How to Celebrate 25 Years in a Soil Carbon Project

How to Celebrate 25 Years in a Soil Carbon Project

Why a 25-year Australian Carbon Credit Scheme (ACCU) soil carbon project is a very good thing for farmers … and the grains industry

Part Six




          A long-lasting positive impact of particular actions that took place in the past.  Something of enduring value passed onto future generations.

Its Father's Day today, and I'm thinking deeply about what it means to be a father to my two boys, who are now young adults. What world will I leave them and their coming offspring?

There are two things that underpin a thriving civilization...a healthy soil in which to grow healthy food, and a stable climate that allows the crops to flourish. All human civilization rests on these foundations. We are in an era where globally starvation is almost unknown. This is a recent phenomenon that modern agriculture has readily available food. Read the history books, this was never the norm until recent times. We often forget this. The old saying there is only seven hungry days between civilization and anarchy is only too real.

So, I think about it through this lens - what legacy is important for our generation to leave the next? For me it all revolves around doing something about soil and climate.

This is fundamentally why I am so motivated to promote 25-year soil carbon projects. They weld a potent soil and climate legacy play into the farm business plan well into the future.

Believe me, regarding discussions with farmer concerning 25-year soil carbon projects, I’ve heard it all.  I've talked to growers the length and breadth of this country in the last few years specifically about carbon projects...and reoccurring themes emerge.

Twenty five years! You don't get that for murder mate”.

“25 years… that's a joke right?”

“25 years… I couldn't sign up to that… way too long”

“25 years… that’s too onerous on our land title with too many unknowns”

Yet the opposite, I genuinely believe and argue, is true. 

And this is why.

As an industry in Australia, broad acre agricultural production of annual crops has been incrementally running down our soil carbon and subsequent soil health, quality, productivity and resilience since we sowed the first annual crops.  By nature, annual cropping and overgrazing practices deplete soil carbon stock. We can be forgiven for that. For years we didn't know, for more years we didn't measure. However now we do know and measure...and we also now have access to a carbon fixing inoculum technology and cropping and grazing systems that build carbon.

No excuses now.

Across the Australian wheat belt, it has been estimated that over 60% of soil carbon has been lost from the top ten centimeters of soil. (…)

The trend is reflected globally

 Is this the direction we should all be aiming to continue as individuals and as an industry?  I would argue no. Absolutely and unequivocally NO.  

 I would argue a 25th anniversary punctuating a successful relationship with your land where your soils increased in carbon and became much more fertile and your business more resilient would always be something to aspire to… and to genuinely celebrate, as individual farming businesses and as an industry. What-a-legacy.

 In my mind, farmers have a simple choice.  Spend the next 25 years continuing to maintain static soil carbon levels, or worse run them down further, leaving a very poor legacy…or…build soil carbon incrementally for 25 years and significantly improve soil fertility for the next generation, leaving an amazing legacy… and get paid every three to five years for the privilege to do so.  Where is the downside that would override this outcome? It doesn't exist.

Soil carbon projects are an opportunity create profit and legacy to do good … most definitely not a threat to business.  A 25-year soil carbon project is fundamentally a soil stewardship / superannuation agreement with your property and the next generation.  Soil carbon is simply a valuable farm business infrastructure that supports a money-making enterprise…i.e. the growing of a soil carbon crop.  Soil carbon is not a value diminishing infrastructure, it is very much a value-adding form of infrastructure to a farm.  

A 25-year soil carbon project bakes in a commitment to constant improvement, affirmative action towards resilience and profitability…and a pledge to create an enduring positive legacy for the next generation, from which we borrow their land.

There is one overarching immutable and fundamental argument that stands strong in support of a 25-year soil carbon project, and that is… there is only upside to building soil carbon and soil health.

Always just around the corner

Agriculture is a tough and sometimes cruel game as we know.  We all understand there will be another drought or climate extreme just around the corner in which to contend, hopefully mixed in amongst some good seasons.

 Extremes are far easier to deal with if your soils are on your side.  Soil is the first line of defense… and a question that should be at every farm planning meeting - “are my soils in a shape to support me through the tough times”?  Are they well enough aggregated and do they have enough carbon in their profiles?  Will they absorb rainfall well and store more water for longer in a less predictable climate?  Can they drain when there is too much water? Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance …and a 25-year soil carbon project is all about proper preparation. 

Action is the Antidote to Anxiety

It's an easy subject to shy away from, however one that is useless dancing around in reality and must be addressed in the clear light of day.  Mental health and suicide on farms is directly correlated with climate extremes.  A recent Cosmos article quotes a paper that found “the suicide rate for Australian farmers is nearly 59% higher than the general population”

With a farm business so deeply determined by the climate, the physical reality of being a farmer is woven tightly into a three-ply plat of weather, resilience and mental health. Understanding and acknowledging this fact and taking action in readiness for the next drought is a potent tool to managing and meeting mental health head on in agriculture. In this way, 25-year soil carbon projects support mental health. A long bow? Not really.

Hope for the future, belief in a legacy bigger than yourself, taking affirmative action, making a strong plan, having trust in that good long-term strong plan and seeing your soils and profitability improve year by year as a consequence of that plan can be a pretty powerful place to put yourself, your family and your business when the chips are down.  Action is the antidote to anxiety.

Imagine the next generation farming in a +2% SOC soil (from a current starting point of ~1%).  Imagine the resilience and productivity. This would truly be worthy of popping a bottle of champagne (alcoholic or nonalcoholic) to celebrate at the end of a 25-year soil carbon project.

It also might inspire the next generation to begin another 25-year project to continue looking after the land and building on the established benefits for their kids and grandkids, with the help of who knows what technologies and techniques that are still to come. CarbonBuilder is the first of its kind technology, however inevitably there will be many more technologies and methods to come that will help growers build soil carbon year on year.

