Open Letter to Donald Trump

Open Letter to Donald Trump

Donald Trump has called out our government for being completely corrupt, and most people in this country (97% according to polls) agree with him. He's also complained about the media's propaganda. Our government is corrupted by money and crony capitalism. For this reason, I have written the following letter that I urge Trump supporters to spread far and wide:

Dear Mr. Trump,

I am worried about our country for the many crises we face. Not since the Civil War have we been so divided, never have our elections been so expensive. We need a revolution to fix the ballot box, gerrymandering, and to stop bribery. Let's fix these problems by getting organized.

Please urge Americans to use the Pledge for Honest Candidates to remove the corrupt representatives from office. Implore your volunteers to call or write the candidates running in 2016, asking them to take the Pledge. Throw out all those who refuse to sign it by voting in those who will. Then maybe we would have a Congress who actually works for us.

If Pledge-signers don't deliver on the Pledge, we have one other option: hold an Article V convention of the states to make the necessary changes to the Constitution. Wolf PAC is doing an excellent job of organizing volunteers across the country.

When you give a speech at your next rally, please tell them to google "Pledge for Honest Candidates" and see what happens.


Judy Frankel

Trump, Donald Trump, Trump for President, Pledge for Honest Candidates, 2016 election, campaign reform, lobbying, American Anti-Corruption Act, Citizens United, ballot, voting, Voting Rights, Renew Democracy Amendment, Represent.Us, congress, democrats, Democratic Party, republicans, Republican Party, POTUS, Presidential Election, Election 2016

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