Meet Junrui Cheng, Ph.D.: A Nutrition Scientist’s Perspective on Nutrition and Well-being
Meet the Expert: Junrui Cheng, Ph.D.

Meet Junrui Cheng, Ph.D.: A Nutrition Scientist’s Perspective on Nutrition and Well-being

With an M.S. in Nutritional Epidemiology and a Ph.D. in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition, Junrui CHENG, Ph.D. , has delved deep into the world of gut microbiota and its impact on people’s overall health and wellness. Her research has shed light on how our gut microbiome influences our response to nutrients and diets, with her current research orbiting around two pivotal themes: dietary fiber and digestive health. 

We recently sat down with Dr. Cheng to ask about some common nutrition misconceptions and to discover how she got started in her career, discuss her passions outside of work and learn about her philosophies.     

Q: How did you get started in your career, and what inspired you to pursue this path?

A: My journey into nutrition science began as a serendipitous discovery when I initially assumed this major revolved around culinary arts and the pleasure of savoring delicious dishes. However, my enthusiasm for nutrition science truly ignited when I realized it not only exposed me to diverse and delightful food, but also enlightened me on integrating health into enjoyable meals. With the growing global interest in healthy eating, I embarked on my career in the food industry as a nutrition scientist. My goal is to contribute to the creation of solutions that can improve people's overall health through their daily dietary choices. 

Q: What are your passions outside of work, and how do these interests contribute to your overall well-being or influence your professional life? 

A: Outside of work, I love spending time with my family. We frequently engage in outdoor activities like hiking and enjoy preparing meals together. One of my favorite activities is decorating my daughter, like styling a Barbie doll. This time spent with my family not only brings joy and strengthens our bond, but also contributes significantly to my overall well-being. In terms of my professional life, these family activities indirectly contribute to my work-life balance. By dedicating time to my loved ones and engaging in enjoyable activities, I recharge mentally and emotionally, which allows me to approach my professional responsibilities with renewed energy and focus. 

Q: Do you have any personal or professional philosophies that you adhere to

A: As a nutrition scientist, I follow the 80/20 rule diet, which entails maintaining a healthy diet 80 percent of the time and allowing oneself a treat or indulgence for the remaining 20 percent. I believe that the 80/20 rule provides a balanced and flexible framework for dietary choices. It ensures that the majority of dietary patterns are health-promoting while allowing for occasional indulgences, contributing to physical well-being, mental satisfaction and a positive relationship with food. 


Q: What are some common nutrition misconceptions? 

A: One of the most common nutrition misconceptions is the belief that all calories are equal. While calorie intake is a factor in weight management, the source of calories matters. For instance, consuming dietary fat does not necessarily lead to weight gain. Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts and olive oil, are crucial for heart health. Similarly, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables provide dietary fibers, offering various physiological benefits. Unfortunately, in the U.S., people often fall short of the recommended fiber intake while including excessive amounts of refined grains, added sugar and other low-quality carbs in their diet. 

Interested in hearing more about nutrition from Dr. Cheng? Join her during the FI Global Webinar Series as she explores insights on evolving consumer demands, examines fiber's integral role in digestive health and talks through an optimized recipe example to see reformulation in action. Register today. 


About Junrui Cheng, Ph.D. 

Dr. Cheng acquired her M.S. and Ph.D. in Nutritional Epidemiology and Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition at Tufts University. Her research focuses on fiber, prebiotics, and their role in digestive health. She has more than 20 peer-reviewed publications, which were cited by hundreds of other research articles. Currently, Dr. Cheng is the Chair-Elect of the American Society of Nutrition, Nutrition Translation Research Interest Group. She joined Ingredion in 2022 as a Senior Nutrition Scientist. 

Pat Verduin

Public Board Member and Retired Chief Technology Officer at Colgate-Palmolive


Hope our paths cross when the board visits Bridgewater!


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