my brain while writing this. The main attitude was we know, you guys don’t and we know better. During my time over there I believe only 9% percent of Americans were allowed to enter in this ivy league school. I never really understood why and never brought an answer to this. My experience with real Americans (I’m not talking about the ones that have a double agenda) was that they are very different to us. They have a great sense of humor, they are incredibly pragmatic and trained to adapt around the world without any issue. They are materialistic, beyond belief and open minded. The only ones that are close minded are the ones who wait in line for their promotion into the system and never had the opportunity to open the windows. Their brainwashing was not complete yet.

In 2008 we discovered that our bankers were not be trusted. Has it been reversed since then? NO

What is the purpose to drop your money in the bank ? Is it your money or not? Why giving to someone else that has no name and by definition irresponsible in case of failure? If people were taking their cash out they would gain respect immediately. We need our cash back and avoid at all cost virtual money.

People with loads of cash have their own banker as an employee and he should better do as he is told.

More recently and without taking into account all details of the plan we now have imposed world health control. No worries it is only part of the plan and it is for your well being. Your family doctor no longer knows your state of health he has given up his role as family doctor the covid test happens at the hospital.

The confinement allows to treat people only if a covid test occurred. A highly controversial test that is unreliable and painful in most cases. The ones who will refuse the test will die in big number as there is no more place in hospital due to the pandemic. During the first confinement during the summer of this year my neighbour who happens to be a head nurse at the nearby hospital had no work and the hospital was empty!. She had to go to conferences until she decided to stay home and work in her garden. I’m not saying the virus does not exist but it is man made and we can see the patents online for those who know where to find them. All this is man’s creation. That a few and easily identifiable dark geniuses are enjoying themselves telling you that an army of infected pangolins and wild bats are invading the planet is really funny: Finally a bit of humour.

  What is nevertheless upsetting is to see the amount of people and institutions supporting this frenetic movement towards a collective suicide. Only two options can be drawn from here. Or some part of the population have a free passport for haven and belong to the untouchables or some idiots are convinced it will happen to the neighbour but not them.

With Covid 19 we discovered that: (This list is far from exhaustive)

·       States were incompetent and waiting for their instructions from above. It was ridiculously shaming to see them act, lie and try to put something together.  I have never seen such a blunt confusion. Trusting your government today has become for most countries something from the past. We should refuse electronic voting. The same way we should keep our cash. In fact we should refuse everything massively and redefine our world. We should do our own reset. Mister Trump is only trying here very discreetly and already so annoying for the opposition.

·       Media is corrupted and trying to tell us stories.. Please stop taking us for idiots it is an insult to my intellect and the one of many others.. Lying bluntly is vulgar and ridiculous. Why is it that certain people have decided that it was not good for us to hear the truth?

·       The Police is no longer at your service but against you. Their prerogatives go far beyond their competences and that is also obscene. 

·       The army is no longer patriotic but a bunch of mercenaries. You are not going to tell me that you still believe in patriotic values do you? Do you drug them or what for sending somewhere?

·       The health organization is not there for improving your health it is there to make you sick.

·       Racism & provocation for dividing society and preparing civil war. While you guys are busy with each other we will count the death and place bets. By the way who finances these movements? Don’t tell me they emerge just like that. We all know by now. It is all bullshit and more accurately shit.

·       Doctors that have given up their role as your doctor. they all submit to the higher authority with complaisance and ready to give up their patients like pigs for slaughter.

Which are the countries that can stand out of the crowd? Sweden, Russia, some remote islands in the pacific.

What I hope to deliver here is that the way you guys go about it is simply disgusting and that I hope one day soon you will be taken to court for mass murdering people without giving them the choice. The same liars that have promoted democracy are now in full denial and unable to define anything else than a race to a collective provoked suicide. The genocide of the South Africans, the Jews, the Indians, the Russians, etc are nothing vs what is currently happening. Some people have to take responsibility for their actions and plans. This is not an individual this is a systemic mass murdering plan to eradicate 30 to 50 % of the planet in the long run. May be more. Just a wild guess seen the size of the operation.

