Gates & Obama on funding Renewable Energy

Gates & Obama on funding Renewable Energy

In Progress on Clean Energy, Bill Gates highlighted Senator Murkowski: "If we’re going to make energy more affordable and reliable while solving the problems created by climate change, we need innovative new approaches." . . .Senator Murkowski and Senator Maria Cantwell joined with colleagues . . . to lead a series of votes in the Senate that laid the groundwork for expanding the federal government’s investments in energy R&D. . . ."the President highlighted their leadership when he announced that his 2017 budget will call for significant increases in this funding."
President Obama said: "the budget he will present to Congress on Tuesday will double funding for clean energy research and development by 2020 in an effort to help private sector job creation and lower the cost of clean energy." 
Details are provided in DOE's 2016 Budget 

Ronald L. Klaus

Ethiopia Director at Hope In View, Inc.


Let's hope it will be well spent. There are some clean energy proposals out there for which it is hard to see how they will ever be cost effective. What about funding for fusion energy which is our only long-term solution and which some private companies are getting into?


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