The Known Unknowns of Remote Work: Discovering Your Unknown Knowns

The Known Unknowns of Remote Work: Discovering Your Unknown Knowns

In one of his most quotable moments, Donald Rumsfeld once said, “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know.”

As more of us have transitioned to remote work in recent years, we've encountered our fair share of “known unknowns.”

We've had to figure out the best communication tools, how to handle time zones, and how to stay productive in our home environments.

However, just as significant, if not more so, are the "unknown knowns" of remote work—those practices, insights, or habits that might be influencing our work without our conscious awareness.

Here are some provocative questions to consider:

1. Have you identified your peak productivity times? We all have circadian rhythms that influence when we’re most awake or alert. By not acknowledging these “known unknowns,” we might be trying to hammer out tasks during our least productive times.

2. What does your work environment signal to your brain? You may have a dedicated workspace, but have you fine-tuned its ergonomics, lighting, and noise levels? These "unknown knowns" subtly affect our work mood and output every day.

3. Are there unrecognized energy drains in your day? Consider those ten-minute social media breaks. They might seem harmless but could be creating "unknown known" mental breaks that disrupt deep work.

4. How often do you step outside? The "unknown known" of being locked indoors might be stifling your creativity and affecting your mental well-being.

5. Do you know the impact of back-to-back virtual meetings? The drain of continuous screen time without physical interaction or change of scenery might be an “unknown known” affecting your post-meeting productivity.

Remote work offers incredible flexibility and freedom, but it also comes with its set of challenges—some we're acutely aware of, and others that might be lurking just below our conscious perception.

My challenge to you: Spend this week identifying one "unknown known" about your remote work habits. Adjust, iterate, and share your findings.

By bringing these under-the-radar habits into the light, you may just unlock a more effective, balanced, and rewarding remote work experience.

Inspire others by sharing your "unknown knowns" in the comments!

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