The Simulation is Nearer than we Think!
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The Simulation is Nearer than we Think!

My thoughts as to why I for one believe we are most certainly living in a Simulation, but why I am also convinced we will create a full blown Simulation by only 2050, out of no choice, as humanness itself inevitably deprecates.

The following Coindesk Opinion Article link below catalyses my thoughts, of how I see our human future by only 2050, further to previous perspective articles I have written here on Linkedin. " The Metaverse Is Coming, Companies Need to Prepare "

So briefly....

The world is changing exponentially! The best we can do, is learn how to live with this exponential change. Maybe we figure out how to slow it down a bit, as we learn how to live with it.

Everything I learned in 2006, 10 years after the advent of the internet itself is now happening at alarming speed. To understand this transience, try to think of it like this...

Before the internet was commercialised from 1995 onwards, we lived in an analog world. Then we morphed into the digital world, the first stage of a kind of SINGULARITY. From then onwards, evolution of everything started to become exponential and no longer linear.

This is fundamentally what needs to be understood. Fast forward from 1995 to 2008 and the Blockchain was born, with Bitcoin as the first cryptocurrency built on an immutable distributed ledger. However, the blockchain is simply the next membrane following the internet, that everything from hence onwards has to be built on, towards an inevitable TRANSHUMANISM.

All of this is going to sound somewhat disconcerting for many, however evolution of everything can simply not be stopped. It is up to humans to decide how all these technologies should be organised for the benefit and coherence of humankind and the mother earth we live in.

The METAVERSE is now the next big paradigm, catalysed by Blockchain, Crypto, Tokens, NFTs and AI. Everything is going to converge, including Neurological evolution that upgrades humans toward Transhuman.

Already, Gen Z is creating their own reorganisation of finance, behaviour and new economies that will emerge in the Metaverse for work, living, business and play. Like AI expert Hugo De Garis used to say in 2006, it is highly likely human kind is going to split in two. There will be those who chose to upgrade to all these technologies, including biotechnologies such as CRISPR and those who choose not to.

The mRNA vaccine solution, is simply the first stage towards human upgrading and modification through Gene Therapy as a first step. 5G will now catalyse everything exponentially, so by only 2030, human behaviour towards everything will be entirely different from what we see today. To the extent that humans will morph into the Metaverse, that in my opinion is the first step towards a complete Simulation Environment by 2050.

Just imagine the computing power we are going to have by 2050? In the Metaverse, you can use NFTs as Avatars to navigate this new virtual ecosystem around all kinds of economies and experiences. You can be whatever you choose to be in the Metaverse.

Now, for the first time, I am beginning to understand as I previously wrote in an article here on Linkedin, why civilisations will create a SIMULATION.

Very simply, as much as I love these technologies, I also realise we are loosing our humanness. To an extent in my mind, it plausibly explains the FERMI PARADOX. To re-experience our natural humanness of what life was like before advent of the internet in 1995, the only way to do this, will be to RENDER the PAST.

I personally call this RENDERED REALITY of which I would like our startup BC to extensively research once we raise our BlockchainValley Regulated Token Offering Funding for 4th Industrial Revolution purposes. Visit to learn more.

Rendered Reality should be able to use Artificial Intelligence to render past environments uniquely for humans as a service. I have been immersing myself back in the 1980´s I grew up with before the internet and mobile phones existed, and I realise the fundamental humanness difference of socialization, behaviour and interactivity all now gone!

But here is where it gets very interesting...

Those past situations can be re-experienced through Rendered Reality. Yes, you can go back through RR to immerse yourself in the past and alter timelines for your experience.

If you watch Hang the DJ, a Black Mirror Episode , that is a symptom of how a Reality is Rendered for YOU!! Go see it if you haven’t seen it on Netflix.

So in a sense, as we lose more and more of our human social interactions, now captivated by mobile phone addiction, social media, the GREAT RESET and all the technologies that are inevitable to human evolution towards transhumance, we should be able to render the past with these technologies. So basically, you can one day experience any past environment as you so choose.

You can go and experience what it was like to live in the Victorian 1800s if that is what you want, through RR. Very different from VR.

Then if it really does turn out that we can upload our minds to cyberspace which looks more and more plausible, starting with Neuralink upgrades for instance, and by the way, using CRISPR to extend our lives for decades, then you start to see why the SIMULATION as per Nick Bostrum´s Simulation Argument is the most likely END GAME.

It is in my mind why your dreams feel emotional, because they are plausibly real of an infinite version of YOU, living in infinite SIMULATIONS created by our Descendants.

Phew 😅 Morpheus thinks all this leads to multiple lives at exponential scale 😁.

Get ready, because 2030 alone is going to BLOW OUR MINDS! Never mind what life looks like by only 2050 🌿

Further Reading:

I Want My Daughter to Live in a Better Metaverse -

The metaverse could be beautiful. But left unchecked, it will further fragment reality and make us even more polarized:

Reality Might Be a Simulation, Scientists Think It’s Possible to Find out for Sure -

Samuel Crabbe

CEO @ Omaxx SC Limited | PhD in Business Administration


Robert, insightful points! At Omaxx, we value thoughtful discussions like this. Thanks for sharing your perspective!

Robert Tayo Haastrup-Timmi

Founder & CVO at Blockchain Company - Morpheus thinks


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