Partners sought for ', Sport, Empire and Scotland' Project
Partners sought to research and explore Scottish Sport's historical links to Empire
Alongside Glasgow Life Museums, Equity Coach are explore a bid for funding to better research and showcase further Scottish Sport's historical links and origins in relation to the British Empire. In order for this project to be successful, we are looking for core partners who can form a diverse consortia that will deliver on the brief.
In particular, we are looking for individuals and organisations with a stake or interest in Scottish Sport that are interested in;
We expect to ensure that organisations and individuals taking part receive funding for their involvement in the project. We would however expect organisations to commit to supporting the bid process. This will include the pre meetings and in the drafting of the bid itself, and the provision of ideas to achieve its aims and objectives.
Why are we doing this?
In 2024 Glasgow Kelvinside Museum, partnering with CRER and University of Glasgow, attempted to explore the topic of ‘Sport, Empire and Scotland’ with academic and community partners.
As part of this, a call was made to those partners for contributions that could form part of an exhibition, event, or panel, for Black History Month.
In making this call for contributions, it became apparent that the area of Scotland’s sporting history in the context of empire is a significantly under-researched topic. Many of the contributions relate to the role Sport, Empire and Britain more widely.
As partners, we feel this is an area worthy of exploration. Many other sectors have embarked on similar exercises - including museums, galleries, heritage and the education sector. However for sport this is an area of our history and heritage that is not well understood.
Understanding our shared history through a critical lens is crucial to our understanding of racial inequalities, as well as the origins and foundations of our sporting systems.
The ability to explore this in more depth is critical to fostering understanding of the origins of many of the issues embedded in our structures and systems. This will enable new work to emerge in supporting sport to form new solutions and greater understanding and empathy, in its desire to ensure the structures of sport create a sense of belonging and equity for all that take part.
For those wishing to take part in the project
Please complete a simple expression of interest form at:
Expressions of interest should be completed by close of business, Monday 16th December 2024.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
Paul Reddish
Founder, Equity Coach
Nelson Cummins
Curator of Legacies of Slavery and Empire, Glasgow Life Museum