Project214: Restoring Brotherhood and Renewing Lives for Veterans

Project214: Restoring Brotherhood and Renewing Lives for Veterans

In a world where veterans often face challenges transitioning back to civilian life, Project214 emerges as a beacon of hope and support. This unique and heartfelt non-profit organization is dedicated to providing veterans with a sense of brotherhood and eliminating the struggles of feeling alone in the world. Through providing veterans with the necessary equipment, and organizing outdoor excursions, Project214 helps veterans regain their momentum and rediscover the joy of life.

In this article, we will dive into the transformative power of Project214, focusing on a 20+ mile, 3-day backpacking trip that taught me personally, that the power of Brotherhood, camaraderie, and personal growth, are just as important today as it was while in the service.

The Power of Project214:

Founded by veterans who understand first hand, the unique challenges that veterans face, Project214 aims to address the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of these brave individuals. The organization's name, derived from the military's designation for a veteran, signifies the strong bond shared by those who have served their country. Project214 recognizes that the sense of brotherhood experienced during military service can be lost upon returning to civilian life.

To restore this camaraderie and provide veterans with a support network, Project214 organizes outdoor excursions that encourage bonding, personal growth, and the development of coping mechanisms. By engaging in activities such as backpacking trips and Kayak trips, Veterans are given the opportunity to reconnect with nature, regain their self-confidence, and form lasting bonds with others who have shared similar experiences.

The Backpacking Trip That Changed Lives:

The transformative experience offered by Project214 was more impactful on me personally than anything else I had ever been a part of. This 20+ mile, 3-day backpacking trip, with 9 other fellow Veterans, was a true awakening that I will never forget. This challenging trip brought together a group of ten veterans who were in various places in their self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Each participant was supplied with the necessary equipment to navigate the rugged terrain, ensuring their safety and comfort, and maybe just a little bit of soreness, throughout the adventure.

The trip began with a sense of anticipation and excitement as we gathered at a local SP (Starting point). Packs were checked, and loaded into trucks, as we began our convoy to Cloudcroft NM. For 5 hours, we went from being strangers to practically best friends, having conversations about family, previous experiences, and other things in which should be kept in the confines of the truck and veterans minds. Under the guidance of Project214, we set off on a path that would not only test our physical endurance but also provide opportunities for deep reflection and connection. Driving through the picturesque landscapes, our group engaged in heart-to-heart discussions, sharing our stories, fears, and dreams with one another.

Camping under the starlit sky, enjoying the rain hitting our tents, and knowing that our veteran brothers were there with us, led to a nights sleep that was more restful than I had enjoyed in a long time. Project214 truly created a safe space for vulnerability and support. As the campfire flickered in my view before heading off to sleep each night, we shared experiences, offering advice and understanding to one another. This shared sense of brotherhood allowed us to open up about our struggles and find comfort in knowing that they we are not alone. There is something powerful about having other Veterans in your presence knowing that no matter what…… they would not judge you for your struggles.

The physical challenges of the backpacking trip also brought back memories that we were all able to laugh about. As we conquered the steep inclines, navigated the high altitudes, and overcame fatigue, we gained a renewed sense of mission, strength and determination. Together, we pushed our boundaries, proving to ourselves that we are capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes our way.


Project214's commitment to providing veterans with a sense of brotherhood and support is truly remarkable. Through outdoor excursions like the backpacking trip, I was able to be a part of, veterans are given the opportunity to reconnect with their inner strength, forge meaningful connections, and regain the camaraderie of fellow veterans. By eliminating the feeling of being alone and providing a safe space for open dialogue, Project214 plays a vital role in the healing and rejuvenation of veterans who have sacrificed so much for their country.

As the organization continues to expand its reach and impact, it is our hope that more veterans will benefit from the transformative experiences offered by Project214. By surfacing a sense of brotherhood, providing physically challenging activities, and supporting one another through them, Project214 is bringing true healing and renewal for veterans across the Permian Basin.

If you are a Veteran who has been fighting to find your place but has the drive and strength to hit the next level in your life, I can’t recommend it more. Project214 is not an organization for those who don't want to improve. Instead, I view them as the driving force that can help you reach the next level.

If this is where you are at in your journey, then I strongly urge you to reach out and see if you would be a good fit, for what they are doing for our veteran community.

Daniel Radabaugh.

Fantastic article and what an awesome organization and mission Daniel Radabaugh 🇺🇸

Ronald Bianco

Senior Geophysicist at Fasken Oil & Ranch


Well said brother. We're honored to have you and the other men in the project.

It doesn't get any better than veterans helping veterans.

Dwight Thevenot

USN Veteran, MBA, Manager, Game Developer, Nonprofit Director


It was a good weekend spent with great people for sure. Thanks for the tag Daniel Radabaugh. Project2Fourteen does it again.

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