The Great Reset - 5 People Trends Startups should embrace now.
The Great Resignation
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.95 million workers quit their jobs each month on average in 2021, making it the record holding year for highest resignations ever, and giving way to the new term “The Great Resignation.”
We’ve all heard, or perhaps know firsthand, why this happened; from workers choosing to leave bad situations for greener pastures, to the ongoing pandemic, to the difficulty of balancing work and life when we were forced into remote work en masse, with little warning and limited infrastructure.
We also know who is resigning: mid-career employees ranging in age from 30-45 and working predominantly in the tech and healthcare industries - likely correlated to the fact that those industries experienced a massive increase in demand, creating serious burnout among employees at a time when jobs were plentiful and employees could leave without fear of unemployment.
Talk of the Great Resignation is plentiful but it hasn’t really gotten to the root of this fundamental shift in how employees are thinking about their work and lives and what employers need to do to build successful organizations.
The Great Reset
With an increased focus on the Future of Work, employee retention, and employee experience, we’re now entering the era of “The Great Reset.” Employers are focused on attracting and retaining those who were leaving the workforce in 2021 in droves, but also attracting and retaining an entirely new generation of workers entering the workforce during very uncertain times. There are a number of People trends that have already shifted front and center to meet the changing landscape of employee expectations.
But, for some companies this isn’t really a reset at all. Startups are extremely well positioned to pioneer new practices that support these evolving People trends, without having to unlearn old ways or rebuild the infrastructure necessary to support it. This is a critical time for startups to focus on what matters most in the new era of work, and build the next generation of great corporate cultures.
5 things Startups can focus on to lead the way
Leveraging People data to deliberately manage the employee experience and build company culture
Google has relied on data for years to understand people and employees - for example, everyone has heard about their "ideal lunch line" metric - (it's 3-4 minutes - not too long, but long enough to meet new people). I’m not suggesting this detailed level of data analysis is for everyone but there is a ton of People data at your fingertips that enables you to create a better experience.
From the moment a future employee learns about a role within your organization, until they ultimately leave that organization, a thousand moments will happen. And throughout that time, your ATS and HRIS are collecting tons of information that historically, hasn’t been used effectively. HR data has been used for compliance and payroll and taxes….ineffective performance management programs and maybe employee survey demographics. But in the new world, all of that data - when a person changes addresses, when they get promoted, when they go on, or return from paternity leave, when they resign, when they accept an offer etc - can be used to reach employees meaningfully and make employees feel seen and heard, without effort and without asking.
We can’t all be Google or afford their massive People team, but there is a whole new category of tooling popping up that takes this data and uses it to automate the mundane tasks that have historically been too unscalable to keep up with, but in a distributed or remote workforce, have become more critical to maintain human connection and manage employee experience. Alternatively, investing in People Analytics as a critical skill early, is also something to consider.
Employee health and wellbeing as a success metric
Mental health has shifted significantly in the last couple of years, most recently due explicitly to the pandemic, but also exacerbated by societal stressors like access to health care, climate change etc. Gen Z is entering the workforce in droves and will comprise a third of the workforce over the next decade - they are also entering adulthood and the workforce at a time when the future feels especially uncertain. And they aren’t alone in their worry. Nearly half of adults in the US reported increases in negative moods, stress and tension.
We know that healthy organizations perform better, but we are entering a period of time where creating a healthy organization is a more critical responsibility and key differentiator for employers. Operating with a high degree of empathy and building benefits plans that tackle things like mental health, supplementing child/elder care, work-from-home setups that enable workers, financial wellness platforms, etc all lead to increased performance, and are still a fraction of the cost of the old workplace and real estate costs.
Recognize the stressors of your workforce, and design a benefits plan that supports the full human to create stronger employees, a better employee experience, and a more successful organization.
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Focus less on roles, and more on critical skills and cross functional enablement
To build the workforce you’ll need in a remote world, focus less on roles — which usually group unrelated skills — and more on the specific skills and outcomes needed to drive your company’s competitive advantage and the workflows that fuel that advantage. This shows up in many ways - you may hire for or develop critical skills that open up multiple opportunities for career development, rather than preparing employees for a specific next role. You might hire for softer skills like resilience and problem solving - skills that are critical to success, but not necessarily job or role specific. Maybe you focus on teaching your employees or new hires why your product exists, how it works, what the market looks like, competitive advantages, etc - this makes for employees who are more effective cross functionally, but who also feel a sense of purpose and can better understand their impact within an organization without the antiquated measure of moving up to the next job as the measure of success. However this shows up, focus should shift from traditional role definitions, to the critical skills related to specific outcomes, and to better business/company acumen to make better cross functional partners in a distributed workforce.
Employer responsibility for productivity and resilience
Productivity has long been the measure of a high performing workforce and oftentimes, employees were expected to be productive without a ton of enablement, which led to extra work, long hours working inefficiently, and ultimately burnout. This is the way of the past. Employers have a responsibility to enable productivity - not to just expect it. Robust onboarding programs, well designed collaboration tools and practices, and a well developed operating muscle/planning process will all become critical to creating productive employees.
65% of Americans listed work as the number one stressor in their lives. We can safely say that the last few years have exacerbated stress in general, so consider including stress and resilience related questions in your work satisfaction or employee engagement surveys. Once you have data and know the impact of stress and other factors on your employees, you can develop a plan for building resilience and a healthy work culture. If you aren’t running surveys yet, simple things like implementing resilience training to create greater job satisfaction, work happiness, organizational commitment and employee engagement could be impactful.
Enabling team collaboration
Even before the pandemic and the move to remote work, only 14% of companies felt confident in their collaboration and decision making processes. Even working side-by-side collaboration is difficult. To enable better collaboration, decide on a team collaboration strategy and then understand what is holding you back from that strategy today before you invest in any tools. Set clear goals and reward collaboration - not just individual results - so it becomes culturally significant. Focus on documentation and knowledge sharing as critical and finally select collaboration tools that enable your strategy, but keep in mind the lift associated with making those tools successful. Choose tools that will enable your goals, and that you trust can be adopted with the level of support your organization can dedicate - don’t choose tools that require admin support you can’t staff.
Finally, if you do nothing else, understanding the impact of the last few years on the workforce is critical to understanding how to retain talent. Employee needs and expectations have shifted dramatically. Employees have options and have proven they aren’t afraid to exercise them. The most successful startups will be those that lean into this shift, and invest in building the cultures necessary to support the future of work.
Author: Michelle Delcambre is a Talent Partner at Felicis Ventures, leveraging over a decade of People/Talent experience scaling fast growth, iconic companies like Atlassian, Okta, Databricks, and Stripe.
Chief Marketing Officer | Product MVP Expert | Cyber Security Enthusiast | @ GITEX DUBAI in October
2yMichelle, thanks for sharing!