September Reading and Podcasts

I save articles and podcasts and select the best to share with my LinkedIn network; I've been doing this since June 2015. Topics include technology, leadership, industries, investing, fitness and productivity.

10 Questions to Ask Before Entering a Business Partnership - Excellent list of questions that applies to business partnerships and so much more.

NVIDIA’s Valuation and AI’s Negative Sum Game — with Aswath Damodaran - Love listening to Prof. Damodaran discuss markets and company valuation dynamics. Great conversation if you are interested in investing.

Fat loss cheat codes - Excellent list of things to do to loss weight the correct way.

How To Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life: Six Secrets From Research - Very entertaining article on the importance of sleep and strategies to improve.

lifehacks - I can't remember where I came across this list but I love it!

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