The latest in employee health: August 2024

The latest in employee health: August 2024

In this month's edition of our newsletter, we shine a spotlight on employee mental health and the impact of employee assistance programs.

Learn how an employee assistance program changed the life of one of our own TELUS Health employees, and why taking a holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing is more important than ever.

How Employee Assistance Programs can change lives: Susan's story

Susan Mulderrig, Executive Receptionist at the TELUS Health

“I’m strong today. I’m okay. And that’s a good place to be”, says Susan Mulderrig. 

Meeting Susan for the first time, she gives off an air of confidence – but also vulnerability. Susan has been the Executive Receptionist at the TELUS Health head office for 9 years, often serving as the first point of contact for a client or employee looking for support. 

“They could be calling about their recently deceased mother’s pension”, she says, “or they could be inquiring about medical prescriptions, or how to access their EAP (employee assistance program) case worker”. The amount of questions Susan fields not only showcases the many products and services that TELUS Health offers, but also, the amount of knowledge Susan must have in her role to support TELUS Health’s clients.

But for Susan, her role goes beyond directing someone to the right department. 

“My role has evolved over the years into what I call a support triage”, she says, underscoring the high emotions of many of her callers. “When clients call, they’re often under a lot of stress. It could be the loss of a loved one, their own mental health, or tracking down a much needed prescription.”

There is without a doubt the requirement that Susan have a deep understanding of the business in order to perform her role, however, if you ask her what she thinks the most important quality she possesses is – her answer may surprise you. 

“Empathy is essential”, she says, “when I get on the phone with someone I tell them my name, I say I’m here for them, and that we’re going to figure this out together”. 

Susan’s ability to meet callers where they are, and reassure them that they will find a solution together is invaluable to clients. Susan serves as a vital, personal touchpoint that connects people with what many see as a large company.

But how did Susan get so good at it? Fielding calls with high emotions, and navigating the complexity of departments, referrals, and more? Susan credits her ability to empathize with people to a particularly meaningful call she had with a Case Manager, “Care Navigator”, when she needed the assistance of an EAP. 

“I wish I knew her name”, says Susan, “she changed my life”.

Susan’s journey

Before Susan joined TELUS Health, she was going through one of the darkest times in her life. 

Her work and her personal life had seemingly imploded – and as many of us know, our work and our personal lives are deeply intertwined. Susan's mother had passed away, she had been recently laid off from her job, and was navigating the complexities of a particularly bad breakup. “I was mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically broken”, she says. 

When she was laid off, the company she worked for had handed her a pamphlet for the TELUS Health EAP, providing it to her to support her emotionally, and in finding a new position.

“I was desolate”, says Susan, “but I called the number”. Little did Susan know that this phone call would help set her on a new path. 

“When I called, the EAP operator stayed on the phone with me for hours when I was at my lowest”, says Susan. “I was a mess. Crying, angry, laughing...but she stuck with me”. 

Susan describes herself as being at rock bottom when she called the EAP,  but that the most important thing about the operator was that she stayed on the phone with her, throughout her highs and lows – demonstrating empathy and unwavering support. 

“I felt like there was someone who had my back, who cared for me. Not only did she listen to me, she heard me”, she says. 

The EAP operator helped Susan look for employment opportunities, referring her to a career counsellor that eventually led her to her joining her current position with TELUS Health.

Susan credits the EAP with helping her gain employment at TELUS Health – and her employment not only helping her financial situation, but also her mental health. “I love my colleagues”, she says “and every day I feel like I am helping others. I know how much the EAP operator meant to me, so everyday I try to pay that forward when a caller needs support”. 

Want to hear more about Susan’s journey and how EAP has impacted her life? Continue reading the original version on our TELUS Health Blog

To learn more about EAPs and how we are supporting the health and wellbeing of employees, visit our website.

The future of mental health and wellbeing is a holistic approach

From computing and AI to the climate crisis; from the evolution of the workplace to increasing economic challenges, change is everywhere. With the ever-growing demands of the modern world, stress pervades all aspects of life - at home and in the workplace.

Speaking at a panel discussion at the 2023 CHRO Executive Summit in Vancouver, Dr. Matthew Chow, Chief Mental Health Officer with TELUS Health, and Paula Allen, Global Leader and Senior Vice President, Research and Client Insights for TELUS Health, discussed the importance of mental health and why a holistic approach to workplace wellness is needed.

Read on for some of the highlights from this discussion. 

Decline in mental health continues

Employee mental health risks remain at high levels; the decline in mental health of working individuals remains well below pre-pandemic levels. (As of May 2023, 33% of employees surveyed have a high mental health risk compared to 12% in 2019).

Modern mental health care looks at the total person

As employers gain a better understanding of mental health, they recognize that there are many different aspects to it. When it comes to mental health care, one size does not fit all. Each employee needs to be considered holistically with solutions that support the physical, mental and financial wellbeing of that person. 

While traditional EAPs continue to play an essential role in employee health and wellbeing, they are designed to offer short-term reactive support for personal and work-related situations. But the EAP doesn’t address the urgent need for robust, continuous support for mental health issues, which can be complex and differ from person to person. For the instances requiring more robust, ongoing support, solutions such as Total Mental Health from TELUS Health can step in to offer unlimited highly personalized 24/7 mental health support with qualified mental health professionals.

Employers are prioritizing mental health

More and more employers are stepping up to fill in healthcare gaps and protect the health of their employees; they're building on their EAPs with the goal being to prioritize employee mental health. They’re looking for personalized, accessible solutions that can help workers proactively manage their health, so they can feel better and happier at work - and at home. 

For more important takeaways from this panel discussion, read the original article from our TELUS Health blog.

Want to learn more about how TELUS Health supports the health and wellbeing of employees? Visit our website.

Steve Smith

Répartiteur chez FOCUS par TELUS


Really inspiring read! I appreciate the focus on holistic employee wellness and how TELUS Health is making a positive impact through Employee Assistance Programs. Susan's story is a great reminder of the power of empathy and support in the workplace.

Denis Martel

Je compose des numéros de téléphone, sans frais à l’image de qui vous êtes, métier ou .com, ça marchera simplement vous obtenez une extension = vous, l’appelant affiche son numéro, message diriger vers votre courriel wow


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