Magical Culinary Moments
Culinary & Gastronomy Tours by ITA Global ~ International Tours Alliance, S.A.

Magical Culinary Moments

We are constantly inventing new and exciting travel programs to experience a new way of life with rich cultures, diversity of friends and amazing new culinary flavors.

I'll never forget that day... "What the HELL you doing in here Daddy-O?" said a deep voice followed by a tall dark man with a white jacket that read, Executive Chef.

That was the unforgettable moment when my life changed from working as a line cook to becoming a chef's apprentice and realizing how little I knew about the culinary world. You see as I graduated from my first line cook job at Hooters, I stepped it up a notch to the world of seafood at Red Lobster. It was at that ripe old age of 17 when I thought I was a badass because I could put grill marks on fish and steak. Little to my surprise there was so much more to food than just cooking it as I had been doing and Executive Chef Neff was about to open up a can of whoop-ass on me.

Photo credit: Miravalle

His size and posture were so intimidating, not to mention his deep voice and commanding presence and... oh yeah, the fact that I snuck in the kitchen door looking for a job was not exactly normal protocol. Once he put his knife down and realized I was looking for a job, he asked if I had any experience to which I responded with confidence, "of course I do". He sat me down in his office and begin to drill me with questions like, how many beans do you know? How many grains of rice can you name? I could only think of 2 beans. Black beans and Kidney Beans. "As for the rice well that's easy, 3. White rice, brown rice and fried rice" I said. Chef didn't know whether to yell at me, get out! or to just laugh at me, but as they say, timing is everything in life and at that time the resort was ranked the #3 spa in the world.

During those days Chef was busy writing recipes for his cookbook "Conscious Cuisine" which later went on to be published. He was also responsible for creating a health conscious menu before it became popular and he needed some help doing all his "grunt" or prep work. He found ways to make unhealthy tasteful and full flavored dishes but with a fraction of the fat and calories. This landed him appearances on Oprah Winfrey, Today Show, Food Network and appeared in the pages of the New York TimesBon Appetit, Gourmet and is currently revolutionizing the food served in hospitals. He's the real deal, a certified badass and one of my first inspirations as a young man. Fortunately for me, he saw something in me and offered me a job.

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So what was my job? To taste everything he made. Taste this, Taste that, Taste, Taste, Taste. Oh yeah....and prepare the cafeteria lunch for all of the resort workers. The combination of experiencing Chef's out of this world dishes and then making cafeteria style food was quite the contrast, but it showed me what was possible by understanding food, plants, spices, the art, the passion, and pride of having a dish so delicate it required an hour photo session. It was like Hollywood for the food. I couldn't believe it. A presentation so clean and neat, not a single drop or ingredient out of place... It was picture perfect. This was my first magical culinary moment.

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That night as I lay in bed I couldn't stop thinking about how badly I wanted to become a chef so I could make amazing foods and impress people like Chef did for me. That next day I went to work with my head held high ready to be a chef as if I had learned through osmosis overnight. A few hours in and after 2 cut fingers I decided to add a couple of 400 degree oven burns to my forearms followed by a quick bathroom break after cutting habanero chilies. With a burning sensation below my belt and a quick glance at all my bandages I swore I would not make it through my first week. I later found out that my fellow cooks had been trying to break me, as the kitchen is not for the weak minded. You ever see Gordon Ramsay in Hell's Kitchen, that's not Hollywood, thats real life in the kitchen.

You ever see Gordon Ramsay in Hell's Kitchen, that's not Hollywood, thats real life in the kitchen.

To say that life as a chef is rough would be an understatement. Even the nicest and most caring pastry chef who always loved to smile could turn Ramsay-Like, especially when she would catch me in the cooler eating her chocolate. While I did make it through that week and passed all the tests and traps set to break me (like the trick desert: a ball of wasabi covered in coffee grinds drizzled with chocolate left out by the pastry chef), my professional cooking career would come to an end a few years later. I may have left the kitchen to pursue entrepreneurship and running a business of my own, however I didn't leave without the skills and admiration acquired from one bad ass chef.

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Those skills that I learned like how to hold a knife so you don't chop off a finger, how to mince garlic with your eyes closed, how to 1/4" dice fresh roma tomatoes or flambé your pan while preparing a sauce for the main dish, it all continues to be a part of my arsenal when entertaining others. With an impactful experience behind the scenes of the kitchen, I knew I could explain the food well to others so naturally found myself as a waiter in fine dining restaurants during the first few years of learning how to become an entrepreneur.

