How to Create a Positive Candidate Experience

How to Create a Positive Candidate Experience

Hey LinkedIn family 👋

Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter! We hope you've been enjoying our lighthearted and informative content on building an awesome employer brand in financial services.

Today, we're going to talk about how to create a positive candidate experience. As HR leaders, you know that the hiring process can be stressful for candidates. But by following a few simple tips, you can create a positive experience that will leave candidates feeling good about your firm, even if they don't get the job.

Tip #1: Communicate Clearly and Consistently

One of the biggest complaints candidates have about the hiring process is a lack of communication. Make sure you're communicating clearly and consistently with candidates throughout the hiring process.

Let them know what to expect at each stage of the process, and provide regular updates on their application status. This will help reduce their anxiety and make them feel valued


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Tip #2: Be Respectful of Candidates' Time

Candidates are busy people, and they're often juggling multiple job applications at once. Be respectful of their time by scheduling interviews at convenient times, providing detailed instructions on how to prepare, and being punctual.

If you need to reschedule an interview or extend the hiring process, be transparent and communicative about the reasons why

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Tip #3: Provide Feedback and Closure

Finally, even if a candidate doesn't get the job, make sure you provide them with feedback and closure. Let them know what they did well, and what they could improve on for future job applications.

This feedback will not only help the candidate grow and improve, but it will also leave them with a positive impression of your firm.

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Let's wrap it up 👇

Creating a positive candidate experience is crucial for building an awesome employer brand in financial services. By communicating clearly and consistently, being respectful of candidates' time, and providing feedback and closure, you can create a hiring process that leaves candidates feeling valued and respected.

We hope you found these tips helpful and actionable. Stay tuned for our next newsletter, where we'll share more insights and best practices for building an awesome employer brand in financial services.

💥 Hey 👋 I’m Steve. 

🔺Providing 1-2-1 and group training to financial service HR teams and recruiters - teaching you how to build an employer brand that is a magnet for top talent

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