Research Services

CTN European Project Office

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OPEUMAR de CTN se dedica a buscar financiación y socios para la elaboración, ejecución y difusión de proyectos I+D+i.

Research Services
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2-10 employees


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    🌊 Meet out Partner Coral Soul!     May we introduce you to Coral Soul, the partner of the EFFECTIVE project dedicated to deep coral reef restoration in Northern Sardinia. Their mission is to monitor, recover, and conserve Mediterranean gorgonian coral reefs through innovative underwater methodologies and active community engagement.     👩🔬 Meet the Team:     Marina Palacios Miñambres: Director & Co-Founder  Zaida Parra: Project Coordinator & Co-Founder  Gian Mario Pitzianti: Local Technician, Biologist     Coral Soul says that "the EFFECTIVE project represents a breakthrough in the integration of scientific knowledge and the implementation of direct actions to boost the sustainable management and recovery of marine ecosystems, through innovative and technological solutions based on nature, of which we are proud to be a part." 💙    Learn everything about our partner in 🔗 https://bit.ly/49RHe52     And stay tuned as we dive deeper into our partnership with Coral Soul and the impact of our collaborative efforts! 🐳    #EFFECTIVEProject #MarineConservation #CoralReefRestoration #CommunityEngagement #CoralSoul 

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the EU – constituting over 99% of all businesses! 💡👔📈     They play a pivotal role, creating 85% of new jobs and contributing about three-fifths of the EU's value added.     For SMEs aiming to grow and innovate, access to finance is essential. EU financing programs offer various forms of repayable finance to support them, including:     🔹 Loans  🔹 Guarantees  🔹 Equity investments     These financial resources are accessible through local, regional, or national authorities, as well as financial intermediaries such as banks and venture capital funds.     Join the 550 SMEs in the EU benefiting from loans and equity financing daily!     Explore the Access to Finance website for further details → https://lnkd.in/eBUpQPSe     #EUfunding #EuropeanUnion #entrepreneurship 

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    🆕 UN Ocean Decade Travel Grants Available for PREP4BLUE Satellite Events – Deadline to Apply: March 26 ⏰ NOTES FROM THE PREP4BLUE TEAM 👇   💡PREP4BLUE will fund 18 travel grants covering accommodation and per diem (14 burses up to 500 euros and 4 burses up to 550 euros) for participation in one of the satellite events cohosted by PREP4BLUE during the UN Ocean Decade Conference events. 📍Selection criteria are the following: past and current involvement with the Ocean Decade, background on activities promoting citizen engagement with the oceans and waters, being invited as a speaker at one of the four satellite events, motivation statement. 📍We will review each application carefully, and responses will be provided only to those who will receive the funding. 📍 Selected applicants should be able to pay in advance their accommodation expenses, which will be reimbursed after participation in the satellite event by providing a legal accommodation receipt issued to the participant's name. 📧 Further information will be e-mailed to the selected applicants. Learn more and apply 👇at https://lnkd.in/eXsF4xuV

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    📢 Durante el día 28 de febrero tuvo lugar en el Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar - CTN un encuentro B2B, donde distintos habilitadores tecnológicos, pymes, autónomos y emprendedores intercambiaron información en busca de un beneficio recíproco. 🔹 Distintas empresas de las zonas costeras de España asistieron a este evento con el objetivo de ofrecer soluciones tecnológicas a empresas interesadas en sus servicios de transformación digital, generando un ambiente de networking durante esta sesión, estableciendo así diferentes sinergias entre las organizaciones que participaron en la misma. ¡Fomentando la transformación digital sin límites! 🚀 Las actuaciones están financiadas por el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia a través de los fondos Next Generation EU, en el marco de la agenda España Digital 2025 y el Plan de Digitalización de Pymes 2021-2025. Red.es Acelera pyme  #OficinasAcelerapyme #CTN #PlandeDigitalizacióndePymes#Acelerapyme#NextGenerationEU#PlandeRecuperación#Emprendedores#Autónomos#Españadigital2026#TransformaciónDigital #ComercioLocal #Networking #B2B 

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    This is the day.     From now on, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 online platforms have to play by the rules of the Digital Services Act – in addition to the very large online platforms and search engines.     Our landmark rulebook will make the online environment safer, fairer, and more transparent by:     ⏩ countering illegal content, goods, and services;  ⏩ banning sensitive data use for targeted ads;  ⏩ protecting minors, including a ban on the use of their personal data for profiling or targeted ads;  ⏩ providing information about advertisements, such as why the ads are being shown to them;  ⏩ ensuring effective and transparent content moderation;  ⏩ and more.     Together with National Digital Services Coordinators, we will ensure all platforms respect the rules.    Europe has now the tools to protect its fundamental values online.    Discover how 👉 https://lnkd.in/d3XFTakB     #DSA #EUDelivers 

