Residual Income for Introductions

Residual Income for Introductions

Dear friends.

Here is a genuine opportunity for you or someone you care about.

Our family business cleans up databases one gentle phone call at a time. It's a very unique service everyone loves, and it's something we've been doing since 1998.

Time changes everything, including primary contacts, phone numbers, and email addresses. Before most companies even realize it’s happening, their client/customer/shareholder lists can change dramatically. People retire, companies merge, companies move, and important fields are suddenly incorrect or completely missing. All of a sudden, that coveted up-to-date contact list is a monster that only a phone call can fix.

That’s what we do.

I’m positive many of you can think of at least one person, company, or organization that could use our services. Most of you would happily recommend us for free.

But we truly believe our calling, is to help people who really need it. There are far too many highly-capable, well-connected retired salespeople and others working as greeters somewhere.

This is why we offer a paid referral program in exchange for simple introductions. If you like what our company does, and you refer us to someone who becomes a client, you will receive a residual check/cheque every month your referral utilizes our services.

All we are looking for is a simple introduction to people who might like what we do.

It’s that simple. No sales. No presentations. No fine print.

Just do what you would do for free.

I believe I am being guided somehow in this process. I know there are proud retirees and others out there who could really use some additional income. Some retirees currently assisting us, have dozens and sometimes hundreds of past customers and contacts who are thrilled to hear from them again. "What do you have to show me? How can I help you?"

85% of our business come to us this way. Natural Connectors who can confidently say, "You really need to take a look at what this company least have a talk with them."

Reality is, there are a lot of time-consuming gatekeepers out there. I'd rather pay a $300 referral fee than to spend a month trying to crawl to the decision-makers.

We are landing customers from all over North America. Customers we wouldn't even know existed without one of our Connectors setting up the initial talk.

This is a great program for all the right reasons. We can help a lot of people.

I would be delighted to hear from you or someone you care about who could use this.

If you want more information, please email me at or call me directly at (902)818-8807

In kindest regards,

Sean Tufford.

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