The Psychology of Power: How Mystery Makes You Irresistible and Unpredictable & Unbeatable
Build Power And Become Powerful Through Creating Mystery Around You
The Art of Mystery and the art of being mysterious
In this article, you will learn the following
100+ Immutable Tips on How to Acquire Power by Creating Aura of Mystery Around You
12 Traits of A Mysterious Person – Traits That Can Trigger Mystery Around You -Check How Many You Have
Examples of Negative and positive types of Power acquired through building mystery
Your POWER - to influence, to impress, to convince, of authority and power of being perceived as powerful and knowledgeable – GETS WEAKENED significantly - When people believe that they know all about you.
You could be the best expert in your domain - still, people may take you lightly – in case you happen to be a doctor you can experience this phenomenon even in your family.
On the other hand – people with less knowledge and expertise – who can create an aura of mystery around them – acquire power much beyond their legitimate deserving levels.
The Psychology behind this is that – most people desire and want the qualities and things - that they don’t have AND those possessing these desirables -acquire a mystical figure-like status in their minds and perceptions – which has nothing to do with truth.
You can get plenty of examples confirming the above paragraph - you only have to look at politicians, bureaucrats, celebrity movie stars and celebrity Godmen/Godwomen, Religious Cult creators - as well as normal religious priests, etc.
Unfortunately, in India, some of these - famous current politicians, celebrity Gurus/Babas/ Godmen/Godwomen, as well as a few bureaucrats - are revered by women and the public and have acquired Demigod status.
Despite their having shady background and questionable past – including many convicted rapists, mass-murders, and people with heinous criminal pasts – still they are on exalted pedestals– such disgusting, shameful, pathetic moral values].
All the above examples are given to highlight the scenarios when unscrupulous elements acquire a mystical status.
In this article, you will learn - how you can acquire – a positive, resourceful, empowering, and role-model-like powerful mystical aura.
The Art of Mystery and the art of being mysterious has nothing to do with external show-off trappings – although a few of these people try to project an image through materialistic ways – by their expensive cars, dresses, accessories, and other materialistic possessions.
The art of being mysterious has, in fact, nothing to do with how rich, beautiful, or well-dressed you are – although these certainly help at times.
Then what creates an aura of mystery around people & What is it about them that appeals to us so much – is it a talent or gift you are born with – or a skill that can be learned – or is it a strategic game plan?
Talking about romantic relationships - Men don’t cultivate enough of this skill, competence, and expertise How to Be Mysterious While Dating a Woman They Like.
Let us understand what exactly defines mystery, and how can you cultivate in yourself an aura to captivate others, to elevate your gravitas & presence [also read my blog on leadership presence].
12 Traits of a Mysterious Person – Traits that can trigger mystery around you -check How many you have
1. They are generally unpredictable
2. Others find it difficult to typecast them in certain patterned characters
3. They show Flashes and Glimpses of great potential and promises
4. They display Calm Self-assured confidence – irrespective of what is happening around them
5. They have a Completely non-reactionary attitude
6. They project full Self-control in the face of provocations, temptations, and impulsive moments
7. They do not bother about what others say
8. They are fully comfortable with who they are
9. They never try to show off and never try to project something that they are not
10. They are Person of few words -when they speak – they convey very meaningful, powerful, and relevant perspectives
11. They are very good observers and wonderful listeners and demonstrate high levels of empathy
12. They demonstrate their understanding of - what is not spoken, what is not shown, and what is hinted AND what is most important
100+ Immutable Tips on How to Acquire Power by Creating Aura of Mystery Around You
1. Understand that talking too much – never creates an aura
2. Learn to speak in riddles [which you can explain – if need to in very simple to understand language]
3. Stop trying to give too many explanations - Revealing too much is counterproductive as it diminishes your mysterious aura
4. Give information in bits and pieces AND also on a need-to-know basis
5. Never think about gaining approval, acceptance, and appreciation – these are the consequences of your doing everything right as explained in this article
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6. Stop the urge to talk – share your story only when it is truly necessary
7. Develop this habit of mind to identify - what information to share and when – without being evasive or dishonest
8. Learn the fine art of striking a balance between being open and honest and leaving some things to the imagination of others
9. When you can develop an enigmatic nature about you – people are more intrigued and this increases your attraction quotient
10. Master the art of using sentences that can be interpreted in multiple ways – which could be downright naughty, playful to very meaningful, and value-adding – this skill can make people guess about your intentions and interests – especially women.
