Goal Getters Squad

Goal Getters Squad

Professional Training and Coaching

Believe, Achieve, Succeed. Set your goals and take actions towards reaching them.

About us

Not hitting those targets and goals you set for yourself? Do you keep thinking 'I could do better?' Well, now's your chance! With the help of our Goal Getters Squad. What's that and how will it help me, I hear you cry? It's a supportive peer group of no more than 4 other business owners, all setting goals and holding each other to account, by taking part it will help you to achieve your goals. In fact, according to a study, you are 95% more likely to achieve your goals being part of a group, than trying to go it alone. It’s a safe place to ask for and share advice and experiences. We’re all on your side and spurring you on. So, what does it entail? ✔️A GGS Accountability pack, to record your progress ✔️4 meetings over a 3-month period ✔️1 mid meeting, 1-2-1 catch up calls ✔️2 catch up texts ✔️peer support and encouragement ✔️3-5 goals achieved at the end of 90 days ✔️useful tips and advice shared regularly Just to be clear, here's what it's not! ❌for you if you're not committed ❌for you if you’re looking for friends ❌for you if you think you can do it by yourself We’re here to help you achieve success, simple.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
2-10 employees
Business , BusinessSupport , BusinessAccountability, GoalSetting, Goals, GoalGetters, Accountability, Goal , BelieveInYourBusiness, Achieve , and BusinessOwners

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