    • A visual depicting the stars of the EU flag, with six of them replaced (from the top, clockwise): a ringing bell with the text “Time’s up!” on top; a lock; a sketched thieved under a crossed circle; a shield with a tick at the centre; a magnifying glass over a document; and the word “AD” under a crosse circle. At the centre of the circle is the text: “The Digital Services Act applies now!
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    🇪🇸 📢 ¡No te pierdas el «I Summit de NBS para la Economía Azul»! Sumérgete en este evento, organizado por el Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar - CTN y con la colaboración de INFO Región de Murcia, en el que la industria se encontrará con la naturaleza y la innovación liderando el camino hacia la sostenibilidad marina. 🐠 Explora soluciones innovadoras basadas en la naturaleza, participa en el debate sobre la Economía Azul y descubre el potencial de las soluciones digitales. Asegura tu plaza en este encuentro internacional que reunirá a líderes en investigación, tecnología e industria, además de la Administración, para transformar la conservación marina y costera. Conoce los desafíos y contribuye a la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles donde convergen la naturaleza y la innovación. 🤝 Además, el «I Summit de NBS para la Economía Azul» contará con un B2B "Brokerage Event", organizado por la Oficina Acelera Pyme CTN, oportunidad única para generar nuevos negocios y contactos estratégicos, además de fomentar la cooperación tecnológica en este campo de actividad tan específico. ¡Únete a una comunidad comprometida con un futuro resiliente y socialmente responsable para nuestros mares! 💙 Inscripciones: https://lnkd.in/dzkAtRP8 Las actuaciones de la Oficina Acelera pyme de CTN, iniciativa de Red.es, están financiadas por el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia a través de los fondos Next Generation EU, en el marco de la agenda España Digital 2025 y el Plan de Digitalización de Pymes 2021-2025. ----------------------------------------- 🇬🇧 📢 Don't miss the "I Summit on NBS for the Blue Economy"! Immerse yourself in this event organized by Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar with the collaboration of INFO Región de Murcia, where industry meets nature, and innovation leads the way towards marine sustainability. 🐠 Explore nature-based innovative solutions, participate in the discussion on the Blue Economy, and discover the potential of digital solutions. Secure your participation in this event organized by the Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar, bringing together leaders in research, technology, and industry to transform marine and coastal conservation. Learn about challenges and contribute to the search for sustainable solutions at the intersection of nature and innovation. 🤝 In addition, the "I Summit on NBS for the Blue Economy" will feature a B2B "Brokerage Event" a unique opportunity to generate new business and strategic contacts while fostering technological cooperation in this specific field. Join a community committed to a resilient and socially responsible future for our seas! 💙 Registration: https://lnkd.in/dCPGyJcM #CTN #ISummitNBS #SaveTheDate #Sustainability #MarineConservation #SustainableFuture #Innovation #BlueEconomy #NBS #Sostenibilidad #Innovación #EconomíaAzul #SectorNaval #IndustriaMarítima #BrokerageEvent #OficinaAcelerapymeCTN

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    ¿Do you know POSEIDON project? 🛳 POSEIDON aims at demonstrating the applicability of 3 innovative fast-response energy storage systems in waterborne transport addressing their on-board integration, cost-competitiveness, efficiency and safety, in relevant environments. Funded by the European Commission within the call “Clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes”, as a Research and Innovation Action, POSEIDON has a duration of 48 months starting on January 2023. POSEIDON is developed by a consortium made up of 11 partners from 5 EU Member States, coordinated by Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar - CTN. Partners count with broad expertise in relevant areas covering all the value chain of the waterborne transport, from research stages until ship operation. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Baleària, CIEMAT, Cyclomed, Damen, #Efesto, OCEM Power Electronics, TECHNO PRO HISPANIA S.L., CERN and Antec Group set up this team. 🔝 If you want to know some more information about this exciting project, go to POSEIDON website. 😊 🖇 https://lnkd.in/da3yC6sm #POSEIDONproject #InnovativeESS #EnvironmentalManagement #DisruptiveTechnologies




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    🇪🇸 📢 ¡No te pierdas el «I Summit de NBS para la Economía Azul»! Sumérgete en este evento, organizado por el Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar - CTN y con la colaboración de INFO Región de Murcia, en el que la industria se encontrará con la naturaleza y la innovación liderando el camino hacia la sostenibilidad marina. 🐠 Explora soluciones innovadoras basadas en la naturaleza, participa en el debate sobre la Economía Azul y descubre el potencial de las soluciones digitales. Asegura tu plaza en este encuentro internacional que reunirá a líderes en investigación, tecnología e industria, además de la Administración, para transformar la conservación marina y costera. Conoce los desafíos y contribuye a la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles donde convergen la naturaleza y la innovación. 🤝 Además, el «I Summit de NBS para la Economía Azul» contará con un B2B "Brokerage Event", organizado por la Oficina Acelera Pyme CTN, oportunidad única para generar nuevos negocios y contactos estratégicos, además de fomentar la cooperación tecnológica en este campo de actividad tan específico. ¡Únete a una comunidad comprometida con un futuro resiliente y socialmente responsable para nuestros mares! 💙 Inscripciones: https://lnkd.in/dzkAtRP8 Las actuaciones de la Oficina Acelera pyme de CTN, iniciativa de Red.es, están financiadas por el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia a través de los fondos Next Generation EU, en el marco de la agenda España Digital 2025 y el Plan de Digitalización de Pymes 2021-2025. ----------------------------------------- 🇬🇧 📢 Don't miss the "I Summit on NBS for the Blue Economy"! Immerse yourself in this event organized by Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar with the collaboration of INFO Región de Murcia, where industry meets nature, and innovation leads the way towards marine sustainability. 🐠 Explore nature-based innovative solutions, participate in the discussion on the Blue Economy, and discover the potential of digital solutions. Secure your participation in this event organized by the Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar, bringing together leaders in research, technology, and industry to transform marine and coastal conservation. Learn about challenges and contribute to the search for sustainable solutions at the intersection of nature and innovation. 🤝 In addition, the "I Summit on NBS for the Blue Economy" will feature a B2B "Brokerage Event" a unique opportunity to generate new business and strategic contacts while fostering technological cooperation in this specific field. Join a community committed to a resilient and socially responsible future for our seas! 💙 Registration: https://lnkd.in/dCPGyJcM #CTN #ISummitNBS #SaveTheDate #Sustainability #MarineConservation #SustainableFuture #Innovation #BlueEconomy #NBS #Sostenibilidad #Innovación #EconomíaAzul #SectorNaval #IndustriaMarítima #BrokerageEvent #OficinaAcelerapymeCTN

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