Lambda Web35 Grads - How to get a job

1) New Lambda grads, congrats!!!! Sooo stoked for you! Now, here comes the hard part of getting a job. I’ve put together some tips (source: recruiting background) with some real tactics to increase the odds in your favour...

2) Getting a job is a full time job. Spend a minimum of 4 hours a day sourcing, applying and following up on roles

3) Sourcing? Finding jobs to apply for. Before you go blindly applying for alllll the jobs. Spend some time figuring out what you want first. How? Simple. Write out a list of the top 5 things you want in a company (think values, remuneration, support, feedback, development)

4) Now you know more about what you want, work on increasing the number of jobs you can get access too (that can be through applying or referrals). How? Find jobs on: Indeed, Angel List, Y Combinators work at a start up, community Slack and Discord channels - turn every stone!

5) LinkedIn - apply for roles and DM founders, execs, recruiters, people already doing the job you want, anyone that you think might be able to help. What do you say? Hi, I’m Will. Super interested in Y. Up for a virtual coffee to discuss?

6) Seriously, I know you don’t want too but you need to try DM’ing people on LinkedIn. I promise, you’ll be shocked at how far cold outreach can get you

7) Email - if you really want a job and can find the details for someone high up, consider a cold email telling them (in a short email) who you are, why your contacting them and what you want. Again, you’ll be surprised at how far this will get you

8) Time allocation - split the job applications up like so: jobs you really want, jobs you’d be happy with and random jobs. Roughly, do the following for the jobs you really want: 1. Apply by customizing your Resume and Cover Letter, DM 3/5 people on LinkedIn and email 1/2

9) With the jobs you'd be happy with: Have a generic Resume that can be quickly customized to fit their keywords, have a generic Cover Letter that can be easily customized ( and DM 2/3 people

10) For everything else, have a generic Resume and Cover Letter and send them off into the ether - you never know, if your skills match, you'll still get hits doing this. One point for this though, it can be soul-crushing but like I said, 'breaking into tech' is the hard bit

11) If you need help, ask for it - getting a job is a skill and like any anything, needs practice to get good at. This applies to networking or straight up applications

12) The first person you speak with is generally going to do a phone screen/cultural interview - read this and have an answer for all of the 'tell me about a time...' questions:

13) When you get to the negotiation phase of the job offer - always, always, always ask for more money. Don't believe that you should? That you're worth it? That you're scared? Read this:

Zavier Guadalupe

Web Developer @ Deloitte | Your friendly neighborhood Web Developer


Absolutely fantastic post!

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