Those first few years trying to strike it rich with my own business were surely some of my poorest moments. The only thing that was rich was my attitude which made it fun getting hired and fired from a series of fine dining restaurants. I would tell them everything they wanted to heart until they hired me, then after I had made enough cash in tips to pay my monthly bills, I did everything they didn't want until they fired me. It became a game of getting hired and fired that taught me so many valuable life lessons and led to additional education and development expanding my palate to understand the pairing of wines and food.

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I had learned from Chef that wines can make or break any dish but I never knew how to choose a decent one or what to look for much less how to pronounce what was written on the label. The sophistication of wine and the diversity of flavors which are enhanced when properly paired is an experience that I knew I wanted to share with others and this turned me into a student eager to learn and to teach. It slowly evolved into me surprising friends with a meal or a blind tasting of wines, then cooking for friendly gatherings always with the intent to impress or show off something new. Friends who previously knew little about food and wine began to start taking interest, asking more and more questions. Then cooking shows started to top the TV charts bringing awareness to the masses that there is much more to food than just cooking it.

With entertaining culinary shows now capturing the attention of people from around the world, the growing hunger to try new dishes and experience new flavors continues to rise. As I started to travel outside of the USA, this rising interest in food became more obvious across cultures, across borders and regardless of languages. We all need to eat and so the social setting that comes hand in hand with food deserves to be more than something that we simply deserves to be an experience that we remember long after the food is gone, it deserves to be a Magical Culinary Moment.

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Creating special moments and experiences which involve food and beverages is still today a strategic part of how I do business. While my industry profession is tourism and travel, one of the most exciting parts of any trip is definitely the food. First off not everyone likes to travel and many don't even have a passport, but for those who do, they most likely have experienced a magical culinary moment of their own by trying food or drinks they would never dare to back home. This opening of the mouth starts with the opening of the mind and always remember if you don't like it, spit it out, otherwise it will come out on its own the next day. Either way it wont stick around with you forever so why not give life a taste?

if you don't like it, spit it out, otherwise it will come out on its own the next day. Either way it wont stick around with you forever so why not give life a taste?

If you're not a "foodie" like so many call themselves today and if your not into taking food pics for your Instagram account that's ok, for years we have been integrating food, travel and unique experiences like this Gastronomy Tour in Panamá featured on Tripadvisor where we escort you to strategic restaurants based on your personalized taste and interests allowing you to experience something unique and diverse featuring multiple famous chefs and their culinary delicacies. If you have been drooling while reading this than you may be a foodie or a food enthusiast at the least. Usually when you think of eating you imagine one location with one meal, but we create a muti-chef, multicultural, and multi-destination gastronomy tour that not only connects you with the local scene and culture but also gives you diversity of flavors that will excite any chef or novice. Like our gasto trip to Cuba or exploring the Inca Trail with a Peruvian culinary twist or check out this Gastronomy Tour in Nicaragua where fresh seafood is on the menu as waves crash at your feet while you dine. Our friends, family and now customers are enjoying food in new ways with new people in new places. Don't take our word for it, taste it for yourself!

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"It was an easy walking tour, come hungry, and if you are an extrovert you will love meeting everyone!"
- winslow82 -
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Hearing happy customers and reading satisfied testimonies of our culinary and gastro tours has been very rewarding. It allows me to personally share special moments getting to know people on a deeper level. When the stomach is fed and the heart is happy we have the ability to bond in ways we can not even begin to describe. Today I do a lot less cooking yet always remember the days seeing someone's eyes light up as they sink their teeth into a watermelon sliced open with a machete alongside the road. Is it the watermelon that's so sweet, or the machete that's so precise? I now know that it's the Magical Culinary Moment that is so precisely sweet it will leave your taste buds tingling and you socially mingling.

We all need to eat and so the social setting that comes hand in hand with food deserves to be more than something that we simply deserves to be an experience that we remember long after the food is gone, it deserves to be a Magical Culinary Moment.

For more information about creating your Magical Culinary Moments please email or call 213.293.6422 for more information about chefs and cuisines offered through our gastronomy and culinary packages. International Tours Alliance is a (DMC) Destination Management Company specializing in all your travel logistics. We are constantly inventing new and exciting travel programs to experience a new way of life with rich cultures, diversity of friends and amazing new culinary flavors. We wish everyone a safe and speedy recovery from the 2020 pandemic which has left us all hungry for something new. We hope to share a meal with you soon.

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