Next generation accreditation for diagnostic imaging

Next generation accreditation for diagnostic imaging

UKAS is delighted to announce that its accreditation of diagnostic imaging services has been further enhanced by the inclusion of the British Standard BS 70000 into the criteria used to assess and accredit imaging services.  There are now 47 services accredited to BS 70000 for diagnostic imaging services which has been awarded alongside their UKAS accreditation to the Quality Standard for Imaging, QSI.

As highlighted in Annex A of BS 70000: 2017, this national standard is applicable to diagnostic and interventional radiology, in addition to other science services in healthcare.  UKAS also uses this standard as the criteria to accredit Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering.

Whilst the application of BS 70000 to accreditation for imaging is new, the requirements of the standard will be very familiar to imaging services as they align very well to QSI.  This means that services have not had to implement changes to gain this accreditation.  Furthermore, the standard is aligned with the international standard used for medical laboratories, ISO 15189, which paves the way for diagnostic services to implement a single management system across multiple diagnostic disciplines.

UKAS accreditation for diagnostic imaging plays a crucial role in ensuring quality care and patient safety through thorough assessment by independent competent radiographers and radiologists.  UKAS has been delivering accreditation to diagnostic imaging services for over a decade using its robust assessment and accreditation process within its role as the sole National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom.  Delivery of government recognised accreditation requires UKAS to operate in accordance with international standards and to have access to expertise to conduct assessments and provide advice on the application of accreditation criteria.

UKAS has established an Imaging Technical Advisory Committee comprised of radiologists and radiographers and other interested parties to underpin the delivery of accreditation for imaging services. This committee is currently finalising a guidance document on the application of BS 70000:2017 to further amplify the requirements of the standard to assist its application.

UKAS has trained assessors that are independent and experienced radiographers, radiologists and sonographers, all of whom are currently working in, or recently retired from, clinical practice. This ensures our assessments are clinically-focused, and our assessment teams are able to demonstrate ongoing competence.

Ongoing accreditation with UKAS provides assurance to patients, staff and commissioners that a diagnostic service is operating to a high quality, with the best interests of the patient at the heart.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss the process in more detail, please do contact us at

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