Three tips to raise your profile

Three tips to raise your profile

In France, self promotion is almost considered a bad word, especially for women. We are notoriously bad at self promotion compared to men. However, if you are a member of the Professional Women's Network (PWN), you will already be aware of the importance of this skill. Here are three tips to help you raise your own profile and help us get the message out there. The world needs to know about all of our fantastic achievements.

  • Sharing, Liking, Commenting, Engaging

Are you using your PWN annual subscription to its full potential? PWN is an excellent platform to raise your profile outside your current employer or your own business. By liking, sharing, commenting and engaging with our community, you will meet friends, create fresh contacts and start collaborating on new projects. Women often say to me that they don’t have time to attend events, so this is the perfect solution by following our events through live tweets, asking questions live and joining discussions in our Linkedin group. Share your experiences and learn from your sisters from behind your computer screen. It’s that easy. Make sure you are connected to the PWN Paris Group in LinkedIn and are following us on Twitter @PWNParis.

Join the party!

  • Blogging

You’re desperate to tell the world about your latest idea, your thoughts about the change that is going on in your industry or how you feel about women in the workplace. Why not write an article for PWN’s newsletter? Your blog posting will reach the entire network of 800 women. Of course, you wouldn’t dream of sending a dull commercial pitch. We know you’re better than that. This is your perfect opportunity to share deep content and thought provoking materials to your peers and raise your own profile. You can submit your article to Valerie Marchand

  • Networking

This is sometimes the toughest part for women, where daily family and professional commitments don’t leave any time for evening events. If this is your case, set yourself an objective. Even one networking event per month is better than none. You may consider breakfast appointments and lunches if evenings are just too tough. Let this next dinner at the Senate with Daniele Linhart be your networking event of the month where she will talk about the “search for a meaningful life and your "true" place at work”. Little else can be more important than that! Subscribe here

This article was originally posted in the PWN Paris Newsletter November 2016

Mary B. Adams

Content strategy, editorial strategy, copywriting, communications strategy, editing, proofreading


I agree with Mike. And worth a share!


Communication Strategist and Consultant; Founder, #WeLeadComms


Good advice, as always (even if you aren't a woman)

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