What I despise the most beside the big mass of corrupted idiots ready to kill their own family to stay in power is the lack of creativity and sense of ethics, the sense of beauty, the lack of hope behind their policies and laws. It is only dark without hope. You guys have no sense of humour and deserve to be invited for a cruise on the Titanic. Don’t attack me on this one I did not send you an invitation yet.  When you are a creative person there are no lies, no false truth, no hidden agendas. Or you succeed or you fail.

Let’s imagine you own a farm with a vast piece of land. you drive your 4X4 around your property and see some strangers hanging around. You don’t like it and wonder what the heck they are doing there and want them away from your land. You will find this rather natural right? Let’s imagine now you own the world, the cash, the technology, the knowledge, the people, the art, the resources, the souls. Don’t you think you want all the people out of your land but please let us know to whom did you promise to stay: the under aged top model with the big boobs that you will rape on the island and who will have to go that is old ugly annoying and pathetically poor.  

What astonishes me the most is that somehow it seems the few poor devils running the show do not wish you to participate nor to comment on what they are doing. They do not tolerate any challenge regarding this matter. Apparently some were even using the mossad to refrain any reprisal. Well so I read. I find it pathetic; a society without different values and views. How annoying can that be.

How many banks do we have now left not under the control of the hegemonic supremacists?  Iran , Cuba, North Korea, and … I forget the other last one. Can someone remind me and tell me how to open a bank account there instead? No wonder we need to kill more people over there as well. Then it will be all over.

 What a great plan. We still have dictators left on this planet. Can you imagine that? Could you please put them in a zoo may be? Might bring more cash than taking over and no blood shed. Is that a good plan Sir?

No need to send a remote drone with some rockets. 

 The western world has only one single objective is pursuing its strategy and take full power. If only it did not impose a mass murdering plan and give us the opportunity to participate in the real challenges that we are all facing. Contrary that what you assume we know as well as you and when we see with what you come up with lately its pathetic, gross, obscene, and totally uncreative. Somehow anything different will never be tolerated because it’s not about performances and success it’s about hate, world domination, stealing, and slavery. 

May be a bit cynical may be not for knowing both ends of the rope. I will end by stating the south African proverb: Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. I hope the rope is long enough now. Well it sounds and it looks very much like it. The only real issue is that we have too many corrupted people waiting to be fed hoping they will have a tomorrow. That is the real issue. The problem I have is that the system put in place is a system designed to kill the poor, the old , the sick and overpower and enslave the rest of the population. .  We call it refusal to help a person in danger or distress. What a shame. Governments are silent and all approve it. It gives you a good hint of what is happening. 

Another last word for a country I love very much but that has fallen in the worst scenario ever that is France. A country that doesn’t deserve this situation. My best advice to the French and I’m bloody serious about it . You have a king use it! Your country will offer you everything you have lost and much more.

Take care of your own future and plant your own potatoes. There is already too much shit in what we eat and drink. The future is going east and let these pathetic souls drawn in their own shit.

My views on Trump for those who might wonder what I think. In general I do not have an opinion on politics as it doesn’t represent what it is supposed to be. Presidents no longer decide and their power is like royalty symbolic.

Trump is nevertheless a very determined and courageous man who as soon as he was elected had to be impeached during his entire mandate by real maniacs. Many people have big hopes for change with his election and not only in the US. He is a clever ambitious man that knows how to fight his way back and I wish him all the best because he simply deserves what he has been fighting for. This being said I don’t think the deep state never bother continuing what they had planned to do. Covid fell on him like on the rest of the world. I don’t think he believes its coming from China either but that is my opinion. What we can see with the election is that the deep state wants to show Trump that they will play with him as long as they want and want to implement there shit until they will have no other choice either to recognize the fraud by avoiding a revolution or may be worse don’t give a damn and tell the rest of the world .. Hello everyone .. No more elections from now one we are the world and better obey. All opposition will be severely punished.. Somehow I think Russia offers more hope and freedom no wonder I became orthodox.

If I was Putin I would take a very strategic advantage of the situation I don’t know why he hasn’t make his move yet. It is so obvious. he holds the key without any blood shed either. Hope that will give him a hint.  I’m sure he knows what I’m referring to. I’m sure he knows what I’m referring to. Dear Mister Putin time for a refined strategic move. Well you know where to find me. .

PS sorry for the spelling mistakes and poor grammar .. didn’t take my time to read it back. Wanted it on line .. I think it is more important to share it with you. That you like or not.


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