Try Me Out

Try Me Out

I have spent hundreds (perhaps thousands!?) of hours exploring how to call in love. 

When I was single I read the books, listened to the podcasts and even interviewed experts on my own podcast trying to find the secret to calling in love.

Since meeting my guy (now husband) I’ve spend hundreds of hours getting to grips with exactly what I did to become a magnet for love so that I could share that knowledge, experience and wisdom with other women.

I’ve written thousands of words on the subject, created trainings and filmed courses. 

30% of the women that have come to me to meet their guy are already in relationships! All the women I have coached on love and relationship have deepened their relationship with themselves and healed their hearts and childhood wounds to such a profound degree that they are feeling the self confidence, self worth and self trust to put themselves out there in a way that they never dreamed possible. They’re all improving relationship with friends, children, parents and colleagues along the way too - a nice bonus!

Some women that I work with aren’t sure if they want to be in a relationship but know they want to have a better relationship with themselves in order to make that decision. 

Some women that I work with would like to meet someone but they know they need to emotionally and mentally prepare themselves first because they don’t want to bring the baggage of their past into their desired new relationship. 

Some women I work with are super keen to be with someone but want to attract in a different kind of man and know they need to focus on what’s going on for them that’s had them attracting in the ‘wrong men’.

All of the women I work with desire to trust themselves more and they want to feel more worthy of the kind of love they desire. They want to feel empowered around dating and their ability to be in a healthy relationship. 

I was all of those women!! Once upon a time I didn’t know if I could ever love again. Skip forward a bit and I was open to the idea but attracting in wrong men for me. Fast forward a little more and I realised that the kind of guy I wanted was so incredible that I needed to deepen my self belief and self worth to be the vibrational match for him. It was a journey home to my empowered feminine!

The journey to meeting your guy is a journey to meeting yourself. I call that your ‘Daring & Mighty Self’! There are levels and layers to that but no matter where you are at, my work can and will support you.

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I invite you to ‘try me out’. My FREE 5-day challenge is a chance to get to know me, my approach and style. You can test drive my most foundational work and experience the empowerment that comes from being supported by someone who really cares, has been where you are and knows where you desire to be.‘Meet Your Soul Mate’ starts on Monday.

Don’t miss out!

Here’s the link to join >

Katie xx

Nefertiti Heru

Game-Changer Love Coach (游戏改变者爱情教练)


good work katie!


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