11. Human beings love mysteries and women especially find any person desirable who challenges their curiosity with elements of surprise and unpredictability
12. You should avoid clichéd lines and predictable behaviors - focus on creating a sense of intrigue by being subtle, holding back on information, leaving plenty of room for interpretation, and increasing your magnetic charm
13. Understand the combination of how to mix facts and fiction to Develop a mysterious yet alluring persona
14. Stand out from the crowd - Learn to think differently from the rest of the world – you need to master this skill to have different yet attractive perspectives that others have not thought about
15. Find creative ways to make even a normal event of your life sound so mystical and charming – without lying or being fake
16. Leave them wanting more after you have created curiosity and triggered wild imaginations
17. Here you have to understand that – you have to find your own style of conversation where you are open and honest about who you are – but leave few details – which can be imagined, interpreted, and perceived in multiple opposing ways
18. Develop, practice, and master the art of storytelling - Stories are a powerful tool for cultivating enigma – if told in the right way [read my blog on this]
19. You can use 80% truth with 20% imagination technique – that makes women want to know more about you - The allure of a mysterious man can be irresistible to women
20. Ensure that all that can be verified – is truth – so that it does not backfire on you
21. The key to finding the right balance is to be selective about what information you reveal and when to emphasize the details you want to share while leaving out the rest.
22. Develop a relaxed confident body language – master the art of looking in people’s eyes, making your eyes stick with a few for a little longer
23. Practice having a face with a calm smile or a poker face on which the expressions cannot be read
24. You can choose to give a few small pieces of personal information to build trust and create intimacy
25. Learn to speak more slowly than you do – pause for the effective and mix it with some pause of silence – to project confidence, thoughtfulness, and intelligence
26. Carefully choose your words and deliver them without rushing to finish
27. Use the technique the great standup comedians use
28. Be comfortable while remaining silent with a smiling calm face – use the power of silence [read my blog on how to sue this powerful tool]
29. When you are silent – not only introspect what you are going to say next BUT also look for the impact of your delivery so far – make course corrections in case you feel you have slipped on something
30. Give a chance to others and listen more closely to their thoughts and opinions to understand those around you better
31. At the same time - Don't be afraid to speak up when you have something relevant and powerful to say
32. Choose clothes which are comfortable and make you feel good about yourself to showcase your simple yet classy sophistication
33. Show interest through gestures, eye contact, and smile BUT make it look natural – to make the focus of your attention guessing about your intent
34. You have to learn to avoid coming across as overly eager at every cost by balancing showing your interest and also aloofness to cultivate an air of mystery and intrigue
35. Use asking questions that show the depth of your knowledge and understanding AND also that subtly show your interest [read my blog on this]
36. Be Passionate About Something Develop and pursue your passions to make you more interesting
37. You need to live a life where you spend time in your passions, hobbies, and interests – these make you unique – if possible, go for something adventurous or brainy and cultivate these to the level of experts - Let your hobbies and interests speak for themselves
38. Practice Refining your nonverbal communication skills and creating a match between your words and subtle signals that you are sending nonverbally
39. Work on yourself to become - trustworthy and dependable - Never gossip and do not reveal private matters or other people's secrets or betray anyone’s confidence
40. Be clear about and practice your core values
41. Learn to trust your instincts and make decisions based on your own intuition rather than seeking validation from others
42. Stop being easily Available or being too available – to avoid coming as needy, desperate, or overeager – this can be a major turnoff for many women
Read the remaining article as per the following details
This article was originally published as “The Enigma of Power: How Cultivating Mystery Can Make You Unbeatable “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles, and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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