CarbonBuilder in a 2024 strip trial at Pallamalawa (thicker strips) vs cont. Same strips with CarbonBuilder Barley last year recorded 10.3% increase in grain yield and a 6.4 T of C02e stored in the soil above control. Yr on yr increased soil health!

 Carbon projects build profit and legacy into the farm plan.  They are inextricably linked, different sides of the same coin.  In many ways, it really is that simple. 

However, legacy can and should be an industry wide motivation.  Imagine most farmers in your district, your state, your nation, sequestering meaningful quantities of carbon into their soils over a 25-year period.  What would Australian soils and the grains industry look like in 25 years?  That’s worth pondering for a moment.

 How many tonnes of carbon would be taken out of the atmosphere (where at present it traps heat), and instead be repurposed to do good work in our soils as water holding soil organic carbon… if we all started now.  What a healthy soil and environment we would be passing on to our kids. A rising tide lifts all boats.

And apparently, it's not just me that thinks this way.  In a recent large scale Soil CRC Farm Survey entailing thousands of farmers across six Australian farming regions, one of the major finding was, “across all regions, the ability to “pass on a healthier environment for future generations” was the most important value land holders attached to their property”

A 25-year soil carbon project on a farm helps to ensure this value is duly upheld.  It becomes very powerful to weave the value into the legacy and subsequently the culture-of-agriculture. 

It makes a statement clearly to the world that Australians value and care for our soils.

To me thinking about a soil carbon project on a farm conjures up images of a big Sunday family roast when all the family gets together.  Lamb, rosemary, roast veggies and greens and relaxed connected conversations between the old and the young…. nourishing and supportive and leaves you with a great feeling of intergenerational family integrity…and that the next generation is in good hands.

A 25-year soil carbon project involves having a vision and a view to playing the long game.   It forms the foundations of an ever-improving soil health plan as part of a long-term farm businesses sustainability strategy.   It makes sense to have the farm's fundamental welfare of the soil welded into the DNA of the long-term farm plan and succession plan.  

This is the one that really moves me.  Any sustainability / regenerative / legacy goals (use whatever word you like) your business fosters into the future is met professionally and meaningfully via a 25-year ACCU generating soil carbon project enterprise. 

Here is a simple, yet deceptively impactful thought experiment…

  1. Cast your mind back 25 years.

What was the soil health like on your farm?  

2. What is your soil health like now by comparison?

3. Cast your mind forward 25 years.

What could your soil health look like if;

     a. You continue to lose soil carbon year in year out?

    b. If you do grow soil carbon year in year out? 

…we get to choose our own adventure.

 It takes courage and time to build something great, and this is never truer for soil.  Like any commitment to personal relationships, family, personal health and fitness, financial freedom and your community, you need to play the long game and commit to the process. 

 Small incremental consistent positive changes. Atomic habits.  So too with soil carbon and soil health.  You need to keep at it, and it's easier if there is a tool for the job and a system in place that ensures commitment to the desired long-term outcome.

 “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” James Clear atomic Habits”.

 A 25-year soil carbon project is a system that ensures your soil will continue to grow carbon and become more fertile, and there is only upside to that!  Your 25th soil carbon project anniversary should be a time for celebration…something to look forward to and to thoroughly enjoy the journey along the way.  

A wise farmer once told me “Without a dream, there is no progress” (Steve Nicholson 2024).   

My dream is to see Australian soils get healthier and healthier by continually building soil carbon. 

In 25 years, I'll be 83 years old if I‘m lucky enough to make it that far.  If I do, I’d like to sit on my verandah looking out across a paddock of canola in full flower in a carbon rich paddock from a comfy chair and contemplate a forward thinking industry that has adopted 25 year carbon projects and sequestered millions of tonnes from the atmosphere into our food producing soils, and smiling at the thought of all those young farmers enjoying the fruits of such a legacy.

Celebrating in the paddock with ‘bubbly’ sowing Australia's first Loam Bio  SecondCrop Soil Carbon Project with the CarbonBuilder carbon fixing fungi inoculum in April 2023.

Pictured from left, Forbes farmer Steve Nicholson, Torben Heinzel & Matias Mihura from Loam Bio and myself (Adam Nicholson on the tractor actually doing the work!).

 Cheers and here’s to you one-day celebrating your 25th soil carbon project anniversary in style… looking back at how far your soil health has come, the success of your ACCU generating enterprise and feeling proud of your contribution to the healthy soils of your farm and our nation! 

In the meantime, I am deciding where I'll take my good wife for our 25th wedding anniversary… maybe to a good soil carbon conference or a local Landcare soil pit day ;-).

For more information contact 

Guy R Webb


Experienced senior executive in the agriculture sector. Climate change. Sustainable ag. Natural resource management. Stakeholder engagement. Industry resilience. Disaster recovery. Facilitator. Public speaker.


A fabulous thought collection over 6 instalments Webby. What a great call to a to end on - “choose your own adventure”. We have a choice to be an abundance thinker; and not play victim to everything around us; climate change included.

Samantha Jewel

CEO. Soil Carbon Advisory and Podcastor (Integration) Aggregates and facilitates carbon sales for farmers though biologically soil carbon. Books and podcasts @


I love what you write but have to agree with the risk both ways. I hope our 1 year carbon commodity we have worked so hard to get accepted in the international markets will solve all that and we can partner with you Guy Webb and Loam Bio to really drive soil as a solution forward. Everything you say is right but farmers are pushed to survive now let alone the risks into the future and the upfront costs to change with returns somewhat down the line. But doing small trials is a must to get farmers moving in this. The ESG laws coming in next year will really affect some growers so I hope they are taking on your products with gusto!


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