The Latest Opportunities available in F1, PLUS... the power of teamwork and our 'quote a day'

The Latest Opportunities available in F1, PLUS... the power of teamwork and our 'quote a day'


Graduate Wind Tunnel Engineer - Williams Racing

Junior Controls Engineer - Red Bull Racing

Junior Tyre Simulation and Performance Engineer - Red Bull Racing

Graduate Finance Analyst - McLaren Racing

Motor Control, Placement Student - Mercedes AMG High Performance PowerTrains

#f1 #jobsinf1 #careers #motorsport #jobsinmotorsport #graduate #finance #vehicledynamics

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Today's Quote

Welcome to Wednesday Wisdom! I hope you've been embracing and making the most of this brand new week. Today, I want to share some thoughts about something that means a lot to me from my new 'Quote a Day' series - the power of teamwork.

Inspirational Quote of the Day: "A car wins a race, but a team wins the championship. Remember, no one is a lone rider on the track of success."

In the world of motorsport, it's easy to focus on the one in the driver's seat, the one who crosses the finish line. But behind every driver, there's a team. A group of people who work together, who support each other, who share in the joy of every victory and the lessons of every setback.

This is a reminder of a simple truth - we need each other. We need each other to learn, to grow, to reach our full potential. This is true in motorsport, and it's true in life. We need mentors to guide us, friends to stand with us, and a support system to lift us up when we stumble.

Top Tip of the Day: Build strong relationships with your peers and mentors. Their support and guidance can light your path as you navigate your journey in the motorsport industry.

Building these relationships is about more than networking. It's about opening your heart, listening to others, and valuing their experiences and perspectives. It's about understanding that every person you meet has a story to tell, a lesson to share. And when we listen to these stories, when we learn these lessons, we become a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Remember, every person you meet has something to teach you. Embrace the spirit of teamwork, and you'll find that you're not just building a career, you're building a community.

In the end, motorsport, like life, is a team sport. It's about coming together, supporting each other, and moving towards a shared goal. It's about understanding that our strength lies in our unity, in our shared dreams and shared struggles.

As you continue your journey in motorsport, remember to cherish the team around you. Learn from them, grow with them, and celebrate your successes together. Because when one of us wins, we all win.

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The Quote for 25/07/2023

Wow, can you believe Formula Careers is already six years old? Time really does fly when you're having fun! I've been a life path guide for friends and family most of my adult life, and now, I feel like it's time to share my insights with a larger audience. And what better audience than the next generation of motorsport professionals?

Getting the basics right, building up your confidence, and learning to bounce back from setbacks now can really set you up for success in the long run. So, I've decided to start sharing a daily quote related to motorsport. I'm not sure how long I can keep it up - 365 days is quite a stretch! But hey, let's give it a shot and see where this journey takes us.

Feel free to connect or follow me - Louise M. . I'll also be posting these daily nuggets of inspiration on our Formula Careers page.

Wish you all the very best for the rest of the week, and with your applications!

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