(Un) Spreading Yourself Too Thin: Persistence, Presence, Purpose, & Power

(Un) Spreading Yourself Too Thin: Persistence, Presence, Purpose, & Power

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you ever spread yourself too thin?

Being an entrepreneur can be a great challenge and an even greater gift. It’s an ongoing, dynamic experience: rewarding and difficult... joyous and miserable... heaven, hell, and everything in between.

Whether you’re just getting started or have been walking the path for awhile, every day offers a range of experiences that interact, interplay, and impact your emotions, state of mind, and responses.

When things are good, great! But when they’re not good, well… ugh.

And regardless of good, bad, or anything in between, you still have to get things done.

So I’d like to share a few approaches that I take to make it all happen. In a nutshell, it comes down to persistence, presence, purpose, and power.

By doing these things, I can ditch the stress, love my business, and make a difference.

Here’s how they look...

One of the first things I do is discover what I can from like-minded people. A great way to do this right now is from the Wholehearted Entrepreneurs Telesummit. (I’ll say more about this in a moment.)

Next, it’s connecting to your inner sense of purpose, what brings you joy, and what’s most meaningful in your life.

Finally, I keep (un) spreading myself too thin by doing these 10 things (and I invite you to do them as well).

1. Being consistent with mindfulness/meditation/etc. (daily, even if only for one minute).
2. Staying focused on where you want to go. (Don’t get stuck on how to get there.)
3. Staying in your regular routine as much as possible. If you’re off, get back to it. Be persistent. (More and more daily success = long term success.)

4. Planning your week. And plan for your next day (the night before or in the early am).
5. Using the 80/20 rule. What 20% of your to-do's will move you forward more than the other 80%? Prioritize those. Then from the 80% drop whatever you can, and handle all the rest in the right order.
6. Relaxing. Breathing deeply. Not rushing. Not forcing things. (And if your gut/intuition tells you not to do something, take heed.)
7. Recognizing that you're a superstar and the Universe (God/your Higher Self/as you like) presents you with exactly what you can handle.

8. Flooding your radar with goodness.
9. Failing fabulously over and over again.
10. Finding ways to celebrate successes (big and small ones) every single day, even moment-to-moment.

I’ve been running my own business since 2009 and these are the 10 things I keep doing to make it happen. Again, persistence, presence, purpose, and power.

As I shared, I also discover what I can from like-minded people. To that end, I’ll be kicking off the Wholehearted Entrepreneurs Telesummit. It brings together 21 experts (including me) to share our advice and strategies for building a business that brings you the freedom and fulfillment you want (and deserve).

You'll get pragmatic tools, inspiration, guidance, and real-life examples of how to build a business that matters.

(Like what I’ve shared above... and so much more.)

Click here to get access to this incredible resource right now.

May all that I’ve shared here support you and your journey of success and positive impact.




If you feel like you're ready to play YOUR game, this is your opportunity to create a full-on, passion-filled, make-a-huge-impact business!


Like I said, I’m kicking off the Telesummit (Monday 4/17) and my interview will only be available for 48 hours. So don’t wait… sign